
Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle in Muqdisho

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Wadahadalladii Farmaajo iyo Geelle oo warmurtiyeed laga soo saaray




Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ayaa war-saxafaadeed kasoo saartay wadahadallo magaalada Muqdisho ku dhexmaray madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle.

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda aan walaalaha nahay ee Jabuuti Mudane Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa wadahadallo labo geesood ah ku yeeshay Villa Soomaaliya.

Labada Madaxweyne ayaa wadahadalladooda diiradda ku saaray danaha ay labada dal wadaagaan, xoojinta iskaashiga iyo wadashaqaynta labada dhinac iyo dardargelinta hawlgallada ka dhanka ah kooxaha nabad-diidka ah ee u taagan daadinta dhiigga shacabka iyo curyaaminta dowladnimada Soomaaliya.

Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay booqashada Madaxweynaha Jabuuti iyo wafdigiisa, waxa uuna xusay in imaatinkoodu ka tarjumayo xiriirka walaaltinimo ee labada dal isaga oo Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle uga mahadceliyey sida ay uga go’an tahay inuu Soomaaliya ugu garab galo la dagaalanka argagaxisada.

Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa Dowladda Jabuuti uga mahadceliyay kaalinta ay ciidamada Hiil Walaal ka qaataan nabadgelyada dalka iyo dib u soo kabashada Soomaaliya, taasi oo ka tarjumaysa sida ay Dowladda Jabuuti daacadda uga tahay garabsiinta walaalahooda Soomaaliyeed.

“Waa maalin taariikhi ah oo xaqiiqatan ka tarjumaysa xiriirka labada dal iyo labada dad ee walaalaha ah. Waa inaan xoojinno iskaashiga dhanka dhaqaalaha iyo wax wada qabsiga. Arrinta ugu muhiimsan waa iskaashiga arrimaha amniga iyo la dagaallanka qolooyinkan argagaxisada ah. Waxaan aad iyo aad runtii kaaga mahadcelinayaa hoggaankaaga oo aad qayb uga tahay la dagaallanka argagaxisada.”

Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa dhankiisa sheegay inuu farriin walaaltinimo, hambalyo iyo dhiirrigelin uga sido shacabka reer Jabuuti, isaga oo hoosta ka xarriiqay in labada waddan ay wadaagaan xiriir walaaltinimo oo soojireen ah, dowladdiisana ay ka go’an tahay inay Soomaaliya ku taageerto sidii ay ula soo noqon lahayd maqaamkii iyo sharaftii ay ku lahayd caalamka.

“Dadweyneheennu waxa ay jecel yihiin inaan iskaashiga sii biirinno (kordhinno), waxa uu jecel yahay inaan wadaagno dhib iyo dheefba, waxa uu jecel yahay inaan isku duubnaanno, annaguna waxaan fulinaynaa waxa uu dadweyneheennu leeyahay. Wehel baad noo tihiin, annaguna wehel baan idiin nahay.”

Wafdiga qaybta ka ah safarka Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo isugu jira Wasiirro, Xildhibaanno iyo La-taliyayaal ayaa maanta iyo berri kulamo wadatashi ah la yeelan doona dhiggooda Soomaaliya si ay uga wada xaajoodaan adkeynta iyo sare u qaadidda wadashaqaynta ka dhexaysa labada dhinac.


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Booqashada madaxweyne Geelle ee Xamar oo direysa laba farriin siyaasadeed

Wafdi imaanshihiisa – aad looga dareemay xirnaanshaha waddooyinka caasimadda – balse horay loo sii shaaciyay ayaa maanta kasoo degay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Adan Adde.

Wafdiga oo uu hoggaaminayo madaxweynaha Jabuuti, mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle waxay iskugu jiraan xildhibaanno, wasiirro iyo ganacsatada Jabuuti. Waxaana lagu wadaa in inta uu joogo caasimadda Muqdisho uu xariga ka jaro safaaradda Jabuuti ay ku leedahay dalka.

Imaanshiyaha Geelle wuxuu ifin karaa sida rajada leh oo uu soo kabsanayo xiriirkii dhawaan ku sigtay inuu liifadda gaabsado oo labada dal soo kala dhex galay. Wuxuuna u muuqdaa mid sida farriin qanacsanaan laga dareemi karo.

Kasokow xiriirka soo jireenka iyo sokeeyanimada labada dal ka dhaxaysa, Jabuuti waxay qeyb ka tahay ciidamada Nabad ilaalinta AMISOM oo gaar loogu yeero Hiil Walaal. Waxaana si laga mahad-celin leh ay qeyb lama-huraan ah kaga jiraan howl-galka socda.

Dhowrkii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay oo cutubyo kamid ah AMISOM ay iskaga baxayeen qeybo kamid ah Shabeellada Dhexe, joogitaanka Hiil Walaal ee Hirshabelle wuxuu dhabtii u muuqdaa kuwa sida dhabta ah la iskugu halleyn karo. Maadaama Burundi iyo Uganda oo qeybta ugu badan ka ah ay kaliya ku ekaan karaan xeryahooda, waa ciidamada Jabuuti kuwa is-dhexgal dhab ah la sameyn kara shacbiga. Sidaas darteed, booqashada Geelle oo sidoo kale la tilmaamay inuu ku tagi doono gobalka hiiraan, wuxuu si niyad-qaboojis ah kula kulmi doonaa ciidamada dalkiisa ka socda oo sal-dhigyadooda ugu weyn ka sameystay gudaha Hirshabelle.

Dad badan waxay qabaan in Geelle uu fursad ka dhex arkayo joogitaanka ciidamadiisa ee Soomaaliya kuwaas oo u muuqda cutubyo si gaar ah loogu tiirsanaaday howlgalkooda. Waxaana tani ay abuuri kartaa in hoggaanka AMISOM hadda kaddib si gaar ah loo hoos geeyo dowladda Jabuuti.

Farriinta kale oo safarkiisa laga fahmi karo ayaa ah furitaanka safaaradda dalkiisa oo ah midda labaad ee ugu weyn oo – taniyo burburkii dowladdii Siyaad – aanay suura-gelin inay ku dhiirradaan. Waliba iyada oo la ogsoon yahay in Jabuuti kaalin ballaaran ku laheyd geeddi-socodka dhismaha dowladnimada Somaaliya halkaas oo sannadkii 2000 Shirkii Carta MD loogu doortay mudane Abdiqaasim Salaad.

Xukuumadda hadda ayaa u muuqata mid u dabaal-dageysa guusha ah furashada Jabuuti ee safaaraddeeda. Wallow aan la dafiri Karin doorkii dhexdhexaadineed oo MD Farmaajo ka qaatay labada dal ee Jabuuti iyo Eretreeya.


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Wafdiga madaxweyne Cumar Geelle waxaa la socday Hobollada Waaberi legends Xasan Aaden Samatar iyo Axmed Cali Cigaal oo ugu dambeysay Xamar 1990. Sidoo kale fannaanka da'da yar ee Cawaale Aaden wafdiga ka mid ahaa.

Xasan Aadan Samatar iyo Cigaal oo 30 sano kadib Muqdisho yimid


Fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed ee Xasan Aadan Samatar iyo Axmed Cali Cigaal ayaa maanta soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomaaliya, oo ku dhowaad 30 sano ka hor ay ugu dambeysay.

Xasan Aadan Samatar iyo Axmed Cali Cigaal, iyo sidoo kale fanaanka reer Jabuuti ee Cawaale Aadan, ayaa ka mid ahaa waftiga madaxweynaha Jabuuti ee maanta soo gaaray caasimadda Soomaaliya.

Axmed Cali Cigaal iyo Xasan Aadan waa Fanaaniin Qaran oo ka mid ahaa Hoboladda Waaberi, waxay codkooda halaasiga ah magac iyo maamuus uga kasbadeen bulshadda Soomaaliyeed.

Markii la ogaaday in ay dalka yimaadeen waxaa Baraha Bulshadda qabsaday sawirkooda, iyadoo dadkuna ay aad usoo dhaweeyeen in fanaaniintu muqdisho ku soo laabtaan.

