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Deeq A.

Lower cost energy planned for Somaliland through renewable energy

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Deeq A.   

Energy security is essential to the long-term economic and social development of communities in the world’s poorest regions.

In Somaliland we are unlocking the potential of its renewable energy resources to improve access to affordable, reliable electricity.


Somaliland has substantial energy resources – especially wind and solar – but this potential is largely under-utilised. Energy consumption per capita in Somaliland is among the lowest in Sub-Saharan Africa due to the very high cost of electricity, which is a significant obstacle to economic growth. The Energy Security and Resource Efficiency in Somaliland (ESRES) programme will improve access to affordable electricity for communities by diversifying energy sources through the promotion of renewables and the development of an appropriate policy and regulatory framework.


The ESRES programme is running a pilot with hybrid mini-grids supplied with renewable energy by independent power providers. Experience gained through the pilot is being used to create a funding platform to make investments in renewable energy less risky and increase adoption rates of renewable energy technologies within the private sector. We are responsible for the day-to-day management of the programme, developing regulatory standards and providing technical assistance to the Government of Somaliland.


To date ESRES has supported the launch of six hybrid mini-grids that are expected to supply cheap electricity from renewable sources to more than 10,000 new consumers who previously could not afford it. Overall, Somaliland’s generating capacity will increase by 2MW while reduced reliance on diesel-powered generation will cut carbon emissions. The success of the programme will lead to increased investment in Somaliland’s green infrastructure, helping to alleviate poverty among its people while at the same time strengthening the country’s energy security.


Energy planned

Qaran News

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