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Johnny B

10 Phrases To Avoid With Muslims?

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Johnny B   

1. "The Clash of Civilizations"

2. "Secular"

3. "Assimilation"

4. "Reformation"

5. "Jihadi"

6. "Moderate"

7. "Interfaith"

8. "Freedom"

9. "Religious Freedom"

10. "Tolerance"


Phrases you'd remove or Add?

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  • Sell Outs
  • Self Hating People e.g. Hating were your forefathers come from and what they were










  • Johnny B

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Johnny B   

Sell-outs ? fine ..

Self-hating people ?.. fine ..


Johnny B ?.. why?!



PS.. Is it a matter of Where our forefathers came from and what they were Vs Where their forefathers came from and what hey were?


Them , being 'The West'?

Did i read you right? if yes .. Sheikh Bum Bum is back . icon_razz.gif

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Johnny B   

Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

Progressive Muslims.I hate, absolutely abhor this phrase.

Why ? Islam encourages progress,improvement , change etc etc ... NO?



How about "Moderate Muslims" ?

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Islam is all that you mentioned walaalo but everytime I see those "progressive" Muslims, they're nothing but a bunch of confused people pretending that the sharia law doesnt apply to them. Islam is complete. Perfect way of life. It's the people who need to change not the religion. I also hate the phrase "modern" and "moderate" because of the context they're used by the Western media. To them "modern" means one will fully assimilate to the host community so much so that you can't tell the difference. It's like the Jewish co-worker arranging "secret Santa" club for his Christian co-workers or the Muslim husband putting gifts under the Christmass tree in the office. Tolerance doesnt mean you dont differ in beleifs and idiology, it means you dont harm another human being because they're different. "Progressive" or "modern" muslims confuse the two.

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^Blame it on the ignorance level. People want to please others so badly and more than they want to learn or acknowledge what's in the religion they claim to follow.


Johnny, atheism must be dull and boring. You're so obsessed with anything Islam.

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

1. "The Clash of Civilizations"

2. "Secular"

3. "Assimilation"

4. "Reformation"

5. "Jihadi"

6. "Moderate"

7. "Interfaith"

8. "Freedom"

9. "Religious Freedom"

10. "Tolerance"


Phrases you'd remove or Add?



"Hi, I'm an apostate"


"I love the French"


"Do you watch Fox News?"

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^ In that case , how about we add:


"I'm a 'muslim' douche"


"no, I'm only obligated to my leader not Allah"




"I have 70 virgins waiting for me, why do I want a family in this hell hole, paradise awaits".

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Johnny B   

Choco, That was pretty much All the list. :D


You seem to have had a bad experience with people that you class ( categorize ) as 'Progressive Muslims'.

Can you name one that could be internationally recognized so we can evaluate your judgement of them?

Do you abide by Sharia-Law or Constitutional-Law ?


Can assimilation to a host Community be gauged by the number of religious cermonies you can intract with ?

If your neighbour's ( a host community native ) husband picks your husband from the Mosque on their way to the Golf-club or he joins your Husband on an Eid-feast at your place, would you consider it full assimilation into your community?



how about if you get ONLY 69 virgins?

Would that matter?!

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C&H, don't be defensive, just answer the question. Adigu maxaad aheyd? Moderate muslimah/conservative muslimah? Inoo sheeg, why else would you dog other muslims for holding liberal positions?


I'E, did you know that progressives believe in following the Qur'an but they also believe in using logic and reason, while at the same time having moralists among them? C'mon eedo, you can do better than that, especially if you are as vocal as you were earlier.

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