
kenya assigns Phillip Githiora to establish the Kenyan mission in Hargeisa, Somaliland

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By: StandardMedia

Kenya’s ambassador to the US Robinson Njeru Githae may move to Moscow, Russia in changes planned by Foreign Affairs CS Monica Juma.

The ministry proposes that Mr Githae be moved to Moscow or dropped altogether.

If President Uhuru Kenyatta considers the proposal, Githae will replace Richard Ekai.

Mr Ekai, a former PS in the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Arts, was charged over the alleged mismanagement of funds during the 2016 Rio Olympics Summer Games shortly before he reported to Moscow.

This scuttled the new appointment, leaving the station to be managed by junior diplomats as the former PS battled abuse of office charges.

In a letter to the Head of Civil Service Joseph Kinyua, dated February 27, 2019, Dr Juma proposed that either Stephen Karau, the Kenya’s envoy in Seoul, South Korea, moves to US or Mwende Mwinzi is appointed to the station.

Juma wants Lazarus Amayo, who is the country’s ambassador/Permanent Representative to the UN, as well as Anthony Muchiri, who is in charge of Cuba, retained.

The CS has also recommended that the ministry’s Political and Diplomatic Secretary Tom Amolo be appointed envoy to Rome. She also wants him to campaign for Kenya’s quest to sit in the United Nations Security Council.

Former Higher Education minister Hellen Sambili is proposed to head the Kenyan mission in Harare, Zimbabwe, while film producer Njeri Njiiri Karagu has been recommended to head the Kenyan consulate in Los Angeles.

Githiora Philip Mundia has been proposed to establish the Kenyan mission in Hargeisa, Somaliland, perhaps an indication Nairobi will finally recognise the self-declared semi-autonomous state.

Yesterday, Foreign Affairs PS Macharia Kamau said implementation of the planned changes was “progressing well and new appointees will report in good time”.

Appointing authority

Asked when the changes affecting ambassadors such as Githae would take place, he responded: “That will await the appointing authority’s announcement.”

Flora Karagu has been proposed as the new envoy in Lusaka, Zambia.

In other changes that do not require a presidential nod, Juma has shuffled officers who will be deployed around the world. They include Consul General of Kenya in Dubai and the Northern Emirates, Kariuki Mugwe, who moves to Abu Dhabi in the same position, and Barine Elphas Mugendi, who moves to Accra, Ghana.

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Taa macnaheedu waa, kenya waxay soo heshay furihii asal ahaan meeshii soomaaliya laga dumiyay si "badda" ay dhacday ugu xalaalawdo.

Koonfurtana wixii kaloo aqoonsi raba, kenya waa ula diyaar hadaysan ugaba sii fiicnayn hargaysa.

Caqligu markuu aqoonsi ka bilawdo kuna dhamaado waa tanoo kale.

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13 hours ago, gooni said:

Taa macnaheedu waa, kenya waxay soo heshay furihii asal ahaan meeshii soomaaliya laga dumiyay si "badda" ay dhacday ugu xalaalawdo.

Koonfurtana wixii kaloo aqoonsi raba, kenya waa ula diyaar hadaysan ugaba sii fiicnayn hargaysa.

Caqligu markuu aqoonsi ka bilawdo kuna dhamaado waa tanoo kale.

Awoowe, ma madaxa aya jug kaaso gaadhay, ilawshiiyo dhawidaa? 

Kenya qayb dhan ayay xoog ku haysata Koonfurta Somalia. Madaxdeedu sidii dalkooda oo kale ayay hadh iyo habeen iska soo galaan kana baxaan.  Nin dhulkii xoog ku haystaa ma bad ayu u daahaya? 

Bal noo sheeg halka uu salaanta Uhuru ku qaadanaayo meesha ay tahay?  Waliba dharkii ciidanka lagu labisanyay.

Halkan sawiro badan iyo macluumaad ka eeg (Kenyan Ministry of Defence )

Somaliland aqoonsigeedu waa siyaasad/politics, taana furfurkeedi waa lagu dabo jira.



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East Africa: Kenya Ponders Diplomatic Ties With Somaliland

Kenya is exploring diplomatic relations with Somaliland after dispatching an emissary to set up a mission in the capital city of Hargeisa.

Kenya will join Ethiopia and Djibouti as some of the countries with diplomatic missions in Somaliland.

The Foreign Affairs ministry directed Mr Philip Mundia Githiora to establish the mission after talks between Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma and new Somaliland envoy to Kenya Omar Bashe.

