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Fanax or Fantax?

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'Fanaxleey faceeda ka roon' bay hooyadeey iigu wici jirtay... :D:D


**Leaves feeling damn proud of her big ol' gapped teeth**

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hmmm! Can you spit through that thing? or carry a chicken leg in it, or other food particals? :D


Now that I think about all the fun stuff you could do with a gap, I'm thinking I might very well want one.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

hmmm! Can you spit through that thing? or carry a
chicken leg
in it, or other food particals?


:D:D Walaahi waad iga qosolsiisay.


Fanaxda yar waa qurux, laakiin mida carabka kasoo dhexbaxaayo is too much.

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You have a point, and yes there are exceptions to the rule. One example is that brazilian malab aka Mr de Lima. He is so handsome, that I am willing to overlook those rotten teeth of his and put the braces on him with my african hands. I want his whole mouth to come together, so he can probably smile without giving me a stroke.


Can you really ask for anything more than that@ng?

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i support the fanax movement as well as the fanaxi's dental hygiene. for this reason, i present to you my niece's jump rope; you can use it to floss.


*hands ngonge a pink jump rope*

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:



'Fanaxleey faceeda ka roon' bay hooyadeey iigu wici jirtay...


**Leaves feeling damn proud of her big ol' gapped teeth**

^ :D my cousin says that to my neice markay sasabayso .. i suppose you cant tell a lil kid how ugly the gap is .. but eventually they will find out :D

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Originally posted by shaken and deterred:

i support the fanax movement as well as the fanaxi's dental hygiene. for this reason, i present to you my niece's jump rope; you can use it to floss.


*hands ngonge a pink jump rope*


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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

my cousin says that to my neice markay sasabayso .. i suppose you cant tell a lil kid how ugly the gap is .. but eventually they will find out

Ugly? Who you calling ugly? And what would 'they' find out? :mad: :mad:

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^ :D dadka labada fool dhexdooda babaq weyn ku leh ayaan haystaa


if you were to objectively judge that wouldn't u say it's a lil bit ugly kk ?


Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:


sidoo kale intaan arkay dadka fanaxda weyn leh wey gano dhaadheeriyihiin this is a direct correlation .. case in point the pic ^

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

hmmm! Can you spit through that thing? or carry a chicken leg in it, or other food particals?


Now that I think about all the fun stuff you could do with a gap, I'm thinking I might very well want one.

Bad idea...



Security Gap in Condoleezza Rice's Front Teeth Exposed

By Jason Simpson


Washington D.C. - Members of the American Dental Association testifying before the 9/11 Commission identified the gap in Condoleezza Rice’s teeth as a major security threat.




Dr Regis Lasko, DDS, showed the problem by displaying dental records of Dr. Rice. "As you can see here, between the incisors, along the apex of the dental arch," Lasko pointed at a large projection of Rice's smile, “Here is the wide area where any number of dangerous objects could penetrate."

"You can clearly see how this could be compromised," Lasko continued. "One way of exploiting this might be to slip a tiny microphone into Rice's mouth. It would be disastrous to have our National Security Advisor’s every word recorded by terrorists."

Others have suggested similar scenarios in which a microphone as well as studio recording and editing equipment could be placed into Rice's mouth through her front teeth. This could result in a puppet version of our current Security Advisor, who would say anything her controlling infiltrators commanded.

This evidence confirms earlier testimony by former antiterrorism chief Richard Clarke. He testified that he wrote several memos expressing concern the gap could be compromised, but they were ignored because the Bush administration was more concerned about Dr. Rice's hair.

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^ :D:D:D (even our SOL smiles are fanaxayaal)


So many Haters ! come on my fanax comrades lets smile and make them green with envy :D

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