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The Failed Somali Community in the UK

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i rather see somali community in the news than it being absent from news! this way i believe somali issues will be fore front.


any news is good news for the community at large.

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You know something tells me that you have french-fried your curly hair bit too much ala Drogba that's why you're experiencing these sudden brain lapses and you have bleached your body excessively and ended up looking like an Albanian albino! Ever seen one? and Oh that forehead of yours with those burn marks and Oh my God...that goofy teeth of yours must've made many Italian Bambinos cry at yours sight!


I know all these unfortunate incidents must've played a major role in making you hate yourself...I would've hated myself too if I was the only Africano in a neighbourhood with deeply french fried curly hair that would've made Einstein & Don King weep with envy and not to mention that strange complexion you suddenly developed... :eek:


its normal and understandable for such individual to go through a period of time where he even forgets that once upon a time he was a Somali refugee in Italia who dated string of maids and went over to see them as soon as their employers went out of the house so he could use their phone to call back home and his many relatives around the world and you also enjoyed watching TV all day long even when you didn't understand a word of Italian then came the name change from Mursal Warfaa Xagaa Rooble Jibaaq Ood Qurac Qardaas Qandho Bile Barroow Galac Guduudane Gaban to Giuseppe Antonio Francesco Roberto Giancarlo Luigi Bianco. :(


but don't despair, you can be cured by going to the Middle East and jogging 10 miles everyday and turn the air-con off when at home and if you want to sleep make sure you cover yourself from head-to-toe with few heavy duvets those you normally buy in winter time and after few days your normal complexion should return and Oh about the hair...I almost forgot...just shave it all off and wash your head with unleaded petrol mixed with old and used brake fluid oil for a week and your natural curly hair should start growing back within 9-10 days. :cool:


That's how you can get your old Booyeeso chasing, TV loving, Gelato munching self back and forget about this loud Giuseppe Bianco before the Italian skinheads corner you at a dark alley on your way to church for a night service and beat you beyond've already done enough damage to the Faarax in you by turning him into Torta. :(


Arrividerci my friend and buona fortuna. :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Thoughts that entered my mind as I read this qashin:

This is a very narrow minded thread, and is either a joke or designed for reaction.


Teeda kale, there are thousands of Asians, other Africans, and Europeans that commit gang-violence daily. Are they excluded from your prejudiced thinking? Why is "Somali" your one and only focus? :rolleyes:


I think a mother who's lost a child that was beaten and robbed by gangs, while coming home from school deserves more than to simply have an i*d*o*t tell her arrogantly that she belongs to the failed Somali Community hence part of the problem.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

Thoughts that entered my mind as I read this qashin:

This is a very narrow minded thread, and is either a joke or designed for reaction.


Teeda kale, there are thousands of Asians, other Africans, and Europeans that commit gang-violence daily. Are they excluded from your prejudiced thinking? Why is "Somali" your one and only focus? :rolleyes:


I think a mother who's lost a child that was beaten and robbed by gangs, while coming home from school deserves more than to simply have an i*d*o*t tell her arrogantly that she belongs to the failed Somali Community hence part of the problem.

Why is "Somali" your one and only focus? :rolleyes:


Because I'm Somali. Does that answer your question.

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Peacenow, you have some valid concerns and questions about the Somali community U.K. However it would do you the world of good to be a tad bit more diplomatic. Blasting Somalis as failures and so called Arab slaves will just make people get angry and dismiss your claims as paranoid. Secondly constantly highlighting the negative aspects of a people and singling them as failures has never progressed any people. What is needed is constructive critcism and reasonsed dialogue.

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I console in knowing that Prophet Mohammed was also ridiculed for when he spoke too.

As a people without a country, it is encumbeed on us to be law abdiing and responsible at all times. We must work twice as hard as the native people and three times as hard as the next immigrant.


We here in Italy have a long standing Somali community. In Milan the coummuity is very small. But it is well connected and people know each other. We are well known by the Italians and known to be quiet people who are law abiding. The Arabs here are not so fortunate, when they are not running brothels, selling drugs, their men are seen standing in street corners, where they stare at women. I saw one of them, lugging huge piles of alcohol in my local supermaket last week. We certainly don't get upto to the crazy things you guys are doing in the UK.


This is quite sad, because those of you in the UK have far far better opportunities to succeed than people in Italy. Come and see the poverty in Milan and you will be shocked and this is their richest city. There is no such thing as diversity here or multicultarism. You in America or UK, have the world in your feet instead they waste it by softening their minds in such nonense subjects as starting race wars and so on, cause they 'beef'.


