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The Food (Hilib)

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Nope.. I didn't asked to pay since I was little scary chicken in the town. It was in the middle of civil war between different groups.

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loooooooooool ,, not only in Burco but i seen that other places too. But they don't usually ask, once you get up he graps your plate and finish your food before his order arrives. He may grap a couple of other plates as well depending on sida meeshu u cammiran tahay ,, :D

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

loooooooooool@Bob ,, waar niyow ilaa qiyaamihii uun baad lahayd waan soo socdaa mana soo dhaqaaqdide naga daa ,,, dhowr bilood by reer borama Standby kuu ahaayeen oo lugahaaba xanuunaye.

Waa runtaa taasi laakiin ninyahow weli qaaraan baan ku jiraa illeyn ninkan miskiinka ah oo waxba heysan baan ahaye adiguna waad ogtahay in qarash badan la iga rabo inaan bixiyo hadaan rajo ka leeyahay inaan Shuun guri geysto tolkana waa diideen iney ii qaaraamaan sababtoo ah waxey ileeyihiin 3 xaas baad leedahay ee kuwaas ilaahey ha kuugu anfaco oo mar 4aad kuu qaaraami meyno marka arintaas ayaa isoo daahisay laakiin usheeg reer Boorama waan soo socdaa oo yeysan daalin...inyar unbaa dhiman ee dulqaata ku dheh. ;)



Qadadaas oo kele waa $ 3 - $ 4 .... meelaha qaarna ka qaalisan meelaha qaarna kaba jaban. Lakin that is the evarage.

its same like here...waa raqiis...war ninyahow heedhe bal iska eeg yeysan isheyda kugu dhicin oo hilib horteyda haku cunin...Ooooh waxaanba hilmaamay inaan sheego Caano Geel...Allah jecliyaa caanahaas anigu...believe it or not I don't drink milk unless they are Camel Milk...I never bother with the rest...what do they call Mac Geel in Waqooyi? or Garoor ama Suusac...bal intaas ii kala sheeg adigaa SOL u ah Ambaashatoorka u fadhiya Hargeysa. smile.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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That is exactly how he did it. As soon as I try to stand up, he asked me if he can have the left over. This is how very concious people should behave when it comes to wasting food when others are in need, I like reer Burco, very nice and decent people.

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its same like here...waa raqiis...war ninyahow heedhe bal iska eeg yeysan isheyda kugu dhicin oo hilib horteyda haku cunin...Ooooh waxaanba hilmaamay inaan sheego Caano Geel...Allah jecliyaa caanahaas anigu...believe it or not I don't drink milk unless they are Camel Milk...I never bother with the rest...what do they call Mac Geel in Waqooyi? or Garoor ama Suusac...bal intaas ii kala sheeg adigaa SOL u ah Ambaashatoorka u fadhiya Hargeysa.

Aniguba i drink caaano geela ,,,, it is called Gadhoodh or Maydhanaan ........ marka ay gadhoodhka yihiin ee inta Tallaagadda lagu rido la qaboojiyo ,, raashin ka fiicaniba ma jiro.



Looooooooool@FB ,,,, ma hadaad dad Zebra cunayana meesha keentay ,,, :D

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^I know. That was a bit disturbing; I am now concerned about our dear Farax.


JB, sorry to point this out but that food lacks presentation. Fries in meat juice? I wouldn't eat from that plate!

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I have seen this somali guy who was on TV, and the presenter asked him about Somali food, He said, We love Camel and crocdile meat, What! I never heard Somalis eating crocdiles!

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Haneefah ,, unless you are suffering from wiswis disease then that food is yummyyy.


Aniguba waan cunaye adigu maxaad ku diidi ,,,, :D

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