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Football and religion,,,,

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An interesting read by a muslim's reflections on supporting football teams and its often unknown/unseen effects.


I was walking down a street and I spotted a couple of Muslim children playing football in a far corner. I smiled to myself remembering the old times in which I used to play on this very same place. A child then played an extremely brilliant defense splitting ball through the middle, which was equally breathtakingly controlled and finished in one movement. I gasped at the skill and finish. Hence, when the child started to celebrate I was completely heart-broken. He was pointing to himself and calling himself ‘God’, imitating a certain footballer. Again blatant Shirk and again our children’s minds are being polluted.

Muslims imitating the Kuffar and leaving the sunnah and ways which our Prophet has so mercifully taught us should be means of concern for all. Hence, there are two points that I would like to raise and make clear.

a) Wearing football shirts which advertise breweries

Wearing red football shirts

A Religious Injunction Regarding Football Given by a Particular Jurist


This is an extremely fine matter to comment on. Many jurists, such as Mufti-e-Azam of Pakistan, Moulana Rashid Ahmed Ludhyanwi have gone to the extreme. His point of view is as follows:

Firstly, he defines the words ‘physical exercise’ into two.

a) One which is apparently linked with jihad.

b) And one which has no apparent link.

Mufti Rashid Saheb places football in the latter category. He then goes on to state, "For football to be permissible, due to it being linked with the latter group of physical activities, there are many pre-requital conditions, which need to be studied.

Firstly, there are three conditions:

1. There should be no physical or financial loss.

2. The person who takes part in such activities, himself, should not be encountering any loss, nor those who are participating with him.

3. The aspect of futile entertainment should not be dominant.

For the former two conditions he puts forward two ahaadith from which he puts forward his deductions.

The Holy Prophet has stated:

"Every play from which pleasure is gained is baseless (impermissible) apart from the practicing of bows and the training of horses or playing with his wife. Verily, these are permissible." (Tirmizi)


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Very true and important issue that we need to think about indeed.


Thanks for the reminder sxb. North.

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The level of passion for the game is scary when you think of it and Germany 2006 is just around the corner. I will view it as a nuetral, at least try to,,, :cool:

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Its the most popular sport in the world and it plays its part in keeping people 'sttupidd' and 'pre-occupied'...kinda like the Romans and Gladiator games.

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I think you tend to get carried away, ever heard people praying to Allah for Hebel and Hebel to score? lol

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Originally posted by Northerner:

a) Wearing football shirts which advertise breweries

b) Wearing red football shirts

Liverpool icon_evil.gif



i void wearing some team kits e.g. Brazil, Portugal and most Spanish and Italian league teams, because of their religious symbols on their emblem

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Rocko, i havnt worn a Liverpool shirt since the beer sponsor.


ever heard people praying to Allah for Hebel and Hebel to score?

Half time Champions League final 2005 :(

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Originally posted by WaTerLily:


I suppose it depends on the level of

indeed it does WaTerLily

you learn to scrutinize and analyse every little detial bout the game


Rocko, i havnt worn a Liverpool shirt since the beer sponsor.

as you should not mate.

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