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How Somali's ask for the hand of a bride-to-be

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Sida Gabdhaha la isuu waydiistoo ( among differnt communities in the Somali nation)


Where I live


"Asalaamu calaykum. I, represenitng our boy Liiban Dahir Yusuf, hereby ask for the hand of your esteemed daughter Nimco Jaamac Kooreeye. Inaad na siisaan ood noo meherisaan ayaan idin waydiisanaynaa."




I have never been to Muqdisho, but Dr. Abdullahi tells me that he once attended one similar occassion; and the man who was representing the groom-to-be [poiniting his hand to the boy sitting to his left] said:


"Aqyaarta, waa la idin salaamay. Xariifkan sitting to my left Iikar aa la dhahaa! Jeesto aas ku magac dheer yahay. Xarfaantiina Fardows aas u kulul yahay. Maxaa ka qabtaan haddaan isugu toosino?"


Is it true? I find it less formal but more candid.

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"Aqyaarta, waa la idin salaamay. Xariifkan sitting to my left Iikar aa la dhahaa! Jeesto aas ku magac dheer yahay. Xarfaantiina Fardows aas u kulul yahay. Maxaa ka qabtaan haddaan isugu toosino?"


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"Aqyaarta, waa la idin salaamay. Xariifkan sitting to my left Iikar aa la dhahaa! Jeesto aas ku magac dheer yahay. Xarfaantiina Fardows aas u kulul yahay. Maxaa ka qabtaan haddaan isugu toosino?"



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LOL..What will be the reaction,if Fardows elders are from your neck of the woods yaa Abtigiis?


Naw! ..........The confusion it will cause,and offence too.Heh

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

[ Xarfaantiina Fardows aas u kulul yahay. Maxaa ka qabtaan haddaan isugu toosino?"


Is it true? I find it less formal but more candid.

lOL geel miyaa hada isku toosino kulahaa

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

^ Xarfaantan KK ayaantan waa la waaye, se

Waaye dheh hadaa lahjada xamariga canjileesid smile.gif

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Tolow KK maxay odhan ?? ,,,

Waadh waxaan odhanayo malehee dhinacaa naga istaag baan ku idhi, waaxay wuxu!



Xarfaantan KK ayaantan waa la waaye, se weeye camal?

A&T, waa jooga lee walaalkiis...Maxaa ma iraadineysay? Yaa kuu caga jugleeyay labadaan bari iisheeg aan dhaga u laabee? :D


Waaye dheh hadaa lahjada xamariga canjileesid

Niikiyoow, iska daa adi weeye diisa gidaarada hakula dhecee... :D


Horta, teeda kale waxaa iga su'aal ah, A&T adi wax kasto aa soo maqasho ma SOL baa ula soo orodaa? I can just see you saying to yourself markii wax laguu sheego 'I wait to ask SOL members about this, bal mar uu iisuga in taan compudharkii ka kor tagi doono'...



Buuxo, reer xamarkeena dadka ugu ilbaxsan aan nahay, waa iska qaraaraan reer miyiga ha u bixin...Waxaas caadiyoos waaye nooh walaashiis...

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"Aqyaarta, waa la idin salaamay. Xariifkan
sitting to my left
Iikar aa la dhahaa! Jeesto aas ku magac dheer yahay. Xarfaantiina Fardows aas u kulul yahay. Maxaa ka qabtaan haddaan isugu toosino

Sitting to my left buu yiri? They spoke somenglish in hamar eh? smile.gif


These silly stereos smile.gif

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