I noticed on the BBC news website today, a flashing report that a teen was shot dead in London today (Saturday) in mind, for sure the victim or the killer was Somali.

When 40 youths, all Somali kill and stab someone another Somali. You are then shocked as to why people are waking up to his nightmare.

The poor British will have to find everyone of these 40 murderes and then give them a trial and then jail them. Someone just have to asks, what these people are doing.


Out of 200 nationalities in the country, it is same people who crop up time and time again bringing the problems of their failed country in to society.


Don't for one minute believe that they are not watching or listening. There will come a time when they will say, no more.


Read this article -Importing Mogadishu to England

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Adeer, the number of Somalis that have shot ppl in the U.K is minimum. If i get the time I shall explain to you wherein the problems started in the U.K. But first bro let us drop the generlizations. The majority of Somalis in the U.K are generally law abiding citizens. Remember that the media only reports bad news most of the time. You see they are not going to say: " Somali wakes up" " Goes to work" or " Somali pays taxes and feeds family". It is always going to be "Somali killed" or " Somali killer". There has been only case of a Somali getting involved with trying blow things up and he was raised by white foster parents. Thus if Somalis were majorty terrorists and maniacs there would be a hell of alot of casualties.

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Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:

There has been only case of a Somali getting involved with trying blow things up and he was raised by white foster parents.

Oh sure, blame it on white people!! :D

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Contray to what you hear in the media and SWOM radio ( Somali Word Of Mouth ) the Somali fellows in UK have had a quite success taking into account the short time we been here en masse, we are already more succusfull than our fellow West indians.


with regard to youth crime and voilence is a wider inner city problem that is effecting all inner city communities, white or black and we are only more promenenat because the Somali name became a race on its own, rather than being put into the Black category.

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lol@somali's in UK being tax paying citizens. I find that hard to believe.



Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale, the man who is pictured with the major, the one you labelled as the future prime minister, is he your relative?


What credentials does he have to become a future prime minister? and no, Posing with the major of the city doesn't count.


Out of 75 former prime ministers in the United Kingdom, past earl's and dukes, ordinary men from the good old boys club, only one woman made that list of 75, 1st ever to make history of being Uk's first female prime minister, not a single minority.


History does come to play when discussing future political figures, and no minority, much less a qaxooti from somalia has a shot at that seat.



About the genius kid in Ireland, he doesn't really count, because he looks barawaani, so I highly doubt you can argue that as being a somali success, because his true identity is in question.


About raage omar, he is just a journalist. I don't understand what the fuss is all about, so what he went to iran, iraq and reported from there? Its his duty, he signed up for it. The man is just doing his job and from the looks of it he is good at it, just as many of you are good at your 9-5jobs, its just not with BBC, and no, we are not all infront of the telly daily, but other than that, he is an ordinary man who is good ay what he does but somalis made him out to be a success story, which is understable, but don't make it out to be a celebrity from hollywood.


and finally, poster made more sense on his last post than he did on his previous post.


Poster brought up some good points. He is right when he says there are more duli's in UK and U.S combined than in any other place somali's reside...


Its true that somali communities in itay, norway,denmark,sweden, finland,russia don't have the same opportunities as that of the somali's in U.S or U.K.


Its true that the % of duli's in UK and U.S overshadow the amount that actually have their lives in order and are making something of themselves or already have.


Poster, I understand where you are coming from, because I have had the opportunity to visit other parts of europe, where somalis aren't even allowed to rent a decent apartment, because of hate and racism and here we have children shooting each other or children being victims of shooting just f or the hell of being in a g ang and putting their video game to some good use.


Free health care, free education. UK has it so good, its not even funny. Children from low income families who have teenagers between 9-12 grade get about $30 a week if their attendance is acceptable. All they have to do is get to school and by friday they get $30, as in pounds...thats unbelievable.


Their notebooks, pencils are paid for, but do they attend classes? I don't think so.


The government in UK is very generous, but somalida oo xaasidiinta ah oo think they are owed more than given, so they would rather burn the system than take advantage of it, thats where the problem lies.


But, the saying is true, MID WALBA, TIISA AYAA U TAALO.

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Originally posted by MC Xamar:

quote:Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:

There has been only case of a Somali getting involved with trying blow things up and he was raised by white foster parents.

Oh sure, blame it on white people!!
As he was raised by them, he is not officially not one ours. I thought the community that raises the child is responsible?

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quote:lol@somali's in UK being tax paying citizens. I find that hard to believe.


War waxan baad naga deysan, meesha dhalinyaro cusub baa so gasha, we are trying to boost their morale, whilst you guys are demoralising them. I have never met such pessimistic people.

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