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Weird World!!!!

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Do you guys read the weird, bizare and quite frankly funny news from around world printed by all the newsnapers?? if so, post them here. some of them would leave you in stitches - like this below.


Police have released bizarre CCTV footage of a man repeatedly creeping up behind a supermarket shelf-stacker – to smell his bottom.

Officers are treating the incident as sexual assault and are appealing for help in tracking down the mystery man, who has struck at least twice at a Co-op store in Plymouth.


The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was shocked when he saw the surveillance tape. ‘I had no idea what was going on. I thought it was all a bit strange,’ he said.



what is more bizare the botom sniffer or the police who have nothing better to do than going after him in such public way?? :D

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Chinese face eviction for spitting.

The ubiquitous habit of spitting in China has defeated virtually every effort the authorities have made to stamp it out — from public information campaigns to fines.


Officials even promised to provide paper bags and tissues for anyone needing to spit and some civic-minded students took to the streets to police the programme voluntarily. :D


Spitting still remains a widespread habit in much of China, however. The streets of Beijing are spattered with blobs of spittle and the sound of hawking is to be heard on every street corner. :eek:

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Israeli antiques dealer Robert Deutsch claims Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch (no relation) stole an ancient marble slab engraved with the Ten Commandments. Of course, "Thou shalt not steal," is printed on the item. Rabbi Deutsch said he originally agreed to pay $110,000, but stopped payment on a check, asking to call the deal off. It seems one of these guys is bearing false witness against his neighbor.

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A woman who had legally changed her name to Jesus Christ was dumped from a jury pool for asking questions instead of answering them, according to the Associated Press. But really, what would Jesus do?

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Ghana text hoax predicting earthquake prompts panic


False rumours of an impending earthquake caused fear and panic in Ghana overnight, prompting many people to sleep outside.

The rumour began on Sunday night with a text message quoting US space agency Nasa and the BBC as saying that "cosmic rays" were to hit the Earth.

"There is no iota of scientific evidence in that - somebody has just pulled a prank on the nation,"

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Police say a 13-year-old from Stuart, Fla., continually disrupted class by intentionally passing gas and was subsequently arrested for "disrupting a school function." He was later released to his mother.

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Colorado Springs elementary school principal Michael Auclaire now regrets telling students to done a glove and look into a soggy bag of human feces and urine. He had been frustrated by the ongoing mess in the girl's bathroom, and wanted kids to know how inappropriate it was to defecate on the floor or toilet seat.

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Is this what would you do when you are not checking your pupil's homework?


You need hobby? Visit an antique show or something not I think you have something in common an old English lady.

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