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How Somali's ask for the hand of a bride-to-be

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politics waxba ha aadin. niman isla weynoo in ay ayaga kaligood wax kala garanayaan isu qabaa jooga.

Meshaas gardaro garab og baa joogta, calashaan "Gurbaan ama garabkaa hakuugu jiro ama gacalkaa hakuu haayo". General Duke oo Libaax-Sanka-Taabte hoosta iska ogyihiinbaa jooga e iskaga joog awoowe.

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Haye waa aragtay baan fili tan JB ku dhacday markuu yiri ninkan A&T-ah waa laga waalayaa :D ..


Aaayar soco hadaa, intuusan adna kugu alamiinteen..

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^Xiin, sheekadaa igga dhaafe ku aawey oo miyaad registar-gareys meeshii iyada ahayd?


dhankayga, I'll be doing that soon I'A and will be taking at Minneapolis location. Bal warkaaga hala maqlo aan isla qaqabane e.

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^^Waryee isku kaaya keen. Ragi waa shaah, dumarna waa sheeko :D saaxiib!


Bishaaro, A & T weli waan ka shakisannahay, ninku waa gananyahay sidii gammuunkii.

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LoL@topic. Some people need to lighten up.


Originally posted by Abdiladiif:

^Xiin, sheekadaa igga dhaafe ku aawey oo miyaad registar-gareys meeshii iyada ahayd?


dhankayga, I'll be doing that soon I'A and will be taking at Minneapolis location. Bal warkaaga hala maqlo aan isla qaqabane e.

I am curious about waxa aad oday Xiin isla qabanqaabineysaan oo isku kiin keenay :D

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