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I am not proud to be Somalian

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Is like the Donkey that thaught it was a zebra or was it horse. once a donkey always a donkey, so once a Somali always a Somali .. it will stay with u wheather u like it or not.

Just ask anyone what colour Micheal Jackson .. white will not be the answer u will get

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1) u statless

Gaala wadaankeeni jabisey.


2) u nt care dhulkaaga

Dhulkayga waan jaceylahay


3) Qabiil Qabiil ayaa isku disheen(very low minded ppl)

Waligay qof qabiil ku maan dileen, gacaan ku dhigloo ma nahiin wa ku sideey? warlords and killers don't represent me or the millions of other Somalis. Thank you very much.


4) u still nt seem in aad wadankaaga dhisatid.

Waan raabnah in aan wadaankeeni dhisaanoh lakiin hoormarkana cadow baa hoortagan, Ilhay ha naga qaabto. Inshallah our country will be free and see better days.


I doubt if these list(mentioned above) make ya to be proud of in aad Somali tahay


I am still proud believe it or not. smile.gif Maxa raabta? To bow our heads down and be ashmed of who we are and claim daad aan waxba no galiin? Ma walanthay walaal? How will that help anything? I understand being sad and angry and we should be, but self-hate will not help you any. Salams

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I agree with Costa to a certain extent...There isn't really much to be proud of nowadayz when it comes to being Somali...Qurun iyo qashin baa naga buuxa...Dad niyad xun baan noqonay...Xin, ficil iyo cuqdad baa nawada saaqday...Midba midka kale buu rabaa inuu jabiyo intuu garab istaagilaah...So really, not many things to be proud of...


Lakiin, I would never deny who I am regardless...From cirib to ciro I am SOMALI...Alxamdulilaah...Denyig Soomaalinimadeyda is dying abeeheey iyo hooyadeey iyo awoowayaasheey iyo ayeeyooyinkeey - hell to the buuraha NO...Just not worth it...If anything I flaunt it...With my Somali accent "I come faroom een Somalia yea"...

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Hmmm, I never quite understood the idea of being proud to be from a certain place. It's not as if you CHOSE to be from Somalia after carefully considering China, Greenland and Chile. Or as if Somalia chose YOU out of many candidates and a lengthy application process. Patriotism is not rational, but I suppose it's natural. I think of nationality as an accident of birth. I'm not proud of my height, or that I like pineapples, or that my hair is brown. Yet I like my hair color, mostly because it's familiar. When I look in the mirror every morning, I expect to have brown hair. If I suddenly had blond hair or purple hair I would feel a little panicky. I like being around Somalis for the same sense of familiarity, but I don't assume my allegiance is limitless or unconditional. There are certain advantages to being from Somalia, and certain disadvantages. To admit that to yourself is not treasonous. To deny it, on the other hand, is just plain crazy. But instead of passively feeling pride or shame, why don't we all try to behave in a way that would make us proud? Achieve what you dream Somalis would be renown for, avoid what you wish Somalis wouldn't be infamous for.

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Be true to yourself and ACCEPT what you are(for better or worse), being somali is part of you, the day you start denying that and feeling ashamed is the day your nonsomali coworkers and people around you aad respect ka waayni doontid.

How can they respect you if you cant respect a part of you?


As cliche as this might sound, be the change you want to see in somalis.

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Oh darn! We have another live one here and they're showing some withdrawal symptoms!


Quick, somebody find them a video clip of an Indian man talking in Somali and lets top up their pride here.


In the meantime, I recommend you stare at a picture of a camel whilst biting on some muqmad to keep the pulse steady.

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Originally posted by COSTA:

when ppl ask me where i am from i lie to them

lol...COSTA I kind of understand what you mean balse it is better inaan la quusan and atleast hope for this to end.

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Originally posted by Cara:

^muqmad, muqmad. Sounds like one of those fancy
words. Don't you mean oodkac, you fifth columnist?

To me, Oodkac sounds like some species of gerbil. :D

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Isn't it luqumad or luqmad? Reminds me of maalin aan gabar kureysaneysa aadney...Mid reer waqooyi meesha joogtay aa la waydiiyay hadeey cambuulo rabto, markaasay tiri macuno...Her friend baa loo soo guray, markaasay intey udhadhamisay oo ay ka heshay cambuuladii bay saxankii dhan dhameysay...Markey sii bexeysay baa qof si kajin ah u yiri 'naa heblaayo, cambuulo macuntid yaah?'...Intee soo booday ku teh 'naa walee wuxu maan gadhan oo waxaan mooday luqumad aad u macaan, markaasaan adhkay anigoo dhameeyay'... :D


Proud Soomaali bey eheed taas...

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