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Odaygan yaree gaaban, anu hero iima aha koo dhe..


My heroes always has been....always will be....without a doubt the young men in my signature!

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Its important to keep that sense of bewilderment and mystique about you as a Politician and a symbol of traditional islam.


Exposing yourself to your dictrators is not good for your image especially when they invite you and then mock you. I know as a sincere muslim that he accepted that invite but in such a situation caution and wisdom should have been persued by him.


I heard that at Columbia, he made a comment to the effect that the Holocost did happen but what does that have to do with the Palestenian people???(in reference to Palestenians paying for the suffering of the jews by having their home invaded!)


If anyone can post that quote, it would be appreciated.


Inshallah, may allah preserve the believing men and women of this ummah.

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probably, the only heros i can think off are the ppl who fought for the somali ppl independence. they are many but it looks like we forgot about them in our lil sad clan pickering.


i hope some day, we will remember them.

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Originally posted by Khayr:

I heard that at Columbia, he made a comment to the effect that the
Holocost did happen but what does that have to do with the Palestenian people???
(in reference to Palestenians paying for the suffering of the jews by having their home invaded!)


If anyone can post that quote, it would be appreciated.

"MR. COATSWORTH: A further set of questions challenge your view of the Holocaust. Since the evidence that this occurred in Europe in the 1940s as a result of the actions of the German Nazi government, since that -- those facts are well-documented, why are you calling for additional research? There seems to be no purpose in doing so, other than to question whether the Holocaust actually occurred as an historical fact. Can you explain why you believe more research is needed into the facts of what are -- what is incontrovertible?


PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD: Thank you very much for your question. I am an academic, and you are as well. Can you argue that researching a phenomenon is finished forever, done? Can we close the books for good on a historical event? There are different perspectives that come to light after every research is done. Why should we stop research at all? Why should we stop the progress of science and knowledge? You shouldn't ask me why I'm asking questions. You should ask yourselves why you think that it's questionable.


Why do you want to stop the progress of science and research? Do you ever take what's known as absolute in physics? We had principles in mathematics that were granted to be absolute in mathematics for over 800 years, but new science has gotten rid of those absolutism, gotten -- forward other different logics of looking at mathematics, and sort of turned the way we look at it as a science altogether after 800 years. So we must allow researchers, scholars to investigate into everything, every phenomenon -- God, universe, human beings, history, and civilization. Why should we stop that?


I'm not saying that it didn't happen at all. This is not (the ?) judgment that I'm passing here. I said in my second question, granted this happened, what does it have to do with the Palestinian people? This is a serious question. They're two dimension. In the first question, I --"


Full speech and questions and answers.

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He is definately one hell-of-a-MAN, he speaks his mind without attempting to please the US and CO. I was intrigued and glued to my seat as i watched him ,respond to their questions and answered them very intelligently.Very Smart man indeed.Too bad there isnt any arab leader that can do such.


I loved his classic opening praising the coming of the mahdi, talk about instilling fear.

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Do we have an example in this leader?


The Fox News TV (US) asked the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; ” When you look into the mirror in the morning what do you say to yourself”? He answered: I see the person in the mirror and tells him ” Remember, you are no more than a small servant, ahead of you today is the heavy responsibility, and that is to serve the Iranian nation”. And this was how the broadcaster introduced him.


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President who astonished many when he first reached to the office of the Presidency by donating all the high valued Iranian carpets to one of the mosques in Tehran by replacing them with the low cost ordinary carpets. He observed that there was a huge extravagant langue for receiving and welcoming the VIPs and he ordered it to be closed and asked the protocol office to arrange for an ordinary room instead with the wooden chairs, though more impressive in fact! On many instances he joins the cleaning staff of the municipality for cleaning the streets in the area where his home and the Presidency office locates.


Under his authority whenever he appoints any minister to his post he gets a signed document from him with many points, particularly highlighting that he shall remain poor and that his personal and his relatives accounts will be watched and the day he leaves the ministry shall be with dignity, and therefore it is not lawful for him or his relatives to take any advantage of his office.


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was born on October 28, 1956. He is the 6th and current president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He became president on 6 August 2005 after winning the 2005 presidential election. Ahmadinejad’s current term will end in August, 2009, but he will be eligible to run for one more term in office in 2009 presidential elections. Before becoming president, he was the Mayor of Tehran. First of all he declared himself all the “Big” wealth and property he owned was a Peugeot 504 car, model 1977, an old small house inherited from his father forty years ago in one of the poorest zones in Tehran. His accounts with a zero balance and the only money comes in to his a/c was from his salary from the university as a lecturer with an amount of US $250 only.


For your information the President still lives in that same house. This is all what he owns; the president of one of the world’s important countries; strategically, economically, politically and with regard to its oil and defense.


He even doesn’t take his personal salary with the argument that all the wealth belongs to the nation and he is the safeguard over it. One of the things that impressed the staff at the presidency is the bag the president brings with him every day, which contains his breakfast; some sandwiches or bread with olive oil and cheese prepared by his wife and eats and enjoys it with all happiness, While he stopped all the deliveries of the special food used to come for the president.


One of the other things he changed was his personal carrier “The President’s Aircraft” to a cargo aircraft in order to save the spending from the public treasury and he ordered that he will be flying with the ordinary airline in the economic class.


He organizes meetings every now and then with all the ministers to know their activities and efficiency and he closed down the office of the manager of the president and any minister can enter to his office without any permission. He also stopped the welcome ceremonies like the red carpet, the photo session or any personal advertisement or respect of any kind while visiting any place in the country.


Whenever he has to stay in any of the hotels he asks them to make sure not to give him a room with any big bed because he doesn’t like to sleep on beds but rather likes to sleep on the ground on a simple mattress with a blanket. Does any of such manners and practices shows any disrespect for the high post of the president?




The Iranian president is sleeping in the guest room of his house after getting away from his special guards who follow him wherever he goes and photo is taken by his small brother according to the Wifaq Newspaper which published this photo and the next day the photo was published in most of the world’s newspapers and magazines and particularly the Americans.


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^^^How many arab "boqors" u know will sleep like that? This man is humble and he started his speech with bismillahi. RESPECT. Interesting to see what happens NEXT.


Theirry...its the system man the....system works like that...but columbia is great university.

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^^Arab boqors are preparing to take part the war against iran. that shows where are the arab boqors are. but kudos to iran, basically those who hate them are nothing more than facists, racists and homosexuals.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

My heroes always has been....always will be....without a doubt the young men in my signature!

Well said...



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ bal yeey yihiin those men in her avator? i was always on the assumption they are some mooriyaans.

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^^^What or Who are Mooriyaans?


Those men on Nephthys signature are non other then the freedom fighter's of Somalia Galbeed.

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