Saalax Posted March 29, 2019 "URGENT: A delegation from Somaliland in Israel" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saalax Posted March 29, 2019 "A senior Somali official has sent me in private: the visiting delegation from Somalia will announce relations of normalization with Israel and there are other delegations also by political parties opposed to the Somali federal government will visit Israel next month." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saalax Posted March 29, 2019 Secessionists never learn. We already have seen this failed movie nearly 3 decades ago. EGAL WRITES TO RABIN SOMALILAND : EGAL WRITES TO RABIN - Issue 696 dated 02/12/1995 - The Indian Ocean Newsletter WWW.AFRICAINTELLIGENCE.COM In a letter dated July 3 transmitted by fax from Hargeisa to the then Israeli prime minister, the late Yitshak I am absolutely certain that those Arab countries noted above, as well as Iran, will whip-up Islamic/Arab passion against Somaliland establishing amiable & strategic partnership with the State of Israel and thus could use this as a pretext to exacerbate our situation further both inside and outside Somaliland. However, those countries need to know that my government is not playing with empty emotions, as they often do, but playing pragmatism and real politick for the best interest of its people and country. The people of Somaliland have a daunting and onerous task to overcome their Islamist adversaries and contain the encroachment of Islamic influence, considering their strength, however, we are like David facing Goliath, but then there were an overwhelming odds against Israel when it defeated Arabs in three major wars. In order to surmount such an onerous task my government needs the support and assistance of the State of Israel, not only to defend our nascent state from the menace of pro-Islamist dark forces, but also in terms of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of this devastated country. Shalom, I have the honour to remain, Your Obedient Servant Mohamed Ibrahim Egal President Republic of Somaliland Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saalax Posted March 29, 2019 "It is beautiful, and Israel stays much more merciful than Arabs even if the interest of Somaliland and its confession will come through normalization with Israel let us do it all and Israel our ally. More than a quarter of a century, Arabs ignore the issue of Somaliland and have not lived with us, why we care about their affairs and their issues." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gooni Posted March 30, 2019 Inta qarsoon oo aan waxba la ogayn yaa ka badan inta la ogyahay. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted March 30, 2019 On 3/30/2019 at 4:27 AM, gooni said: Inta qarsoon oo aan waxba la ogayn yaa ka badan inta la ogyahay. Read more There is known knowns, there is known uncknowns and then there is unckown uncknowns American Defense minister On 3/29/2019 at 11:23 PM, Saalax said: "URGENT: A delegation from Somaliland in Israel" Read more If its true, so what? Jordan, Egypt ,UAE, Saudi Arabia (semi hiding), one time also Qatar the Turkish, Tunisia, Morocco... Somaliland would be in good company. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duufaan Posted March 30, 2019 @suldaan any comments here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cadnaan1 Posted March 30, 2019 Muuqaalka wasiirka loo diray Israel ayaan kannaxay heybad islamnimo ayaa ka muuqata iyo halkuu isdhigay. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saalax Posted March 30, 2019 On 3/30/2019 at 5:13 PM, cadnaan1 said: Muuqaalka wasiirka loo diray Israel ayaan kannaxay heybad islamnimo ayaa ka muuqata iyo halkuu isdhigay. Read more wa yaab. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gooni Posted March 31, 2019 On 3/30/2019 at 9:48 AM, Old_Observer said: There is known knowns, there is known uncknowns and then there is unckown uncknowns American Defense minister If its true, so what? Jordan, Egypt ,UAE, Saudi Arabia (semi hiding), one time also Qatar the Turkish, Tunisia, Morocco... Somaliland would be in good company. Read more Awoowe dawlad somaliland la dhaho aduunka lagama yaqaan, mana barbar dhigi kartid dawlado soo jireena oo siyaasadahooda u madax banaan, waa adoo orgi fardo ku xiriiriyay. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted March 31, 2019 Wretched secessionists wax walba ka filo, for nothing is surprising coming from this scum group. So I am not really surprised, especially considering in their desperation and gasping for air, by hiring a useless known Zionist neo-con in Washington; he will undoubtedly milk the little international aid dollars dowladda dhexe gives them. It is him who might have suggested this moronic idea of visiting the Zionist state and in their marqaan stupendous, this wretched group did not realize what they were up to. Waa dad iska marqaansan 24/7, from Muuse Muqayil to the ones in marfishes. They didn't realize the Zionists have a bigger fish to fry - ceaselessly and increasingly lobbying (and failing each time) for an observer seat at Midowga Afrika headquarters. Anyway, here is the latest: Wafti ka socda Somaliland oo ku sugan Isra'iil Wafti ka socda jamhuuriyadda iskeed isku magacowday ee Somaliland ayaa sugan Israel, halkaas oo ay tageen jimcihii, sida uu shaaca ka qaaday weriyaha caanka ah ee reer Isra'iil Edy Cohen. Edy Cohen, ayaa qoraal kooban oo uu bartiisa Twitter-ka ku qoray ayaa ku yiri “War deg deg ah: wafti ka yimid Somaliland ayaa ku sugan Israel”, isaga oo aan bixin wax faah-faahin oo intaas dheer. Sidoo kale, Somaliland ayaan ka hadlin waftigan ku sugan Israel, waxaana xiriir ay la sameysay Caasimada Online dhowr xafiis oo kala duwan, ay dhammaantood ka wada gaabsadeen arrintan. Si kastaba, Isku soo dhowaanshaha Israel iyo Somaliland ma ahan wax ugub ah. Shaqsiga ugu weyn ee maanta u ololeeya madax-banaanida Somaliland waa nin Yahuudi Mareykan ah oo lagu magacaabo Michael Rubin, oo ka mid ah kooxda dalka Maraykanka looga yaqaan Neocon iyo “Israel lobby” ee awooda ku dhexleh xisbiga Jamhuuriga. Michael Rubin, oo hadda ka tirsan machadla [American Enterprise Institute (AEI)], ayaa horey qoraal lagu daabacay warbaahinta The Hill uga hadlay warbixin uu ku weerarayo Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya isagoona ugu baaqayey dowlada Maraykanka inay xooga saarto taageerida Maamulka Somaliland. Qoraalkan oo uu ciwaan uga dhigay [U.S. Africa Policy Cannot Afford to Ignore Somaliland] ayuu ku dooday in ay khaldan tahay siyaasada Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada ee Maraykanka ee xoojisay xiriirka iyo taageerada Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ee ka dhisan magaalada Muqdisho oo uu ku tilmaamay “Dowlad aan jirin” oo weli aaminsan “Midnimada Wadanka Soomaaliya”. “Writing in The Hill, I argued that the United States should not channel all aid to Somalia through Mogadishu. To do so encourages corruption which can undermine Somalia’s tenuous recovery and replicates the worst of the UN’s approach to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. And, yesterday here at AEIdeas, I argued that the United States should not commit itself to a unified Somalia and should consider instead recognizing the de facto separation between Somalia and Somaliland.” Dooda qoraalkiisa ayaa ah in Dowlada Soomaaliya ku fashilantay la dagaalanka Al Shabaab / Al Qacida, balse maamulka Somaliland uu “wax walba ku guuleystay” lana dagaalamay Al Shabaab, isagoo ku baaqay in Maraykanka uu joojiyo taageerada aan dhamaadka lahayn ee Muqdisho, wuxuuna ku baaqay in Maraykanka xafiisyo ka furto Hargeysa. Somaliland iyo Isra'iil Somaliland ayaa horey sidan u maalgelisay siyaasiyiin ajnabi ah oo uga ololeeya dalalka reer Galbeedka mana aha markii u horeysay oo ay hogaamiyayaasha Somaliland raadinta aqoonsiga usii maraan kooxaha ama siyaasiyiinta taageera Israel ee awooda kuleh xisbiyada Maraykanka, hase yeshee siyaasada Arrimaha Dibada ee Maraykanka ee ku aadan Soomaaliya ayaa ah mid aan isbedalin. Waxaa la xasuustaa Warqadii uu Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland Maxamed Ibrahim Cigaal uu sanadkii 1995 uu si toos ah ugu diray Raysal wasaarihii Israel ee xiligaasi Yitzhak Rabin. Warqadaasi oo uu Cigaal kaga codsaday Israel taageero iyo Aqoonsi, isagoo ku dooday in Somaliland iyo Israel ay yihiin dad walaalo ah! Cigaal ayaa warqadii uu Israel u diray 1995 uga hadlay cabsida uu ka qabo Islaamka kusii fidaya Bariga Afrika iyo gobalka, waxaana kamid ahaa erayadiisii: “Establishing Strategic Partnership with the State of Israel Today, however, although the West had won the cold war and the threat of communism appears to be vanishing in many parts of the world, we, in the Horn of Africa, are being threatened by a more sinister and pernicious enemy in the form of encroaching Islamic influence.” My government firmly believes that owing to this region’s strategic geopolitical importance as a result of its propinquity to the oil routes and the narrow Bab El-Mandeb entrance, as well as its proximity to the Gulf, the Middle East and the access to the Indian Ocean.” Somaliland’s concern is reinforced by the growing influence of the Saudis and the pro-Islamic Yemen, particularly ever since it had crushed and defeated the South Yemeni’s courageous attempt to forsake or renounce its union with the north. Discovering that Eritrea is not interested [in] to act asan Arab satellite, both Sana’ and Riyadh, as well as Khartoum (not to mention how pariah states like Iran and Libya are meddling into the internal affairs of my country), are now directing their efforts to force Somaliland to forfeit or withdraw its independence with the intention of installing a pro-Islamic Somali state (under a federal Somalia). This will most definitely render the control of both the north and southern coasts of the Red Sea to pro-Islamic regimes, with the exception of Eritrea and the miniature state of Djibouti which has no significance leaving the whole region to become a bed-rock for Islamic influence. In order to surmount such an onerous task my government needs the support and assistance of the State of Israel, not only to defend our nascent state from the menace of pro-Islamist dark forces, but also in terms of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of this devastated country. Your Obedient Servant Mohamed Ibrahim Egal President Republic of Somaliland Walow Israel aysan kasoo jawaabin warqadii Cigaal, hadana siyaasiyiinta Somaliland ayaan weli ka daalin baaqyada ay u dirayaan Israel oo ay ku sheegeen “…Walaalaha Somaliland…”, tusaale qoraalkan hoose oo dhamaadkii sanadkii tagay lagu daabacay jariirada Israel ee The Jerusalem Post. Isla Qoraagan kasoo jeeda Somaliland ayaa markale ku xusay qoraalkiisa Warqadii Cigaal hada kahor u diray Israel ee ku muujinayey xiriirka ka dhaxeeysa Israel iyo Somaliland. Macada in ay Somaliland ku guuleysan doonto jaceylka ay u muujineyso Israel ay dhasho Aqoonsi Caalami ah oo uu Maamulka Somaliland helo, balse waxaa hubaal ah in dadaalka Maamulka Hargeysa uusan yareyn. Xigasho Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted March 31, 2019 I used to doubt (and I still partially do) that infamous letter attributed to Cigaal, Eebbe ha u raxmadee. I first came across from it back in 2000 online, so I seriously had my doubts. However, the increasing shamelessness and charlatan the wretched secessionists are behaving, I won't be surprised if it was a real letter after all. Some sicko secessionist slime probably gave Cigaal that wrong idea. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gooni Posted April 1, 2019 Cigaal allaha u naxariisto wax taariikh ah wuxuu ka tagay warqadaas uu yuhuuda u qoray oo uu ku muujinayo walaaltinamada la dayacay. Balse nasiib wanaagna loogamasoo jawaabin sababtoo ah yuhuudu way taqaan dalkastoo muslina dhaqankiisa iyo caqiidadiisa labadaba. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gooni Posted April 2, 2019 Allaha u naxariisto labadaba iyo muslinkoo dhan, balse antaan ka ogahay cigaal wuxuu ahaa nin caadi ah oo reerkiisii u tagay shakhsiyadiisuna ma xoog badnayn asagoo yuhuud aqoonsi ka baryayna tii alle u timid Halka siyaad barre uu ka ahaa madaxweyne soomaaliyeed, oo soomaali oo dhan laga hor keenay ka dibna ka shalaayeen, labo nin oo la is ag dhigo ma'ahan walaalo. Si kastaba wixii dhintay waa dhinteen inta nool, koonfurtuna dhiigooda ha badbaadiso, waqooyiguna karaamadooda. Markaas ka dib waxaa la helayaa shacabkii siyaad barre xukumi jiray oo kale. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites