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How 2know if a somali girl loves u?

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Whta about u think the other way,what if the all the men go gay,its already hapening in this damn nation,so i suggest u take what u see and u might as well go a head and bless it too.Appreciaton is the keyword here.

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so your saying we should just go with the first man who breaths our way...for fear that we won't get a man if we are too picky? loool

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I didn't exactly say so, but i believe its a possibility.Have ever heard of the proverb "alazy man blames his tools" the end of the day its u'r responsibility to exhaust all means necessary to find that which u believe in it.

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WHO TOLD U SO,If she is a lady she is already busy helping herslf to the guys you're waiting for and if he is a man,well he just said so in order to discover knew virgin lands while u sit and wait.Furthermore, Nobody was hurt by looking for what she/he wants

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TRust me its like that,remember anything that doesn't kill u makes u stronger,taking u'r chances in this case might not work exactly the way u wanted, but it won't certainly kill u which means u will only grow stronger,and the strongest among us are the survivors of any hardship.

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I said close u'r eyes and jump,but u seem to have forgoten the most important part of the information,before u jump make sure u have u'r parachute strapped on u'r back.

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Shyhem thats some good points that you brought up.

Maybe they can have better Luck now that they know what to Look for huh? I wouLd Like to hear what the guys have to say on this.

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Knock knock! this is one of the best discusion i've read for long time, I couldn't help myself laughing out loud.

I think shyhem is making good points though, but i disagree with you on the mall thing, it is like a riot out there..

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woow shyhem.. dude u sure had time to stay ladies or what? just wonderin.. but u had so many good points there..


any chance u got some kinda of list for ladies? i wouldn't mind knowin some signs on if somali guy sure loves ya.. u know what i mean.. n ones again thanks.. i truly love ur posts bro...


and mizz flyin did u jumped yet? hahaha. girl u sure have long chit chat with mista shyhem... no more sittin around n waitin for ya lol :D

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Whoa---U should rename the post---Shyhem/Flying-reply zone :D --meesha idil idinka lee buuxiye!


Shyhem---i would take ur advice if you were a qualified socialscience worker or a SHRINK---dont mislead the faraxs-those signs R universal!

----one thing i have realised is my sisters have the best supressing gene to hide things-cajiib!


And Oh Yea--if we hang around Malls--thats coz we know YALL come in there--like Flying did say ;)

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Originally posted by Magnoona-girl:

and mizz flyin did u jumped yet? hahaha. girl u sure have long chit chat with mista shyhem... no more sittin around n waitin for ya lol

loool....What can I say I missed afro man!

About jumping ...maybe someday I'll grow some balls( metaphoric) and be brave enough to jump off the high end...until then I'll play the coward.



Lakkad--so thats why your at malls day in and day know I would come some day right....poor thing... anaa daawo kuu ah baan u maleeyay ;)

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