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LayZie G.

Tuujiye: To be or Not to be a Gaal:that is the question

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

^^Wa la bahey, I have to come back and read this thread when I have time. Did she really say a saint struggled with Iman and a "great" one for dying as a catholic

I'm sorry, what's so wild about a saint struggling with Iman?

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Originally posted by Tuujiye:

Ayoub are you a muslim? do you believe in Islam?


I believe in Islam Ayoub do you? please answer it... If you want to come out, is a perfect time to do so duqa lool...

Bal ninkaan wareersan eega.


I'm a Muslim. IF I wasn't ( wanacuudubillah) would you hate me as much? smile.gif

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as long as she calls herself a muslimah weli rajo ayay leedahay gaal lama odhan karo.


I suspect she is lacking the basic knowledge about islam combined with listening to the lies and propoganda of fox news this is what you get.


Layzie needs a little dhaqan celis .. in la musaafiriyo oo wadankii inta la geeya paasportka laga qaado .. oday yaroo geeljire ah lagu daro .. xogaa ka dib saaxigay keeni lahayd :D

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May the Almighty God guide us ALL through the righteous path Insha Allah.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Ayoub I dont hate anyone who is not a muslim! I hate does that badmouth Islam and does that are confused and end up badmouthing Islam!.... I went after does people because of that reason....


Laakiin adiga ujeedadaadu waa mida aad iska indha tireysid! si ragnimo ayaan kugula hadlay oo aan qarsi laheyn... War waa maxay cuqdadaan calanka ku heyso oo aad ila daba socotid? your after me not because of diin saaxiib lool is because of cuqdada aad qabtid! bax sunta Somaliland iska soo mataji marka hore! Somaliland waa dhul somali saaxiib umada dagana waa somali oo walaalaheen ahi... calankaan ciraaqa ah aad wadatid waa maro oo umada makala saaro ee ogoow!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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If she said that her favourite religion is Catholicism, I would be feeling as disturbed as you are. But that is not what she said. She actually finished that sentence with talk about her not being a gaal-lover or a gaal. That Catholicism is her second favourite religion is implied in that sentence. Cut the mad one some slack, people.

:D:D I see. When you say "my favorite" in the English language, it just means Number UNO! Hadaase i leedahay gurigan gubtay gas ha ku sii qaban, gartay ;) Adiga bal reerka u odayee. I didnt say anything. Cat got my tongue smile.gif All I could muster was to each their own.

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Ninkan gaaban ee meeshan soo lugo yaryar aniga midyar oo aan badneen aan kugu darsado.


lets leave the judgement to allah cazawajallah, qof muslin aan ahay kudhahaysana lets not easily declare her gaal


intaasna waa iga waano walaltinimo.


ps: the xaal to ibti goes through me money wise and hadalwise it goes publicly.

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Juxa, kan gaaban ee minjaha baastada leh kee waaye?.


'muslinaan ahay' & ficilka haddey is diidaan see la yeelaa?, qofka hadduu muslimnada uga baxo 'qawl' 'ficil' & 'ictiqaad' ee uu muslinaan ahay la soo taaganyahay wareer waaye!. Waa sida qof weysada ka burtay adoo arkaaya ee leh: 'waa ii dhowrantahay'


PS. si guud baan u hadlayaa.

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Walle qoftan in lasoo hayo waan arkayay waayahan, Allaha soo hadeeyo iyada iyo intii lunsanba.


Tuujiye, halkaa ka wad sxb. Dhag jalaq ha usiin these confused lot ee mooda diinta hadii laga baxo ama ladacaayadeeyo inay 'the ultimate' ilbaxnimo heleen.


109. Surah Al-Kaafiroon (The Disbelievers)


1. Say (O Muhammad) to these Mushrikiin and Kafiroon): "O Al-Kafiroon (disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, and in Al-Qadar, etc.)!


2. "I worship not that which you worship,


3. "Nor will you worship that which I worship.


4. "And I shall not worship that which you are worshipping.


5. "Nor will you worship that which I worship.


"To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islimic Monotheism)."

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Oz, am I that predictable? You are wrong about the karbaash. I don't bring out my karbaash for just anyone and the least of all people that disagree with me.


We can all disagree with one another, thats what's so great about it, no one is right but they all think they are.


For instance, Tuujiska is flustered, look at how many times he posted today? I destroyed his bee nest and he has no where to hide, no shelter, so what does he do, he engages personality, instead of addressing my questions.


Tuujiska's idea of tolerance is the same way as a redneck accusing of being a racist claiming to be not racist on the grounds that he once had a black neighour, mr Tyrone luke who he wants lend his lawnmower to, so that makes him tolerant not racist, see what I mean?


Tuujiska, you keep saying you are tolerant and you have christian colleagues etc but you are still gun-*** about me bringing up the example of Saint Ignatius of Loyola or why I have a favourite religion? Those examples were shown in order to show you that you are not tolerant because you can not phantom why a Muslimahawould happen to be interested or have a favourite religion, most of all a christian religion over any other. The nerve eh? How dare I bring up a saint? Why couldnt I bring up caliph abu bakr or caliph osman or my favourite warmonger aka mehmed the conqueor or even the greatest leader of the umayyads mu'awiya. Why couldnt I have used them instead of saint ignatius of Loyola? For the simple fact that this topic is about you and the intolerence towards gaalo. So I used a gaalo figure to bring my point home.



I will just say quickly that I don't have time to go back and re-read everything you have written but I can say that you are contradicting yourself. On the one hand, you are tolerant and loving, on the other, you cant digest the part about catholicism?



I will continue this another time, for the time being, just take the time to actually read what you wrote before you post it. Remember, Islamnimo ma iga xigtid, no matter how many times you scream gaal, lol.

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maaddeey meeshan waxa ka socda isfahan la aan, apart from few selective ones anigu ma arkin qof uleh bareer gaal baan ahay.


towbadkeenkana marwalbey furantahay, marka hala isjaahil baxsho cilmigana hala qabsado suaalahana halaga jawaabo si dabacsan oo naxariis leh baan anigu qabaa


if qof walaal ah is in wrong path, it is the duty of all muslims to correct and help them find their way back


mise makula aha?

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Juxa, warkaagu ceeb maleh, lakin waxaan ka hadlay qof 'muslinaan' ahay ku leh, haddana sida 'gaalada' u dhaqmaaya!, caqligeennuu u gefayaa soow maaha?.


Tusaale, Nabigu (SCW) wuxuu saxaabada ugu bishaareeyey in Constantinople (Istanbul) la furan doono, ninkii Bishaaradaas wayn fuliyey haddaan: War-monger ku iraahdo ka warran?, jees-jees sow maaha?, ogow jees-jeeska waa lagu gaaloobaa. Ayadoo dagaal loo socdo baa niman munaafiqiin ah ku sheekeysteen: 'kuwaan (Saxaabada) wax ka caloolo waaweyn oo ka fulaysan ma leh' aayado quraan oo ilal' aanka la akhriyaa ku soo degay: 'Ilaahey & aayaadkiisaad ku jees-jeesteen, ha cudur-daaranina waad gaaloowdeen, rumeyntiina kadib', wax yar u fiirso bal.


Ilaahey ha na Asturo.

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