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The Judge, The Jinni And The Corruption Case!

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Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ You believe someone can actually be possesed by a jinn?

It doesn't matter what I believe or for that matter what anyone else believes. You are looking at this from the wrong angle-the question is what would such claim help this man's legal troubles no matter how absurd his claim might be?


From the looks of it, his case is setting precedence.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ There you go again.

I asked you one question (which you did not reply to by the way) and you came back at me with half a dozen of yours that do nothing but state the obvious. Lets try again, do you believe that Jinn possess people? Why? And how did you arrive at such a belief? (that they exist is not enough nooh).

Obvious baad sheegeysaa ee isn't it obvious that I believe that jinn possess people? Can't you see how arrive at that from to from the questions preceding this;B]Do you see some basis for possession there?[/b]


Aniga hade adult school teacher ma ihi ee hadadan wax fahmenynin kac meel kale macalin u raadso. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Prometheus:

I prefer to understand allusions to jinns in a less literal fashion, as instances of figurative language - parable, metaphor, imagery.


Ismalura, have you seen a typical exorcism video? Such primitive "medical" practices are not only ineffective but dangerous, a flouting of the "first, do no harm" principle of medicine. Besides, the spectacle of a mullah pestering a patient with dopaminergic pathway problems with religious ultimatums is farcical.

How is it a metaphor when Allah says that he created jinn and Insi and calls them 'thaqaleyn'? whom he created for worship. You can't 'prefer' when the quran is clear about an issue you either believe or you don't.


I have no seen an exorcism video ( I suspect you are talking about the Christian satan fighting sessions here) but I have seen people who have allegedly been possessed by jinn and feel better after the quran is recited on them . I also know that you plus everyone else here has seen and known that but when we become more 'civilized' it is easier to deny 'barbaric' acts like that.


How much is the 'do no harm' rule of medicine adhered to by those who practice modern medicine? You are either too ignorant of the system and see it perfect or you choose to ignore its flows.


Again you didn't answer my question on why such a high percentage of the population in the supposedly most advanced health systems in the world , have mental health issues.

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Originally posted by Ismalura:

quote:Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ There you go again.

I asked you one question (which you did not reply to by the way) and you came back at me with half a dozen of yours that do nothing but state the obvious. Lets try again, do you believe that Jinn possess people? Why? And how did you arrive at such a belief? (that they exist is not enough nooh).

Obvious baad sheegeysaa ee isn't it obvious that I believe that jinn possess people? Can't you see how arrive at that from to from the questions preceding this;B]Do you see some basis for possession there?


Aniga hade adult school teacher ma ihi ee hadadan wax fahmenynin kac meel kale macalin u raadso. :rolleyes:

If that what you understand 'obvious' to mean I think adiga o baahan 'adult school', saaxib.


Still, and even though I know you'll send me in another wild goose chase, I am going to ask how do you precieve such a posession to take place. Is it the traditional way where the Jinn enters one's body and talks through them to some spitting mullah?



The whole case is a joke, saaxib. Unless the "Jinni" is actually presented in a court of law and can prove that he is indeed a Jinni (and not teh judge making silly voices) the media, law and even Mullahs are not going to let this judge get away with his silly excuse. :D

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If it can be established the judge quraan baa la saaray in Ramadan as Al Qathami says he did then the authorities will need to determine if he (Al Qathami) is trust worthy. The judge will be free.


But then they have to take the jinn's view and charge the other guy for putting the judge under a spell :D

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"Nothing from the devil, much counterfeit, a little from disease." Such was the pithy conclusion of a french doctor who conducted a systematic study of patients ostensibly possessed by the devil, spirit, jinn, and perhaps the flying spaghetti monster. smile.gif


By the way, does a jinn have have a particulary spooky intonation that cannot be mimicked? I can just imagine a congregation of mindless mullahs trying to foolishly discern which of the poor patient's cries and grunts belong to the jinn. Subhanallah, they'll blithely exclaim: that last utterance was rather shrill. It's definately the jinn. Yallah, let's get started; this is going to take atleast 4 juz' and a bucket-load of spit. :D

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^^maxaan kaa daayaa?? :D

you of all people should know that i am allergic to the word 'french' especially when its uttered by an atheist. ma garatay? mise waan ku daayaa?

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^^ Tuuga 'red handed' ba lago qabta, ninkan ma qaban karta dee? It's all vague and unclear, saaxib. Atheist is a huge charge.


Anyway, naga daa..lets go back to the funky judge. :D

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NGONGE-I have heard and seen more absurd cases that actually created doubt in the jury or the judge minds. Don't get fixated on the societal state of mind. I think we have established and can agree on the Suadi's legal system and its inherent biases derived from cultural experience but wrongfully employ religion as the basis for any judgment that's passed down onto convict.


Look at from the individual's perspectives-the fact that he gets people talking is working to his advantage.


LoooL@Sayid-It's case of if it smells like duck, quacks like duck, then it must be duck haye.

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