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Somali gabayo in English.

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Salamu Calaykum,


Peotry lovers here is a somali poetry collection translated in English B.W Andrezejewski with Sheila Andrezezjewski.



Cilmi Boondheri,


A vain Love,


When the camles come back thirsty,

From many nights of grazing in the Hawd,

They are brought to a halt just short of the well,

While a youth sings, trying to keep them calm.

But they want to press forward, for alrady they hear,


The "hoobay! hoobay!" of the watering-chant.


I am like that when I hear you say "hodan"!

Her name seems to you so simple,

But to me it brings grief and woe,

I shall never give her up,

Not til the day they tread earth into her grave,



Rapt in a deceitful trance,

I thought I was sleeping by her side,

But it was a jinn, not she herself,

A jinn made in the image of her sister.

I tried to catch her by the hand

But the place by my side was empty-

I found I was striving in vain,

For there was no one there.

I tossed from side to side, then suddenly awoke-

I rumpled my bed like a prowling lion,

I attacked the bedclothes and punded them,

As if it were they that had caused my loss.


Like a hero against whom men have combined

I covered my face, all but my defiant eyes.


I was humbled, like a boy who could not save from robbers,

The herd entrusted to his care.

I felt disgraced as a women does

When the words "I divorce you" are said to her.


It is degrading to yearn for what you cannot have,

Alas Alas, what a disaster has befallen me!



At the Grave of Cilmi Boondheri


By Mohamed Warsame "Hadrawi".


O my king among poets!

You who were driven onward to destruction

By your sarrows, by your helpless anger,

And by the harshness meted out to you-

O Cilmi, you who died from passion's griefs,

You are the very paragon of love!

The perfection of the peots art is in your lementations-


Accept by greetings, praise and homage!


I know full well you are requited now,

For all the pains you suffered in this world,

But there are some questions I would ask you.

Do you lodge in paradise? Do you lie in fresh, cool shade?

Do you pick ripe fruit, and do you hoursi sing for you?

Do they grant whatever you may want of them?

Have you and Hodon beheld each other in the court of God?

Have you spoken to her and she to you?



But why should I be concern with any of womankind?

How can I ever at with them

Or exert myself unstintingly on their behalf?

For it was they, was it not, who tempted you away,

Beguiling you with a could that brought no rain,

And a deceitful vision on the far horizon?

They who lured you to a dry and empty pool.



A Fine War Horse _Sayyid Mohamed Abdalle Hassan.


When men are summoned from afar to fight,

To march there would be wary work indeed,

But walhad spreads his back from me,

As if he were a soft skin bedding-mat.

Does he not act as a good wife does?


The skin flask holding camels' milk-

Weeto's milk, which fills one to the full-

The fashoned saddle, the bit, the ornamented straps,

The glinting bridle the tasselled halter,

which he tosses up and down,

the thonged whip, the shield fo wrought rhinocernos hide,

The long speak chosen from stock of spears,

All these he carries on his back.


He moves with a swinging gait,

The gait of a bull elephant when angered.

Do not expect sedatenesss from him-

Is he not an afreet, an out and out demon?


If I mount him at light of dawn

And under the hot sun reide on throughout the day,

He is a cooling wind in himself.

Is he not the light breeze in the evening?


But if we set out on a long nights' journey

He protects me from the cold damp air.

Is he not a mantle that is spread around me?


When the camels have gone forth to graze,

And a attack is made when they stop to feed,

Is he not like javelin beind hurled,

As he bounds out from among a hundered Companions?


Where there is fighting and the taking of booty

And when men take aim and fire off their bullets,

He can dodge them-is he not an agent of God?


He brings destruction to great men,

He cuts off the life of the brave,

He recovers stock that was captured,

Is he not hot death itself?



I'll type some more stay tune Insha Allah.

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The Serpent _by Muse X. Galaal.


