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Do you think that Muslimahs are used by the Media???

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I was grapping some coffee today and overheard a conversation by a dispatcher and some cops about




Basically, they were saying that Muslimahs


are Abused, that Islam is basically to blame to


this b/c they are told to be 'HOUSEWIVES' and


nothing else!!! Many are university graduates but


'Islam' tells them to be Housewives!


(That was the gist of what I overheard, they didn't come out and say 'Islam' but always would allude to a 'THEY' which can't be other then


Muslims and Islam.



In anycase, my point is do you nomads think that Muslim women are being more and more and more viewed to 'Represent Negative Islam' i.e. Hijabs, Housewives, Homemakers etc.


Whenever the topic of Islam and how great it is comes up, the issue of Women is brought up

and I always say:






Are Muslimahs really looked at as


Easy Prey for NonMuslims to investigate and prope


NEGATIVITIESSSS about Islam???? :mad:


Fi Amanillah

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U're fuming. Now imagine being one and all that comes with it.


Last week alone I had two instances where I am pretty certain my hijab and or my black backside were 'used' against me. I was practically promised something on the telephone and when I arrived oops I didn't LOOK like that on the phone! Promise withdrawn. I left not yet fuming but certainly starting to simmer and bought myself a cold drink. As I was walking out the wide doors of the supermarket, people walking in and out, one man walking in spots me and FREEZES. For a moment I think, Allah, what has he seen and I stop too. His fists clench, his eyes dart this way and that and he gulps. I then realise he was afraid of me. LoL. Moi. I started walking away and fumed for about a half hour. A chocolate bar helped settle the nerves. I have made a promise not to let stuff like that bother me for more than a half hour. Or I'd be walking around with a chip on my shoulder, nestling under my beautiful hijab and that won't do.


The Media will do all that it can to ridicule Islam. They have no reason to distinguish Muslims from the deen(not newsworthy). We give them some ammunition, in fact a lot where women are concerned; they take that and a lot more that they make up and blow it up. Boom. And we're the terrorists.


don't get me started

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The media will forever report what is sensational, on what they feel people fear..they will always report on the "others" .

Be it the 20-30 yr old Black Man who is always around the city stealing something or shooting someone or

The Opressed 'Moslem' woman who must be leading alife of repressed emotions and creativity.


I also think we are viewed as being not 'sharp' naive less knowledgable about the world around us absolute innocents.


I had a manager this past summer, that always spoke with me in a condesending tone, asking me if I understood something several times a day or correcting my grammer(I have been speaking english since I was 5yrs old)


As miss Sheh said, you have to brush it off or your going have a complex about life.

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Do any of you sisters ever asked certain line of kind of give you...the....


EXIT DOOR aka Freedom....


e.g. There are many help lines and agencies to assist women who are immigrant and new to the country?


You always have a 'CHOICE' sister??? :rolleyes:


I heard that one the other day when I went to the


doctor with the my wife and the practictioner was


giving her leading questions as to suggest


that cause she was a young muslimah and married


too...that she was being ENTRAPPED cause words


such as 'you always have a choice; no one can


force you here; you can do what you want etc...


Fi Amanillah

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Assalamu Alaikum,


Do I think Muslimahs are being used by the Media as a way of degrading Islam? DEFINITELY!


There is no aspect of Islam more widely misunderstood than the role and status of its women. The popular view combines the fantasy of a Hollywood version of the Arabian Nights, with a picture of deprived and repressed victims of a man's world. Neither approaches the truth, but ignorance and prejudice have supplied facts to fit the case.


" . . . but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head - it is one and the same thing as having her head shaved. For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have hair cut off or be shaved, she should wear a veil. For man ought not to have his head veiled, since he is the image and reflection of God; but woman is the reflection of man. Indeed, man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for the sake of woman, but woman for the sake of man." (I Corinthians 11:5-9)


The above quotation is not from any Islamic source, but from (St.) Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians - which is part of the Christian New Testament. So who really "oppresses" women?


Islam gives women a high/dignified status rather than oppressing them!


Previously, women had very few legal rights and most societies placed women in an inferior position compared to that of men. Women were seen as the property of a patriarchal figure. Single women were bound to the wishes of their fathers and, sometimes, their brothers. Marriage changed this slightly in that the women became the property of the husband and upon marriage, she would have to give up most of her rights and possessions to her husband, as married women were not allowed to own property...even upon betrothal or engagement, the "future" husband could control the property of or any gifts made to his future wife. How sad is that!


Upon the death of her spouse, a wife could lose all of the property to a male heir or relative unless the husband had willed it to her prior to his death. Generally, there were no legal obligation for a husband to provide for the maintenance and support of his wife.


These were only recently changed and were given full legal rights as to that of men while Islam gave women these rights thousands of years ago!


Alhamdulillah for Islam!!!!!


What I find really interesting is that when a pregnant women goes to hospital she is usually asked whether her husband verbally or physically abuses her, Subhan'Allah...this clearly proofs the status of women in western societies!

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Sorry, couldnt read all the replies. Inshallah will get back to it.


Just wanted to add there is the reversed case, The Media is used by Muslimahs to down trod Islam. Its very common my end, ala Turka. A couple of weeks back there were photos of Muslim lady(with hijab) posing as a striper in a magazine with a headline Hijabified stripper. Audhubillah , so you tell me we all know its supposed to be Impossible for a Muslimah to do such an act but you read it in the news and the Muslims themselves are in the forefront. (Im sorry to say wasnt inquesitive enough to buy the magazine and read for myself what it was all about, didnt want to polute my head.) Similar topics of Muslimahs and the Ills they do especially in Istanbul are printed in the newspapers/magazines. Makes you wonder, is it a war against the ladies or there is truth to the story that people claiming to be Muslimahs but do indulge in their whims then we all get smeared.


Muslimah VS Media 50%- 50% relationship when comes to the truth I think.


Got to run , sorry.

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