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General Duke

Israeli air strikes against SUDAN

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Dozens of Israeli Aircraft Involved in Sudan Attack


Attack 'A Warning to Iran,' Officials Insist

Posted March 31, 2009


Israeli security officials today confirmed that dozens of aircraft, fighter-bombers and drones, were involved in the January attack against a truck convoy in Sudan, which killed at least 39 people and destroyed dozens of trucks allegedly loaded down with weapons.


The officials said that the United States was notified about the attack, but played no role in it. They added that it was meant to be a “warning to Iran.” Indeed, though former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert wouldn’t confirm the attack, he did say of it that it proved “no target is out of Israel’s reach.”


A separate report also claims that the US had warned the Sudanese government about the weapons smugglers ahead of the Israeli attack. The Sudanese government said the issue would be investigated, but the attack occurred shortly thereafter, leading to the Sudanese accusations of American involvement.

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US Officials Confirm Israeli Attack in Sudan

Intelligence Reports Alleged Iranian Operative in Sudan Coordinated Efforts


Posted March 26, 2009


US officials have confirmed today that the attack against a convoy of trucks in Sudan was in fact carried out by Israeli warplanes. The attack destroyed the entire convoy, killing 39 people. Israeli officials had declined to confirm the attack, though Prime Minister Olmert used the report to underscore Israel’s ability to launch attacks on targets “anywhere.”


The officials, citing classified intelligence, claimed that there had been intelligence reports that an operative from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps was in Sudan at the time, coordinating the effort to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip.


The Sudanese government had kept quiet about the attack for months as an apparent attempt to save face at their inability to stop or even determine who had launched the attack. A government spokesman today claimed the attack “was a genocide, committed by US forces,” and put the death toll at over 100.


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Israel Killed 39 in Attack on Sudan Convoy

January Strike Destroyed Several Trucks, Injured Civilians

Posted March 25, 2009


Answering accusations from a Sudanese minister that the US Air Force had killed 39 people in a January attack in that nation, US officials say that in fact it was the Israeli military that launched the attack on a convoy of trucks northwest of Port Sudan city.


Reportedly, the Israeli planes used a US base in Djibouti to stage the attacks, as part of the agreement between Israel and the outgoing Bush Administration made in mid January. Israeli officials would neither confirm nor deny the attacks.


The trucks attacked were said to be smuggling small arms to Hamas, and while an exact date for the attack was not given it appears to have been shortly (perhaps just days) after the Israeli military halted its ground invasion of the Gaza Strip. Everyone in the trucks, said to include Ethiopians and Eritreans, was reported killed, and an unknown number of civilians were also said to be wounded in the attack.

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"Reportedly, the Israeli planes used a US base in Djibouti to stage the attacks, as part of the agreement between Israel and the outgoing Bush Administration made in mid January."


This is a good example of the divide and rule policies of the West towards the Arab and African states.

Can Somalis in D-jibouti demand the foreclosure of the preemtive strikes launched from their home territory. As if cocoon of despair, the West howls that convenient term of democratic governance while building dictatorship walls as usual.


In this case of IRAN, they are irritated simply because it outfoxed them through this old tactic of survival and state dilemma. Iran has been successful as they continue bringing more state and non-state actors into her sphere of influence with its oil riches and home grown democracy.


People are killed at will daily either by unmanned drones or propped up repressive regimes. When the world market is secluded from you, creativity is stifled and be reduced to mere consumers of their products as well as a reliable supplier of raw materials well below their fair market price, desperate socieities turn on themselves and repressive regimes with their elite rulers, military and policy advisers, do resort to harsh methods aimed at surviving their hold on power rather than competing to survive their societies and perfecting their institutions.

Will there be a near future when Arab and African governments become answerable to their own people. I hope!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Ibti: No it was not dear, they bombed SUDAN and people where hushing it up. It was not even discussed in the Arab meeting.

Seems these Arab rulers worry more about Iranian influence in the peninsula than Israel's attack on their territories..

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As a person who voted for Obama, I still clinch to the hopes that Obama cultivates in our heart. "Love should never leave us alone" as Marley said. I think this particular conflict of the Islamic world vs. The West has had wider implications on the African continent. Even during the Arab-Israeli conflict in the 70s, and the oil embargo, the continent that was most affected was Africa. However, comparing the two key unequal players in this conflict and their financial contribution to Africa's progress, I firmly believe that Muslim Arabs have made huge investments in countries like Sudan, Di-jibouti, and Chad, and their Islamic charity to the needy is registered to be more than the one given by the west, overall. However, what is truly sad is that it's not the west's lack of interest to see the development of our places of origin but it's centuries old doctrine of "winner-takes-all". Now unlike China which is eager to fill the gap and its emerging competitor--the Arabs, the west had to come up with a new world order that would heighten corrosive instability and therefore retard any development or progress towards self-sufficiency. But the chickens have come home to roost and America or its partner/ally won't have the apetite to look at a dark continent, for now. They are in fear of losing what they already have.


China is becoming a more active global player. I hope it's not corrupted with this doctrine of "winner takes all". What got her at this level is their Culture: thrifty, hardwork and egalitarian values.

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