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Ardo Askari

Ina askari

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Qolamaad tahay? ma lagu qabaa? if you are single ma isku dhacaysaa? We need to be clear all these questions and more first before we welcome you to the club.

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Wswrb. Wlc to this forum. smile.gif


In order to complete your registration please tell us who is your friend and what she/ he said about SOL. Did she mention anyone in particularly or discuss her/his fav peeps :D

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Lols thanks all.

War bal ii kaadiya waaxay interview gaan?

Duceysane--adigu walaal ma ogaan karaa the measurement of ur Forehead? markaas baa warka kusiinaayaa :D


Ibtisam-lol huuno my friend said la saaxiib ibtisam every1 will like u? Maxaa ka jiro arintaas?


Marx-Mahadsanid i will ignore that.Laakin dacaayad waan qaadan karaa.....


Oh i could use a capo..qaboob bandanaa!

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

"Her" friend is Oz girl of course. Are you people blind?

:D:D somehow thought u said his friend is Oz u r tahluuka, sxb

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Fu-Fu i like ur name already,war bal kaalay koob shaax baan kuu shubaaye..hadaad somantahay iska dhigo hadhoowtii microwave ka gash :D .


I feel warm already mahadsantihiin dhamaan, we are in bloody winter even though we neva useto have one...

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I like Ardo, she writes cool somali, that I can't. Come in dear, all the guys ku hoor boodayeh are looking for (*come closer, mid yaaro oo naac*as ah) :D Ignore them!!


Wlc and after Afur I give you cake and Xalwad and shahi.


Not sure about what your friend said, maybe she/he likes the Ramadan me! :D

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