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Deeq A.

Several people detained in connection with foiled suicide attack

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Deeq A.   

The Security forces in Guriel town of Galgaduud region have arrested two suspects in connection with a thwarted bomb explosion.

A suspected Al-Shabaab suicide bomber was on Thursday dramatically intercepted by security forces in Guri-El town where leaders were paying tributes to fighters who have fallen while fighting al-Shabaab fighters in central Somalia.`

The man who was strapped with suicide vests was masquerading as a poet.

The local authorities have said the security officials detained would-be suicide bomber wearing a suicide vest and another man suspected to have been collaborating with the suicide bomber to explode himself.

According to witnesses in Guriel town of central Somalia, the authorities displayed the two men.

Speaking the media, Ahmed Hussein Diriye, a soldier who succeeded to thwart the suicide bombing in Guri-El town said the suspect was trying to force his way to stage where leaders of Ahlu-Sunna were addressing the public.

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