
Mogadishu's overlords interested to establish diplomatic links with Hargeisa

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This comes on the heels of Kenya which recently appointed ambassador Philip Mundia Githiora to head its diplomatic mission in Hargeisa. 

Hargeisa is also in talks with Eritrea to do a similar deal.

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Most likely either there are Somalilanders in good lobbying positions or Museveini himself wants this issue to put Farmaajo in place for his wanting to replace Uganda with Eritrea/Ethiopia.

As for Eritrea, check with ONLF before you get your hopes high. ONLF from the days of WSLF has the most experience with Eritrea which has the same leader from those days.


The first country to recognize Somaliland can only be from far away like West Africa, North or South..not somebody close by in East Africa.

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Wargeyska Daily Nation: Kenya waxa ay xiriir dublamaasiyadeed la yeelanaysaa Somaliland

Wargeyska Afka dheer ee kasoo baxa magaalada Nairobi ayaa qorey in dowladda Kenya ay qorsheynayso in ay xafiis ka furato magaalada Hargeysa si loo yagleelo xiriir dublamaasiyadeed oo ka dhaxeeya Kenya iyo jamhuuriyadda iskeed madax bannaanida ugu dhawaaqday ee Somaliland.

Wargeyska ayaa sheegay in danjire lagu magacaabo Philip Mudia Githiora loo igmaday in uu xafiis ka furo Hargeysa, kadib markii sida la sheegay ay wadahadallo yeesheen wasiirka arrimaha dibedda Kenya Dr Monica Juma iyo wakiilka Somaliland ee Kenya Cumar Baashe.

Wargeyska oo qoraalkiisa sii wata ayaa sheegay in Dr Juma ay kulan la yeelatay wasiirkii hore ee Somaliland Sacad Cali Shire.

Kulamadaasi kadib, wasiiradda Dr Juma ayuu wargeyska sheegay in ay warqad u qortay Xoghayaha Joogtada ah ee Shaqaalaha Rayidka ah Joseph Kinyua si uu u fududeeyo hawsha xafiiska cusub ee Hargeysa.

"Xiriir taariikhi ayaa nagala dhaxeeyey Kenya illaa xiligii gumeystihii, tallaabada ay Kenya qaadday in ay xafiis uga furato Hargeysa waxa ay sare u sii qaadaysaa iskaashi dhanka ganacsi iyo bulsho oo na dhexmara" ayuu wargeyska kasoo xigtay Cumar Baashe oo ah wakiilka Somaliland ee Kenya.

Somaliland ayaa bishii Diseembar ee sannadkii hore Nairobi ku qabatay shir arrimaha maalgashiga looga hadlayo, shirkaas oo uu furey wasiirka arrimaha dibedda Yaasiin Maxamed, kaas oo maalgashadayaasha Kenya ku dhiirogaliyay in ay ka faa'iideystaan fursadaha maalgashi jira.

Wakiilka Somaliland ee Kenya ayaa soo hadal qaaday ganacsiga qaadka Kenya oo uu sheegay in wax badan laga macaashayo, isaga oo sidoo kale ku taliyay in shirkadda diyaaradda ee Kenya Airways ay biloowdo duulimaadyo toos ah oo ay ku tagayso Hargeysa.

Wakiilka Kenya ay u igmatay arrimaha Somaliland Mr Githiora ayaa horey uga hawlgali jiray safaaradda Kenya ee Moscow, Ruushka.

Warkan uu wargeyska qoray ayaa imanaya xilli bilihii lasoo dhaafay uu madmadoow soo kala dhexgalay xiriirka Kenya iyo Soomaaliya, inkasta oo markii dambe labada dowladood ay sheegeen in ay isfaham ka gaareen wixii jiray.

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On 5/20/2019 at 3:44 AM, Old_Observer said:

Most likely either there are Somalilanders in good lobbying positions or Museveini himself wants this issue to put Farmaajo in place for his wanting to replace Uganda with Eritrea/Ethiopia.

As for Eritrea, check with ONLF before you get your hopes high. ONLF from the days of WSLF has the most experience with Eritrea which has the same leader from those days.


The first country to recognize Somaliland can only be from far away like West Africa, North or South..not somebody close by in East Africa.

It is paramount for Somaliland to have strong links to all its neighbours. The value Somaliland brings to the region is security, peace and economic development. 

One thing is clear, Somaliland has moved too far in its seperation endavours that there is no one both in the region or beyond that can look Somaliland in the face and preach us 'Unity'. Hence, I have no doubt that one way or another, the reality on the ground will be respected. 


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