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Ngonge, where are you?

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So it is a lie inuu Maryan Mursal iyo Hadraawi dhexhdhexaadinayo?


P.S. horta odaygii xawaalada lagacta ka qaaday kiiskiisii waa sidee saaxib? :D:D

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Ngonge promised not to post on SOL while I am online, so he was last seen trying to sneak in to the politics section at 2am! His kids and family got annoyed at him beating at the keyboard while they tried to sleep, so the poor man is trying to find other opportunities when I am not on SOL, so he can throw his little lines in. :cool:

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Originally posted by Torres:

Hes probably busy laying down the law at work.

Laying down the law? The expenses fiddling issue is fun. :D


Why would someone earning a quarter of a million cheat over a few hundred pounds? I really can never understand this kind of greed. Anyway, a random check revealed his trick and the brown stuff well and truly hit the fan. The timo jilic tried to gang up on me but failed. Then they tried to sweet talk me but I'm keeping them hanging. So, now, they resorted to involving 'higher authorities' to see if they can help them out. But these in turn saw how stinky the whole thing was and are now trying to distance themselves from it and cover their own backs! :D


I never thought I'd say this but work is even more fun than SOL these days. I've been like a witch at a cauldron, screeching everytime a new victim shuffles to my office with sweet talk or empty threats 'hal min mazeed? hal min mazeed?'


(that means 'any more?' in Arabic). :D:D

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^yes, it means white.


I would be very carefull and not pick a fight with white :D brits, regardless of how deeply felt dutybound


of course i am being coutious here :D

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^^ Cadanko are also greedy but they're not as bad as barees cunka! In this one I am simply a spectator and a referee. Ha o bixin. :D

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