
New constitution minister of Somalia is from Ceerigaabo/Sanaag

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Xoosh Jibril AUN was a good defender of Somalia unity. This new one Saalax Axmed Jaamac
from Ceerigaabo/Sanaag needs to add in the constitution formally "that secessionism will never
be allowed under any circumstances in Somalia", he should let it pass through the parliament
if it doesn't exist in the constitution of Somalia yet.




Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Wareegto ka soo baxday Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa lagu magacaabay xilkii uu  ka geeriyooday Wasiirkii hore ee Dastuurka C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil, waxaana x…


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Maryooleey are ready to quote beelaha, jufooyinka, lafaha iyo jilibyadee ka soo jeedaan wasiiradaan cusub. Keyd mee ugu jiraan?

About wasaaradda xeerka qaran, he can't do much. It seems it won't be finished in 2020/2021, so dowladda soo socoto la wareegi doonto as the current one inherited it too.

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