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Bloody rednecks

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Baker’s attempt to offend missed its mark, according to Fotouh.
Muslims do not hate pigs, he said; they just don’t eat them.

Good reminder. I'm glad it ain't rednect mud wrestling race.

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Originally posted by *Aisha*:

This is what I call real ignorance!!!

Try to understand their justifications. I don't think it's ignorance. If you are a typical redneck and for years the media has been feeding you everything from 911, terrorism, sleeper cells, Al-Qaida, Middle Easterns, Iraq, iwm- then it's only natural that you will be against building mosques. I am curious, if you live in Muqdisho, will you allow Jerry Falwell to build a church a short distance from your villa?

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Is it not ignorant to just follow whatever fall into your ears? Isn't ignorant all about lacking knowledge of a subject or judging based on wrong information?


Who is to blame? The media for reporting one side story or the audience for believing the crap they seen on their screen?

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Reer Mareykanka waxaa ka quursatay maalinta igu horeysay oo aan Jerry Springer Show fiirsaday anoo waliba dalkooda ku cusub. The audience, the host and guests were, to be kind, xoolo xoolo dhalay.


Then I realized it wasn't only confined to Jerry's show, but a whole trashed industry solely based on it. Maury, Sally, Donahue, Ricki Lake, Montel...




On a related absurdity:


Women protest Sheikh's comments with bikini march


ELEANOR HALL: Organisers of a protest march against Sheikh Taj El Din Al Hilali's comments on women and rape say they're confident their demonstration won't be hijacked by white supremacists.


'The Great Australian Bikini March' is planned for December the 9th, with organisers encouraging participants to put on "beachwear" and march to a Melbourne mosque.


But police are warning that the protest may be infiltrated by extremists.


Sabra Lane compiled this report.


SABRA LANE: March organiser, Christine Hawkins, describes herself as a Melbourne grandmother.


She says she was outraged by recent comments made by Sydney Sheikh Taj El Din Al Hilali, comparing scantily clad women to uncovered meat.


CHRISTINE HAWKINS: We're encouraging people to wear beachwear. The reason for that... we've called it the 'The Great Australian Bikini March' because it's got an interesting, iconic image for Australians that most Australians, you know, even from their childhoods remember summer holidays with great fondness, of going down to the beach, sitting in the sun, warm, swimming, lots of nice memories.


And that we're actually identified all the world for our beach culture, so it's a statement about maintaining our way of life through using the icon of beach culture.


Read more


Well, it was supposed to happen yesterday. Anyway, I say to them: Bring the march every other day on, however the grandmother should stay out. :D:D:D

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I second that Jimcaale!!


Taliban, I can understand their justification but I don't think it's acceptable. People can come out of ignorance by getting off there lazy *** and actually seek the truth. It's not that hard!

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