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Johnny B


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Johnny B   

After spending most of my hollidays att few well choosen Greek Islands , i decided to spend the rest of my hollidays in Athens.


Of all possible attractions and impressive peculiarities of Athens , i couldent resists the Somalis in Athens.

I will have to save you few details as they are both unattractive and unnecessary.

The Somalis in Greece are totally in different situation than those yoo would meet in London or Stockholm and absolutely contrastic to the ones in the US.


Here you will see the clan line blurring away , the inter clan 'shokansi' blomestering, the eagerness to integrate high, to name few starnge things.


to be continued....

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Johny, waxaad ogeed inaan ku ballansaneen Ringbey labadeena bishan dhaxdeeda, markaasaad u dhuumatey Athens, waa caadi sxb, baashaal.



PS: Sheekadii hore maxaad u dhammeestiri weyday ee Addis Ababa

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Johnny B   

Waraa .. am coming home this sunday nooh.

Waka soo gaara in Stockholm .. the games just started ..

Gogodhi wey kuu taal duqa.

walahi hadaad dhumato waa xaal.

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^^ War Nazreth baan joogaa, waana hurda tagayaa ee nabadeey, soo adiguba Stockholm kama aadan dhuumanin, teamkeyga ayaa joogo ee la sii baashaal, weyna ku soo dhaween doonaan.

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Johnny- Let me try and get this straight, are you saying there are Somali people in Greexe of all the places in the world?? Bisinka hairy men akhas, I would rather live in Iceland than Greece, Yap Johnny could you find out if there are any Somali people in Iceland for me?

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Johnny B   

AT , its mutual and you know it .



Nuune , enjoy Nzaret but stay away from the milk.

hope you make home through Stockholm.




Most Somalis in the Athens are on their way to either Sweden , Norway, or UK, but few are satisfied with Germany or Holland.. heaven knows why but that is my collection of the stiuation.



The Somalis in Athens are divided into three.

1: The Victims.

2: The Hawks.

3: The brokers.


The Victims are all either directly from Somalia,Saudi Arabia , or UAE.

The Hawks are from Italy,Sweden(overrepresented in terms of available travel documents), Norway, Denmark, Finland and UK .


The Brokers are few in numbers but very active .. they are the Greek-Somalis.


A Broker or an Italian-Hawk rents a Flat of three rooms , and collects as many Victims as possible so he or she can skips paying the rent alone.


A Hawk (mostly Italian-hawks) are better off in Greece than in their adopted country.


A hawk is the only Somali that makes money in the misery of Somalis, while a boker (mostly Somali-Greek ) makes a living by the deals made between the Hawks and the Victims.


The situation being as described the Clan card is never given a chance, 4 women (girls) and 4 men may make a household, 2 or theree of the grils maybe from Hargeisa while 2 or 3 of the men are from Mogadisho and vice versa.


There is a public park known as the Victoria park , every evening new Somali couples meet there and knot future relationship in their coming refugee lives.


The community is tied togeteher both economically and socially by the money transfer banks of Somalis.. youve Qaran, dhahabshil, Amal, Ammana, etc etc .


people vissit the money transfer banks daily, either for socializing or collecting some money sent by AT or NGONGE, and logonto the net asking for more and or keeping in touch with the rest of the world.


There are about 2 Somali restaurants( i never ate there )but no Somali shops.


Among the victims are few young NGONGE, theyre born and raised either in Dubai or Saudi Arabia or maybe Kuwait and are bewildered by the freedom of the Greek girls or the hookers who keep chasing them with even cheaper blow jobs or and risky intercources.


The most brilliant money transfer bank is called Sheikh Khalids , a guy from Borama born in Mogadishu * both his Mom and his wife are from the Mogadishu clan.

Though basically based in Stockholm Sheikh Khalid moved to Athens and started this buisines...... to be continued.

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Hayye. And what may be the reason for this study of yours Mr Bravo?



every evening new Somali couples meet there and knot future relationship in their coming refugee lives.


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