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NGONGE is a chauvinist and an elitist!

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Amiin,illahi haa kuu sahalo!..Waar dee ciyaalnimada iska daa hedhee,niin weyne batahay sharaftaa haiskaa ridiin...[taasi waa iga talo].


You have challenged Ngonge,he responded..dee bees dee!..Ma waxaad rabtaa inuu kulaa tartamoo? arent his style!


As for wuxuu naguu tabtee,its only just "respect" my dear.Meel hanagaa gadhiin niyahow!


am out of this thread.

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Ngonge and his crew should pack their trouble in their duffle bag and leave SOL.They should only be allowed to pester as from afar.Yeah Down With Ngonge.Someone shoot some Novacaine in their loud mouths.....Down with all of them....Okay now that I let that out, did I make any sense while I counterfeit the poster? :D

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I knew you were his! Indeed a mole and a ploy! Insults are the distinctive trademark of his desciples! How unmistakable!

Tolka a.k.a kilyo ku hure, you went a bit far with that comment about serena.


One thing you won't find me do is defend serena, but as a female, I found the terms such as "his this, or his that" very distasteful.


Aad iyo aad ayaa ugu gafte gabadha, it makes her seem like gabadha in meelaha lagu gado. You really need to bleech carabkaaga.


Lastly, I think you need to tone down a bit. YOu are losing the plot abtigiisa. Don't think I didn't read your disrespectful thread about mogadishu people. I don't know what tuulo you rep, but you don't come in this forum and mouth off about my hometown people. I was born in mogadishu, and that trash you posted about dadkooda is a bit qabiiliste of you.(that trashy side of you must be common trait in your parts eh?)


YOu better stick with your bari regions or whatever you hail from, and remember, clean carab takes you far in life.


PS:Long Live Senor Ng

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Originally posted by Malika:

Amiin,illahi haa kuu sahalo!..Waar dee ciyaalnimada iska daa hedhee,niin weyne batahay sharaftaa haiskaa ridiin...[taasi waa iga talo].


You have challenged Ngonge,he responded..dee bees dee!..Ma waxaad rabtaa inuu kulaa tartamoo? arent his style!


As for wuxuu naguu tabtee,its only just "respect" my dear.Meel hanagaa gadhiin niyahow!


am out of this thread.



Waa ciyaarayaa deee!! I am not allowed to tease my friend NGONGE? :D:D


Layzie G.


EDIT: Adigu wax kalaad ka hadlaysaa. You can't be serious. You are his or her thing depends on the context. If you wish to twist it is your headache. I was talking interms of supporting X or Y? Bal sheekada iyo Munaafaqadaad meesha la timid fiiri?


About Moqgishu, Igama xigtid. Unless you are one of those who think in local terms Moqdisho and Muqdushaawi are my people and I love them. I am really surprised at your shots. Maxaa meeshan qabiil keenay. You are walaahi a troubled soul. I denounce all of your nonsenses and attempts to tarnish my image. I am from Jigjiga and I just joked about it the other day. Shed your complexities and insidiuos munaafaqnimo.


There are plenty of mistakes you can accuse me on, but what you picked is pure venom. NONSENSE iyo badh baad tahay ee hana la sheekaysan!!!!!!!!!!!




Hadda yaa la caayay!Ma gabdahaa adiga ku taageeray NGONOOW ayaa cay ah? Let people decide if that is cay, and I will duly apologise!! Xaal iyo Xurmayn baan bixin haday taaso cay noqoto!!

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HADAAD ciyaareesay dumarka lama caayo dee waa kusidi sxb


"Ngonge gabdhaha maxu taabsiye ...ciyaar ma ahan waa ceeey

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^ point exactly. by adding a little humor, he thinks he can get away with the disrespect.


Wixii jacel ng, iyo wixii ng neceb, ayaga ayey utaala. No one asked you to speak on their behalf, so please stick with your short stories.

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A lady would rather avoid confrontation than fight her corner. ... So when my mother tells me I'm no lady, I can only breathe a sigh of relief. ...




hahhaha Ngone you want me to rugby tackle him

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By design, I never debate with people who like to lit a fire of Fidno and are Munaafiqiin. It is over LG. I am serious dadka hadalka dadka leexiya are not my type!!! Saa inagu kala daa!



waakan isagii ku amrayee kolna masarka xidho kula fur ku lehe, haye kolkaa maxaad nagu haysataa!! :D:D:D

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^^ :D (that would be great).

But, no, I was referring to what I told nuune on page three. He proved me right and jumped on two people already, mind your afro now. :D

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NGONGE delcare a ceasre fire! or at least a truce! all kinds of people with 'dozes of resentments' are joining in under this pretext. It looks your army keeps firing non-stop. Amar bixi ninyow jabnaye :D


Bal noocan ku leh qabiil baad u jeeday fiiri! Walaahi afkaan kala qaaday!

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:



waakan isagii ku amrayee kolna masarka xidho kula fur ku lehe, haye kolkaa maxaad nagu haysataa!!

A&T niga waan iska kaftamayay "kow dheh"

Marka aniga BAC laiguma so xirin "Labo dheh"


PS. Ngonge look what you've done to me now

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