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Boris apologises again over 'blacks have lower IQs' article in the Spectator

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Boris Johnson apologised again over race issues today after he was accused of condoning an article that claimed black people have a lower IQ.


The Tory mayoral candidate came under fire from Ken Livingstone and a leading black lawyer over pieces published in the Spectator magazine when he was editor.


In one, columnist Taki wrote that "Orientals ... have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole." In another, he described black American bastketball players as having "arms hanging below their knees and tongues sticking out".

When asked today if he had condoned the articles, unearthed by black newspaper-New Nation, Mr Johnson told the Standard: "I am sorry for what was previously written as it does not reflect what is in my heart. :rolleyes:


"Ken Livingstone has nothing positive to say about the future of London, or the wave of criminal violence that has cost the lives of 11 young people killed on our streets this year, or yet another strike on our Tube which will disrupt millions of commuters next week, so he has again resorted to negative personal attacks."

But the Mayor seized on the articles as further proof of Mr Johnson's lack of commitment to a racially diverse city like London.


Mr Livingstone, who appeared alongside Martin Luther King's son yesterday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of his assassination, said: "Such statements are completely unacceptable and Boris Johnson as editor of the Spectator should never have let them appear. It shows that Boris Johnson has no adequate understanding of what it means to lead a great multicultural and multi-ethnic city.

"Taki is basically an unpleasant racist-bigot. You just don't give anyone like that a job. If you're happy for that sort of crap to come out in a magazine you're editing, you can't really claim to be fit to represent the most culturally and racially diverse city on earth."


The Tory candidate has apologised for articles he had written in which he referred to black children as "piccaninnies" and to the "watermelon smiles" of Africans greeting foreign visitors.

Mr Johnson insisted he "loathed and despised" racism and said his words, written more than five years ago, had been taken out of context. Aides suspect that the Livingstone camp will use the race claims in a desperate last bid to hold on to office.


He told New Nation last week that he had been on holiday when an article in the Spectator claimed that Caribbeans were "multiplying like flies".

Barrister Courtenay Griffiths, QC, said: 'It is surprising that a columnist in the UK could be displaying such Neanderthal attitudes, and you have to call into question Boris Johnson's judgment as editor of the Spectator."




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And he's exercising for the London Mayor, I am not stunned because he condoned the article regarding the black IQ but the fact that he apologised... What a silly crap little headles man he is...

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Ibti dear projecting a one side attack is not going to help your cause, granted Boris is not your cup of tea as you have well demonstrated but give the man a break at least he doesn’t walk around snitching ideas, policies that’s more that could be said for dear ol Ken……at the end of the day stop focusing on the man/his personality or what he said or did way back when and look at the manifesto.


p.s it’s not the politician dear but the machine behind the politician

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Originally posted by cynical lady:

Ibti dear projecting a one side attack is not going to help your cause, granted Boris is not your cup of tea as you have well demonstrated but give the man a break at least he doesn’t walk around snitching ideas, policies that’s more that could be said for dear ol Ken……at the end of the day stop focusing on the man/his personality or what he said or did way back when and look at the manifesto.


p.s it’s not the politician dear but the machine behind the politician

CL it is not a one sided attack, nor do I need to give him a break, the man cannot even manage to be an adequate editor without offending people. How can you say don't focus on him and his personality, what he said or did :confused: ?? that is what people are elected on dear. Also WHo do you think is going to run London if he wins??? I'm sure we'll all have a laugh the first few months, but then what??


As for Ken "snitching ideas, policies" If they are good, I really do not care meeshau uu kakeeno or if he steals them. ;) He is no threat to me, nor will he target me or certain minority communities.


P.s.s. Finally Boris is falling behind in the polls. Thank God for that I was getting worried. Although it’s the 1st of May that will count.

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Salam Aleikum W.W



Ahem Ahem...Let me see...I haven't got the faintest of idea who this Boring Boris is but still I feel I need to get something out of my chest and here its.


I think it's about time that we, the children of the Dark Continent stopped being cry-babies and developed a thick skin and focus on how we should restore our dignity after all it's our own fault as we keep on giving the bigots a reason or two to discriminate against us.


Look the situation Africa finds itself in today and this supposed to be the richest continent of them all when it comes to natural recourses yet we are reduced to mere beggars by our own greedy and selfish leaders and then there are African-Americans, the supposed progressive clan of the bunch yet the majority of them can't see beyond booze, booty and gang-banging...



William Lynch must be turning in his hellish grave and chuckling today for his plan seems to have worked thanks to the co-operation of the Blackman himself.


I know some of us are bunch drunk with what I call "White Conspiracy Fever" but I'm afraid even that is not a concrete excuse to gun down your own cousin simply because you caught him walking at the other side of the 'hood with a wrong-coloured bandana...oh did the white man made you pull the trigger? What about those who poison their own community with their cheap dope or is it that the white man put a gun against their heads and forced them to do it?


I know there are thousands upon thousands of positive and upstanding African American male and females but unfortunately they are invincible to the average joe and jane in the slums so the kids are left with 50 Cent, Mike Tyson and Michael Jackson to look up to and idolize and you got the perfect recipe for a whole generation of monkey business doers.



Wheew...enough point is black people themselves are to blame for whatever the white man says or does to us simply because we happily supply him the ammunition thanks to the house negros among us...just because he calls me a monkey doesn't mean I should go out and hang from the trees and act like a the opposite and roar and show him that you're indeed a lion and by roar I don’t mean roar literally people...don't you jump on your boss' desk and start roaring like you were some crazed zoo keeper who thinks of him/herself as a Lion/Lioness after being in the zoo for far too long...



by the way did you know that Zimbabwe is the only country in the whole world where one can be a billionaire in dollars and yet still be a broke at the same time? awesome huh? lol



My man BOB (Roberto Mugabe) I've got to get me some of your juice comrade because by 2018 I'm expecting to be the Emperor of East Africa where there will be a whole lot of monkey business going on and the british folks in Nairobi especially those in Karen should be scared...really really scared because I will be inviting every angry, broke, jobless, homeless, imprisoned Blackman I can find to this once in a life time Blacks Only Party. :D



That's what I call an Angry Blackman' Wish...but you call it Enticing which also sounds exciting to me... :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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