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No prob JB, I won't disturb you on your holidays. Besides I lost your number and I'm too cheap to pay for the long distance anyways :D


Actually I'm on vacation next week as well, going to B.C. insha Allah.

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Oh Oh this reminds me...we have a new holiday in Ontario! Family day on feb 15 is now an official holiday, which means a long weekend for those who are students and double pay for those who are working ..or a day off.


that aside..i shall not disturb you jb

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Fasax badanaa sowta uu waa dhow fasax ku jiray. War JB wuu ku dhuftay markaan ayaan umalaynayaa hadaanan laga soo gaarin wax kale ayaa meeshan ka dhici doona! war tolkii awaye. :D

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S Slash, LOOOOL...Adaaba ka daray...I think we should all move to S/land...Seems like people get a vacation week once every month... :D


JB, hayeh, saa u socotay hadana sheekadaan maa keentay? Since when uu Arigii Hargeysa Jaad la cunistiisa noqday HOLIDAY!!!LOL...Adoo marqaamay iyo arigii oo asna marqaamay amaa suuqa isku bursanoysiin lee?


Teeda kale, how many vacation days per year does one get in S/land?


Sorry to DISTURB!!!

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somalilanders know how peace workks other than our neighbours down the dirty south no offense people but its true

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