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Death urged for man who raped minor daughter

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Death urged for man who raped minor daughter

By Mariam Al Hakeem, Correspondent




Riyadh: Members of the Saudi Society for Human Rights feel that the man who raped his minor daughter several times should be stoned to death for committing the crime, saying that "he deserves no mercy or leniency".


The Saudi man was arrested last Thursday in Madinah for sexually assaulting his 12-year-old daughter.


The culprit confessed to the officials of the Investigation and Public Prosecution Authority that he had been forcibly assaulting the girl sexually over a long period of time.


Members of the Saudi Society for Human Rights visited the girl yesterday before she was taken to the Social Care Centre to avoid a further repeat of the abuse.


Dr Suhaila Zainul Abideen, a member of the society, said that the culprit should be stoned to death at a public place in the presence of people so that it could be an exemplary punishment and a warning to all parents and others against committing such crimes.


"This is an alarming situation. Therefore, it is mandatory to give the death sentence to those who commit such brutal crimes so as to ensure protection of other children in the society.


"It was embarrassing to learn that the child had been subjected to all sorts of harassment to satisfy that man's lust," Dr Suhaila told Asharq Al Awsat newspaper.


Dr Suhaila said that she does not think that the man was suffering from any mental disorders that needed treatment.


Dr Khalid Bin Ali Al Mushaiqeh, professor of Sharia faculty at Al Qasseem University, said that there are two types of punishment for rape under the Islamic Sharia. The first is 100 lashes and deportation for one year if the culprit is an unmarried man.


In the case of married men, stoning to death is the punishment. This punishment was in the case of those who are not blood relatives of the victims. "The punishment for the culprit who is a blood relative is much more severe. He should be stoned to death whether he is married or unmarried," he said.



25% of children face sexual harassment


Dr Wafa Mahmoud Tayyiba, a member of the Saudi Society for Human Rights, said that nearly 25 per cent of children in the kingdom are facing sexual harassment from either relatives or others.


"The society is currently planning to launch an awareness campaign among mothers to take care of their children and protect them from being victims of such harassment," she said.


Gulf News

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1)that piece-of-sh!t should be stoned to death, and his body fed to the dogs. :mad:




2)they should tie a string around his pen!s and the other end around a tree, then throw him off a cliff...then back to No.1 :mad:

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Death is too easy of a sentence: they should use the Chinese torture system where this incestuous pedophile is concerned.

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I don't normally hold any truck with torture or the death penalty, but I can turn a blind eye where this dude is concerned.

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Not to sound like a cynic, but I wonder what kind of social status this man has in Saudi Arabia. He's obviously not connected to any royal family members, or we probably wouldn't be hearing about this.


As for Jimca's reply that death is too easy of a sentence, don't forget that the punishment only begins after death. This man will be served his justice by the One who is truly just.

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Originally posted by Jimca Lee:

Death is too easy of a sentence: they should use the Chinese torture system where this incestuous pedophile is concerned.

I recommend Chinese water torture?

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