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Londoners; Contact your MP

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Help alleviate Palestinian suffering- Contact your MP


It seems that we cannot take much action to help the sufferings of Palestinians but we can try, just with an e-mail or a short telephone call. Six brave MPs have presented two EDMs (Early Day Motions) regarding the Occupied Territories and the illegal killings in Palestine to the House of Commons. These EDMs require as many signatures from MPs as possible to be taken notice of. So we call on everyone to write or call their MP and make sure that they sign the EDM. We must put in all our efforts to see that funding is reinstated in Palestine. We hold the means and abilities to help the poversihed Palestinian people and this is one small step. Please contact your MP and urge your friends and families to do so too.


The Palestinian people have endured a prolonged aggression by a pariah state, and yet the world not only expects them to sit on their hands, the world blames them for it.


Why are the Palestinian people expected to take the blame? The world is infuriated by their democratically electing Hamas, a "terrorist organization," into government. According to a Shin Bet report, Israel’s internal general security service, Hamas’ military wing has not been responsible for a ''suicide bombing'' in nearly two years. Israel has not blamed a single Israeli death on Hamas in 2006. Furthermore, hard-lined Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz reluctantly admitted that Hamas did not coordinate any of the rocket attacks fired from the Gaza Strip in recent months. So why has the EU stopped funding for the Palestinian people?


Hamas, who has not even taken over control of the security apparatus in the Occupied Territories, is expected to force Islamic Jihad and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade to halt all attacks on Israel (which Israel refuses to reciprocate) without the resources or political capital to do so. If Hamas tried to disarm the militant groups in the territories at the height of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, complete chaos would break out. Moreover, this call is being made while the world is bankrupting the Palestinian government (in turn bankrupting the Palestinian people). In the large sea of global politics a minnow like the Palestinians cannot survive without protection and fresh water. The disappearance of objectionable voices that once cried out for the rights of the Palestinian people is pushing those in the Occupied Territories down a very narrow path. Many in the European Union are now towing the line for Israel’s rhetoric and policies, while most of the Arab states have been "forced" to join the ride due to US pressure and sanctions.


The world’s turning its back on democracy and the Palestinian people is an intolerable breach of humanity. In recent weeks, America and the European Union have decided to cut a combined one billion dollars in aid to the Palestinian people. The yearly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the Occupied Territories is an estimated 2.5 billion dollars. The GDP figure continues to drop as unemployment skyrockets in the territories—furthering poverty, malnutrition and civil unrest. The world’s economic strangulation is leaving the families of 150,000 Palestinian Authority (PA) employees to suffocate in their already ominous conditions. When the average PA worker, as noted by PLO Ambassador to the US Afif Safieh, takes care of seven or eight family members, the cutting of salaries affects nearly one-third of the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The continued withholding of Palestinian tax money in East Jerusalem, in addition to the intensified checkpoints, border closures, and constant bombardments on Gaza has left Palestinian society paralyzed.


Details of the Motions

EDM 2041 below calls upon HMG to work with the EU and national governments for the immediate reinstatement of funding and oppose collective punishment.

EDM 1984 relates to the damning ruling on the deaths of Tom Hurndall and James Miller and urges the Israeli Govt to comply with International Law.



By Jeremy Corbyn, Brian Iddon.

That this House notes the decision of the European Union to withhold funding to the Palestinian Authority; recognises that this decision, together with both the Israeli government's regular closure of trade routes in and out of Gaza, and similar funding decisions taken by the United States, Japanese and Canadian governments gravely threatens the health and well-being of the Palestinian people, and quite possibly the jobs of approximately 150,000 Palestinian employees who have in total an estimated seven dependants per employee; expresses its opposition to this act of collective punishment against the already impoverished Palestinian people in contravention of International Human Rights conventions; and calls upon Her Majesty's Government to work with the EU and national governments for the immediate reinstatement of funding, as well as for the return of the withheld revenues collected by the Israeli government which belong to the Palestinian people.


By Richard Burden, Jeremy Corbyn, Crispin Blunt, Colin Breed, Gerald Kaufman, Phyllis Starkey.

That this House notes the English Coroner's Court verdicts of 6th and 10th April 2006 that the two British citizens, James Miller and Tom Hurndall, were `unlawfully killed' by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip even though they were `engaged in lawful activities'; further notes that the jury expressed its `dismay with the lack of co-operation from the Israeli authorities' in the Coroner's investigations of the Hurndall case and that the Coroner drew attention to `inaccurate, misleading and dishonest conclusions being drawn and published from flawed investigations' in the Miller case; pays tribute to the dignity and determination of both the Hurndall and Miller families in their long search for justice; calls on the UK Government to call for appropriate action by the Israeli authorities in the light of the verdicts, noting the Coroner's advice that the UK may itself have the power to initiate proceedings should Israel fail to do so; expresses grave concern over Israel's failure properly to investigate other cases of international civilians and large numbers of Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli forces; is further concerned by the apparent culture of impunity which too often accompanies the actions of Israeli forces in the Occupied Territories; and, in condemning acts of violence against both Palestinian and Israeli civilians, calls on the international community to urge Israel to comply with international law in the Occupied Territories including the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and to withdraw from all occupied territories.


An Early Day Motion, or EDM, is a motion put down ("tabled") by Members of Parliament calling for a debate on a particular subject. In practice, their true modern-day purpose is to enable MPs to draw attention to an issue and to canvass support for their views by inviting other Members to add their signatures in support of the motion. If sufficient signatures are attained the issue is question is discussed at greater length. Members may table amendments to existing EDMs.


How to contact your MP:





MP NAME Your address

House of Commons



Dear _______ MP


Re:The Occupied Territories: most recently EDMs 2041 & 1984


I would be pleased to know that you've had time to consider signing the enclosed Early Day Motions, both of them relating to the Occupied Territories. You'll notice that I am your constituent and I am particularly worried about the impending humanitarian crisis if the EU aid is not resumed.

Please try to speak out in parliament and/or ask parliamentary questions relating to the peace process at any opportunity.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely



thanks people

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My spirit lives in London. Tell me something. Why should my Black African spirit contact it's MP on behalf Palastinian struggle?

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My spirit lives in London. Tell me something. Why should my Black African spirit contact it's MP on behalf Palestinian struggle?

for many reasons;



How long can you ignore the problem and remain silent? Just think, you are being cursed by the tearful Palestinian children for not helping them. They are crying out to you whilst you continue in your idle, pointless talks. How are you going to look them in the eye on the Day of Judgment when we will all be held accountable for our actions or shall I say inactions? More so, how will you be able to stand before our Lord, our Creator with your lame excuses about why you didn’t rise against the injustice?


Why should you not help, while white, non Muslim people are helping out and speaking out against the crimes being committed in Palestine. It is a shame.


As Farid Esak (a peace activist) said, do the people of Islam need those that sit comfortably with injustice and exploitation? An Islam that teaches you everything but acting against the oppression. If ones Islam does not lead us to active solidarity with the victims of oppression, then there are serious questions about the nature of ones Islam


It is everyone’s duty to be active and take part.

Be of those that are part of the struggles for justice, for an oppression free world. So that children in Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, Afgan, in Chechnya, and others we don’t even know of, can be liberated and are safe to walk the streets. In the words of Azam Tamimi (who kindly enlightened my university with his passionate words of wisdom), Wake up! This is a humanitarian issue. Why aren’t the Muslims at the forefront of the army? Rise up against oppression!


‘Do people think they will be left alone simply because they say we believe and not be tested?’ (Quran 29 :2-6)



Do you think God won’t ask you where you were in their hour of need and desperation when they were being abused, murdered, and brutalized…..think….Get your excuses ready guys….or do what you can to help them.


If you don't give two toss about religion, let me know and i will send them the white people's version, centred on democracy, freedom of life and liberty etc...


Are you convinced SB smile.gif


stop causing me grieve :D

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No, not convinced at all. Not even if you threaten to nuke me... in the microwave.


C'mon now, I as a black african have enough needy kinfolk to attend to for the rest of my life. You come to me and tell me instead I should re-direct my limited moral and material support to people I share nothing in common but faith? You're right, I don't care much for faith... that is as much as the next guy. Most people pay lip service to supporting their fellow co-religionist only to desert them -- for their base human self-interests -- in the hour of need.

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Ibtisam what is the point of actually contacting an MP when the Palestinian Authority aint even TOGETHER........They supposed to be on the same side...but some how they are trying to assasinate each other.........

:mad: :mad:

Israel foils plot to kill Palestinian president


A HAMAS plot to assassinate Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, has been thwarted after he was tipped off by Israeli intelligence.


Funny Indeeed gettin bombed one minute/the next getting intelligence from them...... :D


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Sb what is your point?



Scarface; "

after he was tipped off by Israeli intelligence.

We monitor every movement of Hamas in Gaza,†said an Israeli intelligence source. “So when we learnt that Abbas’s life was in danger, we made sure to inform him without delay

yeah right, :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


in any case, what is your point. It still remains the case that they need help.

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^^^^They need to help themselves

Be united and act as in the world can they get help if you have a palestianians who's working with the Isrealis to pass of intelligence for assasinations.......if a the people are'nt united...their struggle is wortheless.......


Couple of MP'S in the house of commmons presenting EDM's aint gonna do shit.....The only think that can end the suffering of the palestinian people is A UNITED MUSLIM WORLD.....The Palestinian Authority Shouldnt have to rely on American/EU AID.......If SAUDI Arabia and other oil riched countries only gave a 10% or maybe even less of their oil revenues to their brothers and sisters..........IT WOULD HELP....

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Look we are all free to direct our energy somewhere and do some good if we can. If a child is sick or hungry it is GOOD (for those of you who don't know the difference) to help out, same goes for Africa, Palastine, Latin America and anywhere else on this planet. Children are innocent, regardless of where they were born or into what faith. Not only Muslim children are worth helping. So if the sister wants to do something let her get on with it.

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IF if if this that or the other. You are not giving me a solution, just brushing it off, and pointing figures of what other should do, when you can't even be asked to send a short (pre written letter) to your MP.


The truth is If if, this and that does not solve anything, nor does it help.


If you are going to help, then help. At Least condemn the Israeli’s for making killing their children, for torturing and crippling and humiliating their whole nation. The oppressor makes innocents act in desperation, and then Muslims blames the reaction! If we offer no solution, but simply blame the victim for desperate acts, lack of unity etc.. we are guilty of misguiding public opinion and playing into the hands of the Israeli propaganda machine. Yes I agree that they need unity between themselves, but they have bigger problems to confront and they need help. The fact of the matter is that, yes the Palestinian people are in a humiliated position, and Israelis are committing gross injustices.

It is true the Muslims I meet offer the Palestinians nothing more then lip service.


In general Muslims always complain about things but don’t do anything. Muslim in the West need to understand that they need to campaign politically to get what they want. Especially Somalis. This is not just a Palestinian issue, everyone should have campaigned about injustices in the world, whether it be Arabs killing in Darfur 500,000 Black African Muslims in the biggest genocide in the last decade or Palestinians or Somalia and their internal problems.



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^^^^Alright gurl I chip in my 2 cents AFTER them damn mP'S sort out my immigration matters..... :D:D


you wanna join me bomb the jews....NOW :eek:

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gotta put my needs first.....sINCE you into helpin hands why dont you volunteer and work with the suffering Palestinian CHILDREN??


Thinks the english weather got into her......or maybe its the FISH & CHIPS....... icon_razz.gif go down to your local chippy and forget about it...coz palestian will always be in the suffering for a very long time....THAT land will never settle :cool:

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SORRY SIS am not disrepecting you or anything, but i wouldn't think twice about helping palastenians.. I know them, I've been neighbors with them, classmte, friend.. everthing. Plastenians are the clone of gews... That's what i think.

Are you by any chance half somali half palestenian?

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What do you do when the local MP is either Isreali by origin or ProIsreali by keeping his/her job, not only they give Isreal 15 million dollar a day to humilate the Palestians, but the question is what will? the west gain from straving the inonncent children!


By punishing democratically elected goverment, this tells you who's the Boss in here, it's a strange world when world's greatest countries like US, Uk parroting what ever the jewish state tells them precisely to do, and act, and it's more stranger when they choose who will gonna go to the White house or the Whiteahall and see the president or the prime Minister. Jewish power rules and here to stay, wheather it rules by proxy or direct it has got the same effect, end -result, and immensely disastrous.


(17:4: And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture, that indeed you would do mischief on the earth twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant! )


"Wal Caaqibatu Lil Mutaqiin"!

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