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Somali Culture

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Check this song from 1987, good 22 years ago. walaal somalis were never religious back in the days but many of them were cultured. And, obviously in the city you would probably find people who you know carried themselves in the western manner. Lets not forget we were colonized by Britian,italy, france. So apparently they must have impacted our lives to some extent.


But, when all is said and done most women lived up to their families expectations and culture had crucial sure the same can't be said about today.....




p.s. am curious which song I posted that you were listening to and whether you liked it...

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^Britain, France Italy didn't bring guntiino, sadex qaydh and khafiif dirac. Honestly, we should stop scapegoating the west for every evil.


Somalis simply ascribed to a more lenient school of Islamic thought - or knew less about the details of faith.


Teeda kale, the people were far more conservative and respectful in their manner than generation x Somalis.


Riwayads were used as a medium of social education. The ditoore riwayad (1986 btw) wasn't promoting / normalising that behaviour it was highlighting the problems.

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Britain, France Italy didn't bring guntiino, sadex qaydh and khafiif dirac. Honestly, we should stop scapegoating the west for every evil.

I said they must have affected our somali culture. And, by that I was referring to the specific video that I just posted were the lady was wearing the dress and that afro hair? where do you think the afro hair came from? it was probably the hair style that was in back in the 60s 70s at the west. But, of course am not here blaming fully of what took place in somalia at the west. All am saying is they must have played a role, a significant role too. I think it was one of my uncle who even said back in the 70s and 80s girls used to wear mini skirts even and at school they had uniforms which were pants and shirts ?? so where do you think that came from??...and even somalis used to drink back in teh days? drink what? wine? beer? ...that also probably were imported too from the lets not play the game of "oh lets not blame the west" one is blaming anyone..just sharing some facts.



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