
Sheikh Cabdilahi Sh. Cali Jawhar delivers dose of facts to likes of Galbeedi

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For all that do not know Sheikh Cabdilahi, he is the Sheikh Al Beledka Awdal. 

Sheikh Cabdilahi as well as Sheikh Muse Godaad were two of the most prominent figures from Awdal region that have put the foundations of Somaliland's success story. 

The minions goons from diaspora can try very hard to rewrite the history with twisted facts and falsified information, but the truth will always trump it. 

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Somaliland Peace makers:

Sultan Sahardid Sultan Diriye     

Sultan Mohamed Sultan Farah  

Sultan Mohamed Sultan Abdiqadir         

Sultan Hasan Khalif Ashuur (Daakir)    

 Sultan Abdirahman Jama (Dhawal)     

Sh Muse Jama Godaad               

Sh Ibrahim Sh Yusuf Sh Madar  

Osman Ali Bile   

Nuur Sugaal Gelle

Haji Abdi Warabe  

Garad Abdiqani Garad Jama


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