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Is there evidence for EVOLUTION?

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Medical Hypotheses, an Elsevier publication, has announced the winner of the 2006 David Horrobin Prize for medical theory. Written by Judith Rich-Harris, author of The Nurture Assumption and No Two Alike, the article, "Parental selection: a third selection process in the evolution of human hairlessness and skin color" was judged to best embody the spirit of the journal. The £1,000 prize, launched in 2004, is awarded annually and named in honour of Dr. David Horrobin, the renowned researcher, biotechnology expert and founder of Medical Hypotheses


Harris' paper describes Stone Age societies in which the mother of a newborn had to decide whether she had the resources to nurture her baby. The newborn's appearance probably influenced whether the mother kept or abandoned it. An attractive baby was more likely to be kept and reared.


Harris' theory is that this kind of parental selection may have been an important force in evolution. If Stone Age people believed that hairless babies were more attractive than hairy ones, this could explain why humans are the only apes lacking a coat of fur. Harris suggests that Neanderthals must have been furry in order to survive the Ice Age. Our species would have seen them as "animals" and potential prey. Harris’ hypothesis continues that Neanderthals went extinct because human ancestors ate them.


Source : Elsevier


Is there evidence for EVOLUTION?

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Originally posted by Roobleh:

Is there evidence for EVOLUTION?

No. There are only theories, hypotheses, conjectures, guesses, iwm-- which itself are subject to cancellations, modifications, upgrades, revisions, iwm. As Muslims, we should not bother with those fanciful theories. Are those theories science? If so, what do we gain from learning humans evolved from bacteria, crawling fish, lemurs, apes to humans?

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The genetic composition of populations changing over successive generations have been observed. For example, the evolution of bacteria is easy to observe in the laboratory cuz of its fast growth.


However, it is interesting to know that living things (people, animals, plants, bacteria etc) have degree of resemblance in between them. This suggests to me a common creator rather than from a common ancestor. But, still there is evidence of species evolving.

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I was interested to know the opinions of NOMADS first.




Evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria is a good example of biological evolution.


This is very interesting too. The greater the genetic similarity, the tighter the bond (measured by heat required to re-separate them).


Species Percent DNA Binding

Human 100

Chimpanzee 100

Gibbon 94

Rhesus monkey 88

Tarsier 65

Lemur 47

Mouse 21

Chicken 10

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Well, given that we have to explain how the universe came into existence and only then the appearance of life, evolution is not really that significative a debate, albeit an emotional one.


In that context, even if some so-called evidence was presented (obviously, a scientifically irrefutable one is yet to be found), it wouldn't really matters in the big picture as atheists tend to eschew the much more fundamental questions (what is life? its origins? what about the universe within which it appeared? the mystery of mind or consciousness? ect).


For the time being, physical theories keep on changing as more and more sophisticated new research centers are developed in an endless and ultimately futile quest as every equipment has, precisely, its own physical limits...

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^Saaxiib, we do not need to be against avolution cuz many who support evolution are atheists. This is not a black and white issue.


To me, evolution exists and directs me toward the prove of one creator, which is Allah.

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To me, evolution exists and directs me toward the prove of one creator, which is Allah.

How? Sidee camal?


Quraanka says Nabi Aaden iyo Xaawo [naxariistii Eebbe korkooda ha ahaatee] ayaa kasoo faractanay, all of us, while the so-called theory of evolution objects, instead outlandishly claiming dad kasoo jeedo daanyeerada ilaa hoos laga gaaraayo malaayga?


Doesn't that itself simply and basically contradict waxa ku qoran Quraanka Kariimka oo Eebbe yiri?


Evolution is a just another theory, among of many. It has no evidence whatsoever, only conjuring up wild thoughts of mad scientists, badankoodana Eebbe aaminsanayn.


And I cannot believe we Muslims inaa dhexgalno waxaan shaqadeyna ahayn. We have Quraanka, qadarkiisana nagu filan. Only confused ayaa ku jahwareero meeshee life kasoo faractantay even while it is clear meeshaa kasoo jeedno oo ku qorantahay Quraanka.


Markuu Quraanka leeyahay wax walba, every living creature laga abuuray 'biyo,' qof ogaa ma lahayn. Markuu Quraanka leeyahay Eebbe 'cleft asunder' the Heavens and Earth, what they now call 'Big Bang' theory, anaga waa aaminsanayn.


Ha isku mashquulin wax aadan faa'ido ka heleynin, oo cadeys lahayn.

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There is strong evidence from genetics that all organisms(humans,animals,plants,bacteria etc.)share the same building blocks of living things.

For example, all living cells have genetic material that contain nucleic acids and use the same amino acids to produce proteins. Because of the universality of these traits confirms that there is one architect(creator)behind it. But,also that is why many scientists(many of them atheists) assume this is due to a common ancestor.


Likewise, although there were no genetic evidence at the time, Darwin proposed the "common descent" theory because of the morphological similarities shared by all living organisms.


However, evolution is evident in artificial selection, where one begins with a particular species and then only allows certain individuals to reproduce dependeng on desirable characteristics needed. Overtime, dogs have been developed into hundereds of breeds with great variations. Here is an example,





So, my point is that evolution exists, but the truth is that evolution has been misused both by atheists and religious people.


Evolution: means change of characteristics or traits of organisms. So there is a change of the genes(in DNA)which code the heritable traits and are responsible of the spread of these changes in the population.



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Instead of blindly denying that evolution exists, isn't it better to ask for evidence and not just shun it cuz of religious grounds? I think u heard about parents who refuse medical treatment for their children cuz of religion grounds? That is another subject, but I hope you understand where I am coming from on this.

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Originally posted by Roobleh:

Instead of blindly denying that evolution exists, isn't it better to ask for evidence and not just shun it cuz of religious grounds?

However, the evidence you're talking about isn't evidence; it's a guess or theory. As technology advances, the guess or theory will be canceled, modified, revised, iwm. So, this is about the best guess or theory you got for now.

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However, the evidence you're talking about isn't evidence; it's a guess or theory. As technology advances, the guess or theory will be canceled, modified, revised, iwm. So, this is about the best guess or theory you got for now.



In science, theory is a rigorously tested statement that explains observable and recorded facts or phenomena that can be used to make predictions in nature. It is therefore a higher level of understanding that stands "until proven wrong." Theory has to withstand test of time and many scientific experiments, so it can only be disproved with evidence.


I agree with you that theory can be "canceled, modified, revised" but that can happen when scientific evidence proves otherwise.

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Roobleh from Doha, my Junior nomad,


we have discussed this topic in the Camel Milk debate section.


Just use the Search function on SOL to look at it.


It was a lengthy thread.

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Topic: "AIDS in Africa has the potential to affect human evolution."




My topic: Is there evidence for evolution?


That is the only topic I found mentioning the word evolution in its subject-line which was discussed in 2003.


To me, those are two different topics.


Now, will you be nice enough to tell us your opinion on evolution? And thanks for...

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