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Boon Xirsi: a True Somali Legend

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Nepathy, its like ( Beer of a liver, and Beer of a farm ). Both are written same, but differ in pronounciation. I know, what you mean. Laakiin either way waa Ok. Hadda dadku waa isku wada mid weeye. Almuhim, Boon ( waa more like a bone of English ) the guy is too short. Bone Xirsi Bawdya-Gaab smile.gif

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^ they don't differ in pronunciation. But, given the sentence they're in one should have no problem to know what the person is referring to. Say like:


"maanta beer ayaan inoo karinayaa"


you would know am referring to "liver" rather than "farm"...



Baarud, loooooooooool oh my gosh...waa aabo iyo gabadhiisi oo is dhaamin. As they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree..

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