Dr Juma also had a meeting with the immediate former Somaliland Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation minister Saad Ali Shire.

Consequently, Dr Juma wrote a letter to Head of Civil Service Joseph Kinyua proposing the setting up of a mission in the self-declared state led by President Muse Bihi Abdi.

"We have a long history with Kenya dating back to colonial days. The move by Kenya to open a mission in Hargeisa will be a massive boost to our economic and social transactions," Mr Bashe, who has been pursuing the matter for about 10 months, said.


Somaliland, formally a de facto state under the British government, declared its independence from Somalia in 1991 after the end of both the civil war and reign of Siad Barre. However, it has not gained international recognition.

Last December, Somaliland hosted an investors' forum in Nairobi that was opened by Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Yasin Mohammed Hiir, who encouraged Kenyan investors to exploit the opportunities his country offers.

"Come and work with us in building the great nation of Somaliland. We have so many opportunities. We need to expand cross-border trade and investments between the two countries for mutual gain," Mr Hiir said.


He added that his country is also keen on building social relations. "The large number of Kenyans who are working and living in Somaliland is proof of our good hospitality. We can increase prosperity for our citizens through enhanced trade," he observed.

Among Kenyan businessmen set to benefit from good relations are miraa (khat) traders. Mr Bashe also advised Kenya Airways to take cue and start direct flights between Nairobi and Hargeisa.

This, he argues, will help boost medical tourism and encourage students from Somaliland to seek opportunities in Kenyan institutions.

Mr Githiora has been serving as Minister Counsellor at the Kenyan Embassy in Moscow, Russia.

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Awoowe burburkii ka dib somaaliya waxay noqotay baradho bisil oo dameer jiran jiidayo.

Ma jiro gobol xuduudkiisa, ciidan iyo xoog ku ilaaliya, ama satellite kula socda dhaqdhaqaaqa xuduud qabiileedkiisa.

Adigoo ka mida aqoonyahanka snm, ma waxaa farxad iyo rayn rayn ku gelinaya kenya koonfurtana waa gumaysataa waqooyigana waxay qarka u saarantahay inay aqoonsato.?

Macquul in aqoontii aad kusoo daashay aad sidaa u khasaariso?

Farqiga u dhexeeya koofurta iyo waqooyiga in badan baan ra'yigayga ka dhiibtay

Koonfurtu shaqadii gumaystuhu ka doonayay waxay ku fulisaa xoog iyo qori caaraddii iyo kala qaybin.

Waqooyiguna asagaaba diyaar la ah, tacab iyo dhib la'aan macnaha waaba iska ogol.

Kenya waa dawlad adeer, maalin walbana waxay qaabishaa qabiilo soomaaliyeed oo arimo kala duwan ugu socda

Kuwo aqoonsi doonaya

Kuwo dhaqaale iyo kobaca bililiqada ugu socda.

Kuwo leh hadii ciidankiinu naga tago garan mayno, si caano loo dhami doono.

Kuwo leh hay'adaha deeqda bixiyaa na casuumay oo bariga fog waxaan uga nimid maslaxadda beesheena.

Kenya eed maleh walaalo, waana tan keentay inay xuduudkii "badda" ay u raadiso qabiilo la xaliya, oo dawladnimo ka madax banaan.

Waxayna isku tilmaamaan qoys ka mida soomaaliya, loona baahnyahay in hoos loo wada hadlo intii lays dacwayn lahaa, sidii siyaasi cabdi shakuur iyo ina sharmaake horayba u sameeyeen.


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Awoowe, bal in afkaaga iyo maskaxdaadu ayna ismaqlayn, waxa halkaa ka sheegtay in Kenya inside-out waxay doontu uga fushato Koonfurta Somalia. Kolka bal aan ku su'aale, hadii Kenya wax walba ka fushato Koonfurta, sidee ayuu Safaaradda Hargeisa ka furanaysa u noqday kolka aad tidhi:  Quote "...kenya waxay soo heshay furihii asal ahaan meeshii soomaaliya laga dumiyay si "badda" ay dhacday ugu xalaalawdo."

Kenya fure uma baahna hadii ay badda iyo meel kale ba ay damaacido, waxa jira Koonfurta kuwo Kenya indho iyo dhego u ah oo meel walba jooga. 

Mida kale, Somaliland iyo Somalia wax la is barbar dhigi karo maba aha, meelna waa fawdo meelna kala danbayn, sharci iyo dawlad ayaa ka jira. 


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