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I'm beginning to have a second thought about marrying a girl from Borama because it seems most people in here are from there which means they will all expect something from me and if one thing I don't enjoy doing is throwing away my hard earned cents.


marka Jaceylbaroow aniga waan ka baxay sheekadaas oo maba rabo gabar reer Borama ah...gabdhaha reer Hargeysa, Burco ama reer Berbera ah ayaan ubadashay oo waanka wareegay reer Borama.



PS. Safar Salama Insha Allah.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^^ looooooooooool.. Ilaahey shartaada hanaga firjiyo!!!


Waraa Bob, Best woman are from BORAMA marax yahoo..Barbara iyo Hargeysa ha isku tagin hadii kale sidii indhaha faraha lagaaga gilinaayo, ilinta indhahaada waa iskaga soo daadanee markaste. Adigoo aan oyneenin xitaa lol.. Bajaq BORAMA ka imaaday aan ani saqar suujis ku raadinooyaa lol...Volunteers waa diyaar aan u maleynaa oo saqar suujis iyo tuujis rabaan lol..


JB ninyahoo jaamacada kutaal meeshaas war bixin culus iigaga keen saaxiib..I'll PM you saaxiib...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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hadii kale sidii indhaha faraha lagaaga gilinaayo, ilinta indhahaada waa iskaga soo daadanee markaste.

LMAO@u, Tuujiska. Indhahaaga oo gaduudan lee iisawirmay markaan comments kaas aqriyay.


No wonder aa red eyes u qabtid, dhibaato badan aa la kuluntay markaad meeshaas tagtay haye, and here I thought your eyes were red because of xashiiska.

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I did my high school studies at Amud. Thanks reer borama for your hospitality, epecially moms from there who treated us like theirs. I remember one time when borama mothers did some shopping for us: soaps,perfumes,food etc. Thanks!

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Jacaylbro, good luck sxb. I would have very much loved to see Jijiga pictures as well. Will there be any day, that you will visit Jijiga or Jigjiga? Anyhow, bal waa suggi doonaa Bakki sawiradeeda :D . Waxaan u malaynayaa Rayaalaa shaqqo kuugu diraye ;)

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Originally posted by De novo:

I did my high school studies at Amud. Thanks reer borama for your hospitality, epecially moms from there who treated us like theirs. I remember one time when borama mothers did some shopping for us: soaps,perfumes,food etc. Thanks!

smile.gif Good for you saxib.

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Sheekha, uunsi ma'iiso dirikartaa? Have a safe trip...


Tuujiye, ee bas he adi waa ka dartay...Qosol darteen inaan dhinto aa ugu talagashay aan u maleenaa...Ina adeeroow nagadaa, saan ugu qoslaayay waxaa qort indhahaa i guduutay, inlamadana maba kala joogsanoyso...

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Kool_Kat, wallaahi been maad sheegin. North-ku siduu udhanyahay waa dhul udgoon. Waxyaalaha udgoona laga jecelyahay. Waaka cudur daaranaya, caayna igama aha. Laakiin South-ka xaggaa uduga iyo dhinacaas waxaad mooddaa inay ku gaabiyaan. Waar qolyo reer South ahoo xaafaddayda dhinac ka daggan. Dee waan ku raaffaa inay uunsi iyo wax udgoon qaybtooda guriga ushidaan. Waa xaqqiiq anigu aan arkay! Alla ha sahlo

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^^Alla maxaa isku camirtay...Reer South ka weyku gaabiyaan kuyeh...Sheeko...


War ani waxaan ka waday, reer northka uunsi fiican ee sameyaan, not iney nooga fiican yihiin shidashadiisa...

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