Mankind, O diviner, was destined, it seems,

To be the cause of this world's woes,

Butchering each other was your invention

'Stab' was a word that you devised,

And the fire that you have kindled,

Will consume a large part of creation,

When you are weak and defenceless,

How fond you are of friendship,

And the support of mutual aid-

But for the man you called your friend,

When you were pressed by need,

You care nothing when your purpose is achieved!


YOu have broken the convenant into which you entered,

And the pact that once was made between us.

The evil deeds of the sons of Adam,

Will surely end by destroying the world!


When you say outloud with your lips,

You do not mean it in your heart.

It was I who saved you from trap,

When you came to me in such dire straits,

I expected some reward from you,

But instead, you dolt, the Profit I gained,

Was a deadly blow from my hilted sword!

The thud and crack of that sword of yours-

The cloud of dust that vexed my head-

The fear in which I fled from you-

By that trickling tear, that gaunt aspect,

Those pleading words which touched my flesh,

Those jinn like supplication!

So do not look trust from me,

For that trust fell down a very deep hole,

I shall tell you this, for the sake of God-

You are doer of evil deeds!

I have no doubt that many time

You have oppressed weak men and orphans,

And in my view you are paying now,

For all the injustices you have commite-

And old debt of yours is now being settled.

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Originally posted by Red Sea:

[QB] Salamu Calaykum,


Peotry lovers here is a somali poetry collection translated in English B.W Andrezejewski with Sheila Andrezezjewski.

True B.W Andrezejweski was exceptional scholar and a peot extraordinair,in polish,english, and somali all togather, he wrote his own somali poems and with Muse they have done alot of good work to preserve the somali literarture and peoms. i read some where he called himself a somali name which infact i dont know its meaning - GoGaash i hope spelling is right,and mind you the guy was originally polish by birth, so even english is not his mother language.


All that said Somali literature is beautiful in its own somali lingo, cos its the case of lost in the translation. its interesting to note that in somali though some times its hard to comprehend but nevertheless no matter how the somali society was in chious, and having so many burning wounds in all their lives but needless to say they were having a golden words to Submerge their pains and sorrows and express their love for camel and women. :D


The challenge is to translate some verses from AbdiGayhr to Qawdhan ducaale, The preivous want to bring down the latter not challenging him as his quality because he was brave and a peot but he want to insult his father so he will go mad and lost the position of the best Gabayaa in their nick of the wood.


AbdiGayhr said:

Ducaale ba aftaag wuxu kula baxay dawdarnimadii

ee ma caruurhuu dooxayay baad dowladnimo mooday.


Qawdhan return:

Ducaale ba aftaag wuxu kula baxay dawladnimadiiye

intuu dilay intuu daajiyaa dacal ka dheerayde

marti daashay oo goor amina dadabta loo waabay

inuu nayl digaag leg qalo uu du'dayo moyaane

Muxu gool dareemada ku koray daacad ugu loogay

Diintaaban ku dhaariye iyo daacada ilaahe

iyama ducaale iyo warsame c.i.i.d.agle doortay

so tii shirkii laga dire u daabka qoray maaha.


one more thing who can translate Sayid Mohamed's lamenting points in Guba Gaalo lagad.


Ragii igu gadaana miya Aakhiro u guuray

Ebow way gumaadeen ragii gaanahay ahaaye

Gaydhaale aw aadanbay galowda taabteen

Ebow xirsigii garaaraha laha gaarufkii dhimay

Go'xoshaaga nuux bay ilamdu haatan gabaxlayn

Ebow way gabar wareen gaaguf iyo xayde

Ebow Gorska muuse taagane aya wadnahu ila gariira

Ebow ways gamuuma marku gaanka so mare'

Ebow waxay nagu galayahy diinta so ga'la

Ebow greek kol ay ku tahay nala gamuunee.


I for one cannot translate as english isn't also my not first and second langauge, and the elegance of teh somali language is unattainbale me thinks

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