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yaa buraanbur ii baxaayo?

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Dhucdhuc dhuubanee

dhuuxa iyo laftaay,

ma dhalashaad u ciil qabtaa.



that is how u start off, i can do this thing. but I dont' want to.

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Go on! And then i might buranbur for you.


Horta that buranbur is it start as:


X dhuubaneey

dhuuxa iyo lafaaha

Dhibicyo karooney (WTH)

ma dhalasha uu ciil qabtaa

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Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi:

Go on! And then i might buranbur for you.


Horta that buranbur is it start as:


X dhuubaneey

dhuuxa iyo lafaaha

Dhibicyo karooney (WTH)

ma dhalasha uu ciil qabtaa

Dhibicyo karooney,means,she has a smooth face nooh. Dhibicdhibic maleh jirkeeda,see camal Cabdiyo? smile.gif

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Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi:

LOL@DD. Wonder where this Sacad fellow is now? He could teach us all 1/2 buranbur verses.LOL.

Alle'ubaahne ma xasuusataa?


There you have your answer. Taloow xiligana ma buraanburi lahaa mise jihaad ayuu ku jiri lahaa. :D

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MMA,LOL.Alle-ubaahne,was some man. Was he banned? If so ,too bad.Ma soo sponsargareenkara?


DD,intaas lee aqaan and keep repeating when buranburing for my neices.And it took me days to master that much.


laakiin I knw. this one.

Naa DD,kuu roonee ..kugu raayeye aabaha

dayuuus kuma siiniino ,kuma dirin dal-dheer(lol i guess it's go to be abroad now.)

inanka reerkiina buu raali kaagayahey


Naa(showing affection :D ) kun baa ku haweeyste

kunbaa hiyiga kakacey,

adna karoonaate ,rabigeeyna kaga raa.


It sounds pretty ok, if you sing it really fast :D

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