Che -Guevara Posted May 20, 2019 I am actually convinced now Somalia win ICJ case. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dalmar1 Posted May 20, 2019 Kenya oo xildhibaanada iyo wasiirada Soomaaliya ka joojisay Visa-hii ay dalkaas ku gali jireen Kenya oo xildhibaanada iyo wasiirada Soomaaliya ka joojisay Visa-hii ay dalkaas ku gali jireen | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Dowlada Kenya ayaa sare u qaadday cadaadiska ay ku hayso dowladda Soomaaliya ayada oo diiday in mas’uuliyiinta Soomaaliya ay dalkeeda soo galaan, sida ay sheegeen… 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saalax Posted May 20, 2019 Why are so Somali politicians addicted to visiting Kenya? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maakhiri1 Posted May 22, 2019 On 5/20/2019 at 8:49 PM, Che -Guevara said: I am actually convinced now Somalia win ICJ case. Read more They had no case but greed, and ku qabso ku qadimayside, Somalia has 5 similar case before ,as president. Somalia case is how disputes were being resolved. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gooni Posted May 22, 2019 Kenyatiga wax waynbaa ka khaldan siyaasadooda. Senetor, maamul gobeleed xildhibaan, culumo, ganacsato, aqoonyahan, koligood waxay u diyaar yihiin inay danaha kenya difaacaan Maxay ugu diidaysaa viisaha dad iskaa wax u qabso ugu shaqaynaya?!! Wafdigii hargaysa ka yimid wajeer lamasoo marin diyaaradii siday, si toos ah bay nairobi uga degtay waana maamuus gaar loo siiyay jamhuuriyadda habawday. farxadii ka muuqatay wafdigii balaadhnaa waxaad moodaa inay xajkii joogaan. Somaalida kenya iyo Ethiopia waa shaqaale aad u firfircoon, balse soomaali iskood isu duleeyay waxba uma qaban karaan. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted May 22, 2019 One of those detained so-called senators - Ilyees Cali Xasan - was criticizing and badmouthing dowladda dhexe back in Febraayo against shirkii London ee shidaalka Soomaaliya, talking to Kenyan media while he was in Nayroobi. Hakaa saarto dheh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted May 24, 2019 Che, The only thing Somalia needed to do was pass the following two resolutions and sit on them: 1. Somalia will not enter into any international agreements affecting land sea or air until there is a constitution and a government elected according to the Constitution. 2. Any agreements entered in violation of the above will not be accepted and abide d by Somalia. The rest is all side show and waste of time like today with Kenya, tomorrow with Ethiopia and after tomorrow with Djibouti then with agreements the federal states or some other parties might enter into. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites