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The Russians know how things should be done

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^What the word "suicide" means needs to be fully clarified, to die for a cuase or with an intent in some people's dictionary does not mean suicide even if it was one's own action...

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African students seem to be catching a break from the beatings and murders. The Nazis have another group to kick around for a bit and will no doubt go back to gang beating immigrants.

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I'm sure someone will say this will just draw the usual suspects



JB never fails to disappoint :D (he is predictable our lad from Svedska). Great rant there by the way icon_razz.gif


As for the skin heads, they have their beliefs/convictions (doesnt matter if you agree or not) and will never give it up. An admirable trait no? (in the context of where this thread is heading)


I rephrase my earlier comment. You gotta love them skin headz 'sometimes'.

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Johnny B   

^Am i beeing accused for beeing so predictable or are you flaunting of beeing smart?


As the saying goes, Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. :D

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Originally posted by Northerner:

I rephrase my earlier comment. You gotta love them skin headz 'sometimes'.

Some-time love! Its getting complex man - i'm sure they will be as considerate

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Originally posted by Caano Geel:

quote:Originally posted by Northerner:

I rephrase my earlier comment. You gotta love them skin headz 'sometimes'.

Some-time love! Its getting complex man - i'm sure they will be as considerate
Dont have to worry about them any more ;)


JB, your homo support was predictable icon_razz.gif

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reminds me of the Richard Pryor joke about teaching your wife to run. So that if you get mugged, instead of having haul her as$ out on your back, you can have a joke about each others times when you get home ;)

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Originally posted by Cara:

, Alexey there isn't planting bombs in markets, lobbing grenades at his opponents or calling for the assassinations of those right-wingers. Believe me, as soon as he starts any of that business "foolish cowardly doqon" will be the mildest epithet I would use to describe him. As Centurion said, you've lost all sense of perspective if you can't admire someone's bravery, even if you disagree with their stance. Likewise, I was in admiration of the Islamists' Pan-Somali convictions right up until they left the teenagers to fight the Xabashis while they turned tail and ran. I believe they claimed to be retreating to protect civilian lives... civilian lives they no longer seem to care about to quite the same degree.


If today you decided to back up house and head for Somalia to fight them occupiers yourself I would think you were brave and honorable and lived by your word. But if you sit in your safe, air-conditioned apartment and call for death and destruction without sense or aim then I think Alexey is a better man than you are. Being a man isn't about who you do, it's what you do

Firsly, Liberation and resistance is not only achieved through fighting. Secondly only people who secretly or openly admire the Ethiopians and their other brethren label giving moral support to the freedom fighters as "cowardice". Lastly, who told you the "Islamists" cut and ran, whislt sending children to die? The Sheikhs, commanders and many of the leaders are still in Somalia resisting.

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Ms DD   

I wonder what would happen if there was such demos in Mogadishu or anywhere in Somalia? Liberal lefties would have a battle on their hands then.

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