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SOLer Ladies: Was It You?

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^^ Don't mind him, Marx. He used to pretend to be Lee Sharp when he was younger. :D


But he has a point (as you've already agreed above). Most of such meetings are a waste of time and people don't make much of the opportunities they have by being there. After all, networking is not about getting to know someone's name and contact information, it's about knowing what to do with such info. Alas, most 'activists' have the will but not the imagination to do anything other than meeting and greeting.



Even though I think you need to be slapped around with a wet fish from time to time, I have no doubt that you're one 'busybody' who seems to know what he's doing. You've got just enough arrogance about you to shield you from the disappointments that you're sure to encounter along the way.

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Originally posted by -MARX-:


Let me put you in the spot now! What do you suggest? what ideas are lingering in your head?

Put him to the challenge Marx and get him to come up with a paper in 3 days :D


That meeting was pointless! It was like...I want you to make scrambled eggs but without breaking the eggs :confused:

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Hello Faheema smile.gif


Marx, I'm not out of touch saxib nor am I knocking our do gooder brothers and sisters. I know of quite a few people (incl some SOLers) who are doing their bit without all the fan fair. I'm a believer in starting at home with your family members and kids in your localilty. The saying 'think global, start local' comes to mind.


The intentions are always good but a little bit more focus and I'm sure a lot more could be achieved. I've never been part of any Somali organisation (I hated the idea to be honest) but I do keep in touch with kids who I mentored through school and uni and are now graduates. Thats the way things should be done. Keep it simple. There will always be specialist groups (for prisoners, gang members etc) and that is a good thing.


My idea? Localise the whole thing whereby people focus on their own back yards through homework clubs, advice, pen pal, email etc at school level.


Ng, Lee Sharpe was a Man Utd and even worse a Leeds player saxib :mad:

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