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Ibtisam Live on Universal TV

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She was there last night for all to see. Maa'shaa Allah , covered with grey and whittish scarf, and mixing broken somali with impeccable English, she was there, with all her grace. I saw her, I don't know who else saw it. In a somali event.

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did u make a copy of the footage, i have been trying to get a copy:)


and her somali was great

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You see, I never saw Ibtisam, nor did I see her photo. I can't say I have sixth sense. It is more appropriate if I say waa la igu soo dagaa. It didn't even took me two seconds to know this one was her. I quickly traced her spoken Somlali to what she writes in SOL. And like that professor langdon in Angels and Demons, it was there.


But I didn't sleep, out of guilt. I was giving hard time here in SOl to such lovely baby. Seeing her you would think she will break if you touch her. But,here in SOL, she is the policeman. The amazing transformative power of cyber-life!

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LOOOL Axmed!! Are you sure it was me, not every girl with a broken Somali is aniga you know :D


I need to see that clip!

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ibti i think he is bluffing or he bribed someone.


labadaa mid uun bey noqon doonta, dhagta iidur hadii kale

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Ms DD   

Is Ahmed A&T?


I need to see a clip to confirm that the delicate flower la sheegayo iney tahay ibti.

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Iskada daa please. I told you I have learned to trust my sixth sense long time ago. What I am not yet sure is if the one with the yellow foodad next to you was my own MS DD or if she was someone else?


I am missing a lot, stucked here in the jungle of Africa. Waa inaan soo xaraashaa alaabtayda oon meesha iskeenaa. :D:D



My roots reach far away. If you didn't know,maanta ogow. :D

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yellow, yellow? cant think of anyone with yellow lol.


Ms DD, the delicate flower was indeed full of grace. diracad bey aheyd

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Originally posted by Axmed Dhancadde:

I quickly traced her spoken Somlali to what she writes in SOL.

Who said Ibti writes Somali on SOL? redface.gificon_razz.gif Oh sorry, I missed it, you said Somlali...Pheeeew... :D




She sure looks like a delicate fiyoore, the first time I saw her pic, waxaan is iri yariiseydaan maba noqon karto mici libaaxda SOL dhex meer meereysato...

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ahmed oo hada waxa leedahay connected baan ahay? haye duly noted sir.


guys ibti does speak somali, in fact she speaks fast somali, when she is done talking, you will still hearing.


ibti, i dont think it was you either, the whole group including wiilo no one had anything yellow on.

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KK, you are quick. It was spelling error actually. :D:D I actually exclaimed "Alla! waa Ibtisam!" to the harsh looks of my wife. If only I didn't named my baby Ibtisam two months ago, maxaa i maydhi lahaa? I quickly found the scape: Alla Ibtisam u ekaa gabadhani!


What Ibtisam doesn't know is that I was alerted one hour before the programme would start. The caller said 'keep your eyes on Universal TV caawa'.




take it as a bluff or as a sign of me advertising my connections, but the fact is I know what I am talking about here. She indeed talked a fast somali that I can't remember what she was saying. Yellow, haduu dooni lipstick ha ahaado, there has to be someone oo wax yellow ah watay. Ama dagho ha noqdo. I am sure. Please try to check on the group.

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