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Some SL Jobs

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One thing I noticed about job adverts in Africa (and sometimes ME) is that they are extensively long in their person requirements, such that one always feels unqualified for them. Then you look at the salary and its crap! And I've seen some roles where the job description is miles long, but the job itself a monkey could do.


What is it? a trend?


These jobs also stress on experience in number of years as opposed to talent/proven record. Someone with a broader variety of experience in different environments/roles is much more capable than some1 who had the same job for 10yrs!

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It is just a crap believe me ...... they just like to complicate and make it look like it is a very important job and the applicant should be blah blah and blah just to scare those who has minimum experience/education.


I don't usually give a rats-azzz and apply even if it is the UN Secretary General's position ,,, hehehe

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Those sort of job descriptions/requirements are usually written by HR Depts who don't have a clue about the job in the first place. They seem to stress experience in certain field alot around these parts.

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