Sidoo kale fanaanka reer Jabuuti ee Cawaale aadan ayaa ka mid ah fananiinta maanta yimid Muqdisho.

Wefdiga Madaxweyne Geelle ayaa waxaa kamid ah Wasiirro, Xildhibaano iyo Fanaaniin, waxaana Qorshuhu uu yahay in Madaxweynaha Jabuuti uu furay Safaaradda Jabuuti ee Soomaaliya oo ku taala Degmada C/casiis ee gobolka Banaadir.

Wasiiru dowlaha Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya C/qaadir Axmed Kheyr ayaa sheegay in Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle iyo wafdi la socda Madaxweynaha ay dhankooda kulamo la qaadan doonaan madaxda Dalka, kaasi oo looga hadli doono xiriirka iyo Iskaashiga labada dal iyo sidii loo adkeyn lahaa.



Muqdisho, hoygii ummadda Soomaaliyeed waa laga maarmaan. Eebboow nabadeeda u sahal.

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Waxba tari mayso safaraad lafurra iyo mid la xiidha. Afewerqi baa ina cumar geele sugaya una dhaarsan  ras  domairana wa  halkeedi wali. Kan  farmaajona tiisu la yaabanyahay kiiiniya dhinac ka  riifeysa. Cumar geelana gaalki  tigrayga u hanjabaya. Xassan adan samatarna gambling problemkusidu bu  haya nin kontan kun oo dollar habeen ku  dilaya roulette . Yarka  cawala la qaatay.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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Oodweyne   your  right  before abiye forged ties  with afewerqi    gheele wanted some sort of notification he was not expecting this at all. That the TPLF  would  lose towards the popular galla uprise qeero. Abiye  Axmed  is still consdilating power and he needs afewerqi I don't know the 2 have some kind of deal between them abiye is an admirer of the afewerqi gheele is a tactical leader he never makes  hasty  decision he is calculating very well. He feels Somaliland is a bigger  threat economically 4 million people the Berbera port we have more resources  gold  found in sanaag ,oil in oodweyne ,port services farm land, in gabiley and awdal fish factory in laasqoray. So even though he is in the  most difficult position, he is trying  to reinvent a new  policy. It's actually  the same policy support the bunker or wait for a new group alla sheikh ama ala ngo to emerge new  puppet leader to hide in the Amisom armoured vehcle.  Geele has no other card and ina boore is loving it. Maxay ahayd the phrase he is between a rock and a hard meel. War ina  cumar  geele halo duceeyo  dhiba haysata. Qollada walanweynta iyaga toodi la ill xun. Failmaajo wuxu jeebka ugujira afewerqi waliga ma aragtay nin la iska kaxaysanyo si  gabadh yaro uhuro u dhaxday.


  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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Geele is in huge trouble,

Emmanuel Macron , the French leader who is under huge pressure is trying to revive France fortunes in Africa. He offered 100 million Euro to Ethiopia and promised to build a navy for Abiy Ahmed. The question is why would a landlocked country like Ethiopia want to build a navy?

They already have some merchant ships docked  in Djibouti that bring weapons and other important shipments around the globe, but armed navy ships?.

They are aiming to take a port which is either Eritrea or Djibouti. Since the French had almost lost Djibouti to the Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and others, they  might as well facilitate to transfer the whole thing to Ethiopia.

I will leave to our friend Old Observer how the color revolution and and the rescue of Ethiopian army will take place.

Anyway, we Somalis used to guard Djibouti from others before, and the French used to say that they are guarding Djibouti from both Ethiopia and Somalia. In fact, there was a national geographic story about this issue many years ago.

A stable Somalia could save many people, but first we must take over for this to happen.

Reer Koomfurku Taariikh garan maayaan.

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10 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Geele is in huge trouble,

Emmanuel Macron , the French leader who is under huge pressure is trying to revive France fortunes in Africa. He offered 100 million Euro to Ethiopia and promised to build a navy for Abiy Ahmed. The question is why would a landlocked country like Ethiopia want to build a navy?

They already have some merchant ships docked  in Djibouti that bring weapons and other important shipments around the globe, but armed navy ships?.

They are aiming to take a port which is either Eritrea or Djibouti. Since the French had almost lost Djibouti to the Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and others, they  might as well facilitate to transfer the whole thing to Ethiopia.

I will leave to our friend Old Observer how the color revolution and and the rescue of Ethiopian army will take place.

Anyway, we Somalis used to guard Djibouti from others before, and the French used to say that they are guarding Djibouti from both Ethiopia and Somalia. In fact, there was a national geographic story about this issue many years ago.

A stable Somalia could save many people, but first we must take over for this to happen.

Reer Koomfurku Taariikh garan maayaan.

As you might have noticed in the conference, majority of Somalis everywhere do not want AMISOM to leave, becouse no one is ready no one has the capacity to rule/keep/ maintain the place.

The only ones who want AMISOM to leave are the ones who want to give Somalia to other countries than the ones in AMISOM now. Those of you who want AMISOM to leave are the ones who want to give Somalia to Ethiopia Oromo/Eritrea Xabeshi. You are not ready. you don't have the capacity, to rule the place yourself.

Ghelleh was asked by AMISOM countries mainly Uganda and by Somalis mainly Puntland to tell Farmaajo to cool down his project of replacing AMISOM countries one by another. This can lead to next civil war and chaos. It has already shown in SW what can be expected if Eritrea/Ethiopia replace AMISOM.


As you might have observed Ethiopia is in transition to the unknown. Among the Oromo the strongest is the one that wants independence and can only settle for real autonomous federalism as minimum.

Eritrea is the biggest headache for Ethiopia whether as a province or an independent country.

The two states in Ethiopia that have the most say in what happens with Eritrea, as you know are Tigray and Afar. By geography, by population and by politics and interests, those are the two determinant states. Both happen to be least involved in what is happening in Ethiopia.

America has stumbled in Ethiopia. It so happened that the changes in Ethiopia happened at the same time major changes happened in America. Both Defense and Foreign affairs heads in America changed. Both Secretaries of Defense and State gone. The Amxara were connected to old in America and the current ones in America have different tactics and methods of working.

Ghelleh is no in trouble as you and Oodweyne think. He is actually close to getting a relief from all that scary clouds over him.

He was smart enough to use the small light between Saudis and UAE. He was smart enough to deny Abiy and Afwerki both the Afar and Somali from being used as tool against him. He is always smart enough not to cut or damage his relations with the Somaliland people while having some manageable friction with the government. Example he is never against development in Somaliland or business of Salamanders.

He is also smart to realize the British are in need and is getting close to them. The French are in big trouble themselves and they need him more than he needs them.

The navy for Ethiopia was actually a business venture to start. It was started more than a decade ago and they have trained enough people that are working with merchant ships protection of other countries.

I agree with you the mission is being changed to either against Djibouti or Somalia or unity with Eritrea. This is dead on arrival. The Tigray who started this navy idea and implemented it to some degree was only and only to participate in the world of commerce with ships and protection. The idea was to provide protection for countries that cannot do so themselves and be an organized mercenary and bring a lot of income. A force owned by Ethiopia but paid by others and bring profits to Ethiopia. It was like companies like Blackwater..etc with national flag. Very smart idea and Ghelleh was all for it. About 100 Somalis have been trained in the decade the program was running.












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2 hours ago, Old_Observer said:

Those of you who want AMISOM to leave are the ones who want to give Somalia to Ethiopia Oromo/Eritrea Xabeshi. You are not ready. you don't have the capacity, to rule the place yourself.


I agree on that. Having foreign powers control few enclaves in Baydhabo, Hiiraan and other pockets will not solve the problem. These armies are not mobile or operating in forward bases to chace the insurgency. The Djibouti force is in Beledweyne and Buulaburte, but they can't venture to the countryside and the villages between. The Burundi contingent which one of the weakest can't stabilize middle Shabbele where Al-shbaab rooms between Jowhar and Balcad.

Foreinter countries who share border with Somalia should be the first to leave, then Uganda and others. I do not want Eritrea and their strong man to meddle the Somali problem. The Issue is you can't have 10,000 troops living within the barracks of the capital and doing police and law enforcement issues.


Djibuoti is not a real country. it is a a place to set up shop if you can afford the rent. None of the lease money trickles  downs to local people. Most of the people working these bases are foreigners . It is like having ten Halane style bases in one city. Unless he is a corrupt despot , why allow your nations to be the playgrounds of every foreign army in a city of half million people. 

The problem is you and many others who are playing chess game about what Ehiopia, Uganda, Eritrea and others must do without considering the overall benefits Somalia will not solve these problems.

Ghelle is milking the war in terror like Meles before him and doesn't have the capacity to resolve these issues.

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certainly Ghelle is a master on how to manage all these armies in place. As you said he was successful to avoid the Yemen war and the DP World attacks.

I wish he would be bold and bring something serious tpo the table to resolve some of the Amisom issues that doing nothing to improve the Somali situation.

Then again , it is up to Farnmajo and others to find ways to end this 15 years old project that is failing.

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TGelle, the man from Diridhaba is indeed very experienced. I noticed his meetings with Macro he was not loughing and quick to show his guest  a portrait of nomads. He never changed his role as Somali state man and welcome other Somalis from day one when he took over. He also built a good relationship with other neighbor countries. He never been short sighted but very calculated man. However Jabuuti is culturally destroyed. Population are not growing enough and the  rich is getting more richer. The poor is getting more poorer. Geele himself is getting very old, so jabuuti is trouble to survive in the long run. He should sign some kind of unification treaty with Somalia before he died to protect his people.


For Amison, although they do nothing for now. They should be around for while in reduced number. Leave the issue between donors and Amison. They will not pay Somali army anyway 

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On 3/17/2019 at 3:42 PM, galbeedi said:


certainly Ghelle is a master on how to manage all these armies in place. As you said he was successful to avoid the Yemen war and the DP World attacks.

I wish he would be bold and bring something serious tpo the table to resolve some of the Amisom issues that doing nothing to improve the Somali situation.

Then again , it is up to Farnmajo and others to find ways to end this 15 years old project that is failing.

Now tel me if you are not proud of him as a Somali that everywhere he travels countries are scrambling to find out why.

He goes to Kenya and people are asking why, what does he have in Kenya.

He goes to Ethiopia meets Sudan and Eritrea is wetting its something.

He goes to Mogadishu and all HoA is asking why at this time...everyone turned to investigator.

That in itself makes him appear more smarter than Afwerki which he is, more matured and calmer than Abiy which he is, more dignified than all of them which he is.


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On 3/17/2019 at 10:42 PM, galbeedi said:


certainly Ghelle is a master on how to manage all these armies in place. As you said he was successful to avoid the Yemen war and the DP World attacks.

I wish he would be bold and bring something serious tpo the table to resolve some of the Amisom issues that doing nothing to improve the Somali situation.

Then again , it is up to Farnmajo and others to find ways to end this 15 years old project that is failing.

Galbeedi  ina  cumar geele Amisom is only part of the problem. Ina  cumar geele shaqadisu hada wa kale  ilaalinta shiinaha iyo maraykanka digniinti maraykan wa so gaadhay. Farmaajo nin gacanta wax  ugu  jirto maha waxan tfg  tigre funded govt  wa wax xabashi asaaseen iyo ugaandhees and the late president Bush oo dusha ka  hageyey.  Shaaab dhinac looma  riixin. 

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Is it just me or is real. In every country in the world the northern parts are more matured in their behaviour, more develped in technology, better educated and worldly.

Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland among the Somali

The Xabeshi among the Ethiopians

The Jealin/Nubians among Sudanese.

In France, Italy, Spain....etc


The way Puntland and Somaliland and Djibouti and Somaliland dance around their situations is in stark difference how enclaves in South deal with their situations.

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