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How He Married: What do you think of this man?

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This should have been posted on the women's section. Just look at all the responses. :D



Give the man his dues, he stayed married to her for TEN years. Poor woman. :D

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Waryee xaaska cusubi walaalo ma leedahay? Hadday leedahay ma ka yar-yaryihiin? Hadday ka yar-yaryihiin isku meel ma joogtaan?


Haddaad ku jawaabto yes for all the above qs, please meesha isaga guur
saaxiib. Old habits die hard, and I am not at all sure if you learnt how to manage your courage…

Haa, Xinn. Tu ka yar oo 16 ah ayaa xaafada joogta oo iskuul dhigata. Laakin, waxaad ka hadlayso ma dhici karaan. The new wife has the same name U- with the deceased girl. Purely coincedental!


The other thing is despite that mistake, I have alway remained loyal to my marriage! Dadka yar dus dusa ma aheyn runtii!


Ngonge & Malika


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