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SOLer Ladies: Was It You?

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^^ So you had feelings for her? Oooh! I get it now. It's a role reversal thing, huh? The girl approaches the boy and the boy acts all shy and coy from then on. :D

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If she had a blister or sunburn and laughed a lot with spontaneous zest then that was CL.If she often flashed a doubtful smile then that was Serenity.If she called you a smug and her glistened eyes fastened on you as if she was telling you Ilahi kaabaaq then that was Ibti.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

It's a role reversal thing, huh? The girl approaches the boy and the boy acts all shy and coy from then on.

I have no problem with that. Liberal democracy has made woman go-getters. I aint complaining, its obviously worked for me lol. The more women that are emancipated, the more dates the likes of you will have. Some men died of never going on a date. count yourselve lucky you've lived long enough to live in time when woman are able to ask you out!

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^Xaraam calaykum, waa bilaa modern eeh, wiilka haka waalina. :D





If that is your 'game', one can't help but wonder if you'll ever get the chance to reproduce. Bisinka, huuno, all this suuro and mukur are not attractive qualities in a man. In fact, it's a tad queer (no pun intended). Compose yourself and step up to her.

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There I was tapping my feet to Jooqle’s rendition of a Dahir Lucky classic.

Dahir Laki classic? OK That is it Marcus,you should be moved to Gitmo!!

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Guantanamo for listening to Dahir Lucky! come on sxb that extreme. Maybe you prefer soppy poppy sujuwii songs from the likes of Alicom and Mr. Blue. Now thats worthy of Gitmo.



The lady in question has been flashed out already! Your avator is vile! change it asap!

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