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War faarax iyo xaliimo maxaa haaysta?

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What the hell has happened to the good names of faarax and Halimo(Xaliimo)?


In the good old days xalimo and faarax were names given to the best children a mother could have.


Can any of you give me a logical reason why these two names are taking some bashing in the somali communties overseas?



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Entre., duqa, have you ever seen any 'real' faarax recently? Conjure up your mind, and reflect as far back as you can. What do they--all those faaraxis you had 'seen' or met--have in common? I am sure they have had something you hadn't figured out yet, and that peculiar pattern they have in common is, as what we Ciyaal Xaafada used to call, maraxnimo. Or plainly put: Reer Baadinimo. :D:D I know, I know, all faaraxis, hold your fire.


It is a stereotype that fits--umm...err...well--perfectly. And to extent jaamacis are included too. Some jaamacis do seem like that too. And unless you're named either faarax or jaamac, you won't take any offense regarding my description, will you? orangebiggrin.giforangebiggrin.gif


Regarding the xaliimo situation, it is a bit different and complicated. I for one use caasho, instead of xaliimo, because caasho is much older and familiar. Both are used because those two names are old names, considering the historical analysis of Soomaali feminine names. Caasho and xaliimo names had faded in the 70s, 80s, and you would have rarely seen a young girl named either these two names in these two decades, but one name had came back and exploded in the 90s and now, for slightly changing to 'Caa'isha,' instead from the typical caasho. So, the idea behind xaliimo came from there--just simply being associated with an old name, and thus you being 'outdated' as well.


And then there is a third explanation; the name 'faarax' and 'jaamac' is associated with some regions in Soomaaliya. These regions got a huge male population named either after faarax or jaamac. For political correctness, I won't mention these regions. wink.gif




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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

the name 'faarax' and 'jaamac' is associated with some regions in Soomaaliya. These regions got a huge male population named either after faarax or jaamac.

Bahashaad gameyso weynankeeda ayaa idilay :D I wonder, is there a region for xalimooyinka as well?

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