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Somali Bus Drivers endorse SOmali Bariis Party

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Cara, Khat was first used as a mechanism by poor Somali men during the tryannical xalimocracy of Queen Carawello.I Blame women for the khat problem.

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do they have a union horta? i know they get dismissed or their pay docked for no reasons.

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Originally posted by Juxa:

do they have a union horta? i know they get dismissed or their pay docked for no reasons.

Even then, if it is not within the collective agreement and not backed by the union, they could still be sacked.


You don't boycotts or work-to-rules in the workplace, without consulting with the unions and labor lawyers.

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Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

Cara, Khat was first used as a mechanism by poor Somali men during the tryannical xalimocracy of Queen Carawello.I Blame women for the khat problem.

Ileen nimanka Soomaaliyeedna maanta waxeey barteen 'victim mentality'. Dont blame Araweelo for everything, Araweelo only sells the qaad, Cali is the one buying it.

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I knew a guy who poured water into the bus' petrol tank. The bus broke down, he ordered everyone off and reported the problem before he left the scene to go out and party lol.


Ma kuwaasa sympathy u baahan Juxay?

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