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For those who returned to gurigii hooyo

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Ms DD   

Salaam Aleykum


I was wondering wether you found the people back home practiced Islam less than those in the daispora (be in the west or east). There is saying 'Islam is in the west'. Any truth in this?

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Yes ,, they practice less i tell ya


Mosques are everywhere, Maktabah's are every corner, Sheikhs are full and Kutubs are everywhere but ppl practise Islam less ,,,,,,


It is only those who came from the west who cry and excited when they hear the Athan and prayers ,,,,

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Ms DD   

Salamm J


I was one of those. When I refused to shake couple fo guys, they acted so shocked and insulted. I loved hearing the athaan closer to my home and we could even hear the jumuah khutbah right in our home. Yet people werent attending. Of course ladies cover up, but mainly it is for cultural reasons. Knowledge was everywhere are you mentioned but it wasnt fashionable to be religious.

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Yes Islam is very very weak in Somaliland from what i saw, everyone wears hijjab and prayers but it is just not the same, it was the first time i felt religious in my whole life! seriously. It is so effortless and part of life. You can hear talks thorough out the day from outside speakers, the adan etc but even so, spead of sins is out of control! Islam indeed is in the west!

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Ms DD   

Do you guys think ..maybe one of the main reasons meesha ay u degi la'dahay cos lack of deen?

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^^YEP, punishment from allah, i swear nothing else, and the worse in charge, the best oppressed and arrested.

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yes, Islam is stronger in the west. Look at those muslim scholars in the west and how they enjoy freedom of speech (yes to some extent tho) and compare it to those of Saudi, USA, morroko, tunusia, Egypt, Algeria, Somalia.


Pakistan is exception though. Better than all those arabs and africans together.

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^^Pakistan recently bombed a school with 500 students in one go! not to mention the numbers in prison, the worse place for ulams!

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Ms DD   



Do you think countries like Lebonen, Egypt is stable?


Is there a connection with scholars preaching freely and the state of society?


I guess every nation get the leader they deserve.

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This nonsense gets under my skin. On the one hand you talk about the abundance of mosques, libraries and scholars back home and on the other you say that Islam is stronger in the West! Who built those mosques and libraries then? Little green men?


A couple of Pakistani/Indian/Somali guys rioting because Rushdie got an award or that some paper drew cartoons does not equal Islam being stronger in the West.


Ms DD, stop this and go back to your great articles from Arab News. You’re planting some crazy ideas n the heads of these Nomads and most of your (you and they) evidence is anecdotal.

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Ms DD   

I cant make out how the Pakistani society operate. In the west, they have amazing scholars, but what on earth is happening with the mullahs in Pakistan who blame the rape victim? Why is this in their sharia?



The bombing was done by the govt I presume? I guess they are no better. But even in their countries, Islam isnt practiced there as much as they do in the West. People say there is revival of Islam but this appears to occur in the west and not in the muslim countries.

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Pakistan is exception though. Better than all those arabs and africans together.


Not anymore ,,,,,,,,,, since Musharaf was brought to the front seat then things have changed ,,, now Pakistan is the main market which deport, chase and arrest the scholars ,,

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