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Culture Clash or Is It?

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Abdi is oldest of five siblings and cousins who attend the same secondary school in London. they are all recent arrivals from Somalia via Ethiopia. During their first year in the school, the whole family spearheaded by Abdi have had man clashes with the school both students and teachers. The following are some of the things that started these clashes:


Incident 1: Dining Hall. Abdi seats amongs his class mates and chewed his food with open mouth. They told him off for his 'apparent lack of manners'. fight ensues. brothers and cousins join in after school. result; expulsions.



Incident 2: Assembly Hall. Abdi seats with his legs crossed over each other 'like a girl'. fellow students call him 'gay'. guess what; fight ensues carries on after school with again brothers and cousins joining in. result another expulsions.


Incident 3: Playground. Abdi walkes away from teacher who was having a got at him about another incident: Teacher calls after him by gesturing with his index finger ' come here now'. Abdi turns around and sees red - and then blurts out: "F you, I'm NO DOG"! results expulsion from school.


Incident 4: Deputy Head Teacher's Office: Parents are called into a meeting. Abdi's Aunt and his cousins' Mum turn up. Both are chewing gums loudly with open mouth and one of them is even apparently 'making constant click sounds'.



:D:D what are you to do as the school or think about somalis' culture or custom???

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Abdi seats with his legs crossed over each other 'like a girl'.

I see countless Somali men who cross their legs like girls when sitting...Akhas, very jiljileec!


Incident 4: Deputy Head Teacher's Office: Parents are called into a meeting. Abdi's Aunt and his cousins' Mum turn up. Both are chewing gums loudly with open mouth and one of them is even apparently 'making constant click sounds'.

This so not a Somali lady like...Try doing this in front of my mom, walee faro jirjir dharbaaxo ah, followed by 'naa manaa hada keentay sidii *can't even say it here* inaad xanjada u dhajaq dhajaq leyso'... :mad:


Dunno what to say, cuz any/all of the incedents you noted above aren't just faced by dad wadanka ku cusub...Unfortunatel y, waxaan iyo wax ka daran bey Somalida ku kacaan...

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Dunno what to say, cuz any/all of the incedents you noted above aren't just faced by dad wadanka ku cusub...Unfortunatel y, waxaan iyo wax ka daran bey Somalida ku kacaan...

did i say what abdi did was anything bad - in my opinion he did nothing wrong.

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kk warmaheesid abaayo, the constantly chew open mouthed disgusting disgusting, they do it in important meetings.


sayid, the solution is simple, waaba kusoo fiirinoosaa i cant believe inadan ogeyn

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LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@an d i think you meant to say Sayid...Ma'ila aragtaybo? :D


I don't think Abdi and his family did anthing bad as well, but waa magaalo joognimo xumo...Taasna waa mid Soomaalida badankood heysato, regardless of how long ee qurbo kunool yihiin...

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*Adjusts her glasses*


Maxaa isha la'isaga ridaa? Common sense iyo common courtesy wax ladhahaa jiro, specially those who have lived in qurbaha for a while, which unfortunately we, Somalis (at least most of us), lack...


Maxaa kutiri schoolka? I hope inaadan caruurtaa qar ka sii tuurin... :D

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so sorry sayid sir, to be honest i am not thinking straight, just preparing a brief and walahi i cant think.


goes off for coffee, how could i make such a faux-pass


kk, tooshka dhig, by the way my niece is coming from your tuulo soo *** kabaha waxba dhagaha ha iska goyne


sayid the solution is udir iskuulki awhebloow. this is raise their profile.

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Originally posted by juxa:

kk, tooshka dhig, by the way my niece is coming from your tuulo soo *** kabaha waxba dhagaha ha iska goyne

Kabaha waala soo diraa, wilibo si sharaf ah, ee isku size manahay waaye? Badanaa cag yar uun baan arkaa, size 7 or 7.5, bal ma sadex iyo toban jirbaa? Soo sheego size kaaga iyo colorkaad rabto... ;)

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Kk qoftaas paris hilton ameey isku size yihiin icon_razz.gif


KK laakin lugaha laiskor saaranaayo walaaley xaa dhib ah oo kujiro macawista marka wato waan iskorsaarta calaashan si laiqashin camal lol

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Dont worry they'll be schooled by their peers. It will only make them tougher. Lol reminds of a student of mine who used to come to school with dacas, macawiis and African shirt style(just came from the motherland) and the rest of the students at first started asking " are you in a play?" Then, they gave up. I was tempted to talk to him about personal hygine and dress codes but decided against it because he is soo sweeeeeet. Anyway, at the end of the school year, he changed. One day he walked in and heads turned. He is so stylish; I mean grown men I know dont even know how to dress like that! All the girls in the class have a crush on him, now loooool.

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Fufu, Shoe size iyo Paris Hilton xaa iska galay? Dhuubo dhex yar lugo yar yar ee qabaan yaa yiri? I have a friend who is otherwise very blessed, lakiin cagtii waa size 6!!! :D


Fufu, macawis maa xirataana? LOOOOOL No Comment!


Ok ok, lugo iskorsaar ani madiidiin, laakiin see isku korsaaraan qaarkood gabdhaha xataa saas lugaha iskuguma dhajin karaan... :eek: Sometimes just by looking at say lugaha isugu qabteen, anaaba xanuun i qabtaa!!!!!!!! Ar idaa ha'idambaajininee...

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LooooL Kk macawis waanba ku xaragooda summer time ka beach ayaanba ku'aada I also use when i'm @ the changing room @ the gym


Kool kat horta beenta ma ahan nin weyn lug0 iskor saaranayo waa falfalxumo

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Lughaa laa iskor saro,gacamahaa laa isheyso when walking is just so Geel jire style.


Sayid,what are the Induction procedures for this particular school? What is the percentage of Somali pupils in that school? Has there been a cultural awareness training for teachers? Is there a designated person in School that the likes of Abdi could have access to,so to seek help?


Abdi needs help with his temper, a pep talk about consequences of his action or others actions..The deeg haa uu digin talk tends to help,finding him buddies in school that will be his behavior mentor will help,I think..


Inform of parents of procedures the school takes,e.g the record keeping of incidents which lead to permanent exclusion at the end,if things don't change.


I am forever haunted by M's bright white smile,a young man whom is currently serving a long term prison sentence,because we all failed him one way or another..He had no home support and school was not supportive nor did it understood how to help him settle down,cope with change etc..

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