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Fadeexad qabsatay mid ka mid ah macdanbaarayaal laga soo saaray dhulka hoostiisa




33 shaqaale macdanbaarayaal ah oo u shaqeynayay shirkad lagu magacaabo "San Jose mine" oo ka howl gasha gobolka Copiapo ee dalkaasi Chile ayaa laga soo saaray dhulka hoostiisa kuwaasoo mudo 69 casho ah ku xayirnaa 6 ilaa 7 boqol oo mitir oo dhulka hoostiisa ah.


Dalka Chile ayaa looga dabaaldegayaa guusha laga gaaray soo saaridda shaqaalahan, waxaana ay da`aadooda u dhexeysaa 63 ilaa 19 jir.


Hadaba mid ka mid ah shaqaalahan laga soo saaray dhulka hoostiisa oo lagu magacaabo Johnny Barrios ayay lasoo daristay fadeexad weyn kadib markii ay goobta soo xaadireen laba haween ah oo ubaxyo u sida kuwaasoo wada sheeganaya ninkan.


Mid ka mid ah haweenkan ayaa waxa ay aheyd xaaskiisa runta ah oo uu qabay mudo 28 sano, caruurna u dhashay, halka mida kalena aheyd saaxiib uu qarsanayay in mudo ah.


Xaaski ayaa marki ay aragtay haweeneydan kale oo sidata sawirka ninkeeda islamarkaana sugeysa iyadoo ubax qurux badan u sida, ayay wareystay waxaana ay u sheegtay in ay wada socdeen in mudo ah.


Waxa ay goobta uga dhaqaaday caro iyada oo aan banaanka loo soo saarin ninkeeda, waxa ayna aaday gurigeeda.


Johnny Barrios ayaa marki banaanka loo soo saaray waxa uu dhunkaday oo gacanta qabsaday saaxiibtiis oo ku sugeysay goobta (sida sawirka kore ka muuqata).


Warbaahinta caalamka ayaa hadal haysa khiyaanada isdabamarinta dumarka ee lasoo daristay Johnny Barrios, waxaana ay qaarkood qoreen in ninkani uu ka jeclaan lahaa in uu godka isaga haro fadeexada lasoo daristay owgeed. [
Soomaali-style tabloid iga dheh.]




Maskiin. Wuxuu kala qariyaba caalamka oo wada fiirsanaayo leenkiis ku qarxay. redface.gif

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Soomaali waxee kale ku maahmaahday luuq luuq maroow laasim laamigaas kusoo dhacaa.


Maskiinkaan laami kuma soo dhicin kaliya, but Highway 401 during the busiest rush hour uu dalaq soo dhahay asagoo xiimaayo oo qaawan. :D


Haye, ma nooleed? Nafta xee sheegtay.

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Dadkaa godkooda kasoo warama xiliyadaan ma'ogid miyaa. Their Blackberry lala duugaa, waliba iyadoo their account furantahay and a battery that has a lifetime life. They twitter from godkaas hoose. Waa dambeysaa hee adiga. :D


All aboosto dhankaan. Magaaladeyda iiga waran? Waa hore iigu dambeysee.

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^lol dnt somalis say habar fadhida lagdin la fudud, easy girl. He was married to her for 28 years? imagine spending with someone a lifetime and then realizing they were not faithful? can you even imagine the shock of it? this wasnt like someone you married one year ago and who walked out on you??..


sorry not being hard on you just putting things in perspective ms chocolate lol..


MMA everything is great at this end as well alhamdulilah and good come back @ godka laga hadlayo expect anything nowadays huh lol


Buuuxo lool@ reer magaalnimo...he was probably shocked beyond belief. uma maleenayo in ay reer magaalnimo ka aheed he probably wished he was never rescued loool



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Haa Aaliya sidaan maa keentay? 28 years my behind! Even if I was married for 50 years and I find out, in front of the world mind you,that my husband is a lying cheat, I'd make him pay. The least she could do was wait until he gets out; if nothing else, the sheer joy of seeing him blink and wet himself when he realizes that he got busted on national T.V would make the break up easier. Gurigeey sii aaday while the other woman had the guts to kiss and hug her husband on T.V? ***** iga dheh!

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The wife actually knew her hubby had relationship with this mistress of his, but this was the first time the wife met and seen the woman.

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chocolate haa sidan ba kenay looool girl how do you suggest she should make him pay?? okey the fact is she wasted her life on someone who wasnt faithful is she gonna beat him up front of the national tv? cry and make fool of herself? better just go home or so i think and restart your life..sadly 28 years too late bt at least whatever thats left of her life :(


However, if as geele said she already knew of it then I am not sure what all this drama of running home was loool..Like seriously you knew he was cheating on you and you saw the lady? what difference does it make given that you already knew he cheated on you and you were still married to him...sad case!!



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Aaliyah, I think the poor wife never expected her husband's lover would show up and worse embrace him in front of cameras. I think she should have the right to that moments. I blame him for being an-$$$, but the wife disappointed me for not putting a bit of cat fight. Imagine all the publicity that would have created.. :D

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That was a one dirty miner! The miners actually needed more twist to their story to get book and movie contracts and this one looks like one of them. Not really pleasant experience for the poor woman who were cheated on but then that is life and it has a lot of pitfalls.

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Sheekada waaba lagu sii wareeroyaa.


Rescued miner torn between two lovers


After being trapped in a Chilean mine with 32 men for more than two months, miner Yonni Barrios faces a pair of welcome home parties: one held by his wife, the other by his girlfriend.


Barrios, who at 50 has a full head of hair and the looks of an aging screen star, has been married for 25 years to Marta Salinas, 56. She is roasting meat to welcome him back and has invited neighbours.


But just down the block in the same humble Copiapo neighbourhood of Juan Pablo II lives Barrios's girlfriend Susana Valenzuela, 50, who is also roasting meat with neighbours.

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Barrios became famous as one of the miners trapped for more than two months deep inside the San Jose copper and gold mine in August. He was the 21st miner to be hauled to the surface in the Phoenix rescue capsule on Wednesday.


Since Barrios had some basic medical knowledge he became the de factor medic to the trapped miners, giving them shots against tetanus and diphtheria and offering basic health counselling.


Once news that Barrios had a girlfriend came out, he made headlines as the "Casanova Nurse".


Ahead of the welcome home party Valenzuela's home was decked out with balloons emblazoned with the Chilean flag. She had also posted some hand-written signs.


"That miner is mine (watch out)," read one sign. "I love my Tarzan. Welcome to your home with your Jane," read another.


At the door, a dolled-up Valenzuela showed an AFP reporter photocopies of her picture in a German newspaper. "Look, I've come out all over the place!" she cried.


"He is a superman," the self-described "coquette" gushed.


Valenzuela and Barrios's wife clashed weeks earlier when both claimed to be the woman Barrios was pining for as he sat trapped in the northern Chilean mine.


In the end, when Barrios was winched to the surface and left the rescue capsule, he went straight into his lover's arms.


Yet Salinas said that when her husband was trapped in the mine he sent her notes thanking her for her support.


"Marta, I give you thanks for being there offering support, because when I have nowhere to go you welcome me, and now that I'm locked up here you are waiting for me up there," read one letter.


"He never wanted to legally separate," Salinas told AFP.


Salinas said that while Barrios was trapped underground she had plenty of time to reflect - and she concluded that she would not get back together with him.


Though Barrios and Salinas are still technically married, they have been separated for years.


Valenzuela said that the miner has been living with her for the past two years - and she doesn't mind that her man is still married to the woman up the block.


"He can't marry me either, even if he wanted to," she said, because she never completed her own divorce, a long and complicated process in Chile.


Salinas said that Barrios was trying to have it both ways by sending her the letters. "He wants to have his cake and eat it too," chimed in a visiting neighbour.


"I have nothing to rescue from our marriage. One has to be a good loser," Salinas said, tired at having her personal life dragged out before the global